Sex & Libido

Looking for a higher sex drive? Questions about libido? Let's learn about our bodies and hormones!

Different Diets and Effects on Hormones

New year, new you, new diet? If you’re like almost a quarter of last year’s New Year’s resolution makers, then you’ve made a vow to lose weight and improve your eating. When the new year comes around, so many women feel prompted to throw themselves into detoxes, fad diets, and get-fit-quick plans in an effort to undo the damage of holiday indulgence. But do any of these trends actually work? While every diet that comes across your social media feed this month will undoubtedly promise to transform your life, it’s important to understand how these diets affect your hormones.  This is important if you’re trying to lose weight and you’re struggling with PCOS, Fibroids, Endometriosis, or any other menstrual or fertility issue.  

Different Diets and Effects on Hormones

It’s really important to look at your whole hormonal picture when trying to figure out how best to lose weight. If you’re struggling with any of the menstrual conditions we treat at The FLO Living Hormone Center, then focusing first on restricting calories instead of reducing estrogen levels is going to result in no weight lost and worsening of your symptoms. You likely already know this from trying so many different diets to lose weight, and thinking that your period issues weren’t tied into it, and not achieving lasting results.   I myself know this personally, as a former PCOS sufferer weighing over 200 lbs. I tried all the different diets and exercise plans and not only couldn’t get the scale to budge, but also continued to see my symptoms get worse. What I learned is that the whole premise of separating out weight, skin issues, period issues, mood issues or anything else for that matter is beyond inefficient.  They body is encoded with a pattern that requires specific support and then like magic, things start to hum along the way they should and you don’t have any more struggle.So, let’s look at all the different diets, and their impact on your hormones, so you can make the right decision for you.

The Ketogenic Diet

This low-carb plan is intended to put your body into ketosis, a natural process that occurs when you restrict glucose and start burning fat as a fuel source. People on this type of diet usually eat less than 50 grams of carbs a day. Think of it as an even more carb-restrictive, fat-heavy form of Paleo or Atkins, which both glorify protein and fat and villainize carbs.  Upside: You’ll be less likely to consume processed junk if you’re seeking out fresh, whole foods, and you’ll likely feel satiated thanks to the ample protein and fat, even though most carbs will be off the table. Hormonal Downside: There is conflicting information on the effects of this diet on your thyroid health and much of it concludes that it affects T3 production.  With so many women struggling with hypothyroidism, it’s important to know this can adversely affect you.  

Raw Vegan

Just about everyone needs to consume raw fruits and veggies on a regular basis, but a true raw vegan diet means that none of the plant-based-only foods you eat can be heated over 104-118 degrees F, and absolutely nothing should be pasteurized, refined, treated with pesticides, or processed. Advocates of raw veganism believe cooking food destroys important enzymes and reduces their nutritional content. Upside: Loading up on organic, fiber-rich fruits and veggies is always a good idea!  An abundance of these can improve your digestion and improve heart health, reduce cholesterol and inflammation. The influx of antioxidants can clear your skin and, according to some research, contribute to cancer prevention. Hormonal Downside:  Studies have linked strict raw food diet to amenorrhea. If dysbiosis is present, (if you’re using any synthetic birth control, then your gut microbiome is out of whack) you will not absorb your nutrients from raw foods as well which can lead to a micronutrient deficiency due to leaky gut. This can compromise your entire hormonal system and present with a whole host of symptoms from missing periods to mood issues to weight gain. Additionally, according to Chinese medicine, this type of diet is too cooling which can make the reproductive system more sluggish. This means your tendency for delayed periods can be worsened, you can have delayed ovulation, or even heavier bleeding as a result.


The wheat in proteins known as gluten has gotten a particularly bad rap in recent years, and for good reason: it’s not good for your hormonal health, which is why I recommend removing it from your diet when you follow the FLO Living protocol. But many diets advocate removing sometimes all grains for the purpose of dropping LBs.   Upside: Some people believe cutting grains can alleviate brain fog, and others turn to the restrictive diet to drop pounds fast. Hormonal Downside:  If you struggle with cravings and binge eating, going grain free is going to set you up for major cravings and make you vulnerable to more binge moments of irregular insulin levels, which can throw off ovulation and wreak havoc on metabolism and fat loss.  

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting involves cycling between periods of time when it’s okay to eat and when food is off the table. There are various ways to do it (for example, allowing food for an 8-hour window during the day and fasting the other 16), but proponents claim it can help regulate blood sugar and burn fat. Upside: People drawn to intermittent fasting have likely read of clinical studies examining its ability to lower the risk of various diseases and promote new cell growth.  Hormonal Downside: Doing this incorrectly and simply skipping meals is not good for your hormones. Depriving your body of nourishment for extra long stretches of time can negatively impact hormones like cortisol, insulin, estrogen, and progesterone, which, of course, can completely throw your cycle off kilter.

What Really Leads to Results?

Do all these disparate diets have benefits? Of course — but if you’re a woman, as you’re seeing, you’re not getting the half the story that pertains to your biology. The cyclical nature of your biochemistry isn’t cut out for rigid food plans that call for the same foods day in and day out. And to nourish your body adequately, you certainly aren’t meant to restrict or eliminate essential macro and micronutrients, which is what so many of these diets do. Any diet plan — no matter how flexible it may seem — is by nature restrictive. And when you restrict food groups in any way, you’re in danger of creating a micronutrient deficiency, which can be exacerbated if you’re microbiome is out of whack, you’ve been on the birth control pill, or you’ve experienced any kind of hormonal imbalance. And restricting in one area generally means overdosing on another, which can throw your body off balance as well (for example, veggie-heavy raw vegan diets typically lack the adequate amino acids necessary to produce sufficient hormone levels and animal protein-heavy diets can lead to liver congestion and estrogen dominance, the biggest culprit in hormonal dysfunction).

Eating Right For Your Hormones to Achieve Optimal Weight

I’ve talked so much about how I’ve lost 60 lbs twice over (once when I healed my PCOS and once after my pregnancy) and did it by harnessing my hormones and supporting my metabolism, not by restricting and struggling. You have to work with your body’s internal weight management system - a.k.a. hormones - to get results. But as women, when it comes to all of the diets marketed, they totally ignore our cyclical, fluctuating hormones. It’s never mentioned.  You are essentially given information that is really only totally appropriate if you have male 24-hour hormonal patterns. It is only in that situation that eating the same way day in and day out makes sense.  Well, you do not have male hormonal patterns, as you well know. But because so many of us don’t know what our hormonal patterns are in the first place, we don’t know that we’re being short-changed in the world of diets.  What you do need is a way to eat foods that support each phase of your cycle because of course you have different micronutrient needs each week as your body is doing something very distinct each week inside the world of the ovary and uterus. Your body isn’t the same every day and your diet shouldn’t be either! I created this phase-based eating concept 15 years ago to support the function of the hormones produced in a specific time frame throughout the cycle.

The Cycle Syncing Method™

Eating specific foods each week of your cycle and changing that selection of foods as you change phases of the cycle to support optimal hormone balance and metabolism.  Upside: Provides the most variety of micronutrients to support overall hormonal balance.  Provides key foods at critical times to help break down excess levels of estrogen that can cause breakouts and PMS. Improves the quality of your bleed. Improves fertility, sex drive, energy and mood.Hormonal Downside: You’ll realize how much time you have lost feeling bloated, fat, fatigued, moody, and crampy when you never had to.  You’ll enjoy a wide variety of cuisines - macrobiotic, raw, ketogenic, mediterranean, some intermittent fasting and not ever get stuck doing one day in and day out for academic reasons.  The true differentiator for the FLO protocol, whose fourth step is The Cycle Syncing Method™,  is the integration of you and your body’s needs into the plan itself; in order to restore and reclaim your hormonal health, everything about your diet and lifestyle should be relevant and relative to your female biochemistry. No singular diet trend or food plan will give you that — only FLO will. But the key is that the foods you consume change from phase to phase — that means you get access to the most beneficial aspects of all of these different diets and you avoid forcing your body to do the same thing each and every day in the same way. That kind of monotonous, one-sided diet plan just doesn’t reflect the physiological shifts taking place in the female body, and it doesn’t set you up for success.

Eat Like a Woman

If you’re ready to be done with yo-yo diets, raging symptoms, and total hormonal chaos, it’s time to commit to a long-term lifestyle that works with the elegant ebbs and flows of your hormones. MonthlyFLO is the first-ever woman-centric health system that syncs with your unique rhythm. It gives you the foundation for solving any hormonal issues you may have over your lifetime. Over three months, you’ll be guided step-by-step to make simple, cumulative food and lifestyle changes that balance your hormones naturally. Make this the year you make a sustainable change and achieve real, lasting success. Alisa

Monthly FLO: The Cycle Syncing System™

Put your period symptoms into remission. Discover how to live in your FLO and get it all done with embodied time management.

MonthlyFLO is the first-ever woman-centric health system that syncs with your unique rhythm. It gives you the foundation for solving any hormonal issues you may have over your lifetime.Using the principles of functional nutrition, MonthlyFLO is a specially-sequenced food therapy program that recalibrates your endocrine function. Over three months, you will be guided step-by-step to make simple, cumulative food and lifestyle changes that balance your hormones naturally.Click here to learn more about the life-changing Monthly FLO Program

The missing key to unlocking your best sex

It’s hard to not think of love and sex this week, and whether you’re coupled up or flying solo, it’s a great time to reacquaint yourself with what self-love is all about. One major way so many of us are missing out in that department? Denying ourselves the pleasure of our biggest, best, most mind-blowing orgasms imaginable. What if I told you that by simply adding one lifestyle tweak to your routine, you could gain game-changing insight into the exact kind of stimulation that will get you off and leave you satisfied and sexually fulfilled every day of the month? The solution isn’t complicated, and you owe it to yourself to unlock the secret.In so many ways, the tide finally feels like it’s starting to turn in favor of female empowerment. But there’s one (okay, more than one) major unspoken burden that continues to be placed on women, and it’s a deep-rooted mythology surrounding the female sex drive. Thanks to a long lineage of patriarchal norms and a society steeped in pornographic images catering to male pleasure, we’ve all been fed a big lie: you should feel the same level of desire and need the same kind of stimulation any day of any month, and that your sex drive is entirely separate from your period. Before I totally tear this myth to shreds, I have to preface it with this disclaimer: If you have a hormonal imbalance resulting in an unaddressed issue like PMS, PCOS, or a host of other endocrine problems, then yes, you may absolutely be experiencing a lower-than-normal libido. But those issues all have a simple fix one you find the right information. And yes, it’s also true that the stress of work, parenting, relationships, and more can all take you out of your sexy zone. But they can do that to men too...and yet you rarely hear about men grappling with these same struggles.

The One Piece of Info That’s Dampening Your Sex Drive

This isn’t a trivial topic, ladies: in our patriarchal, porn-obsessed culture, women — and men — just aren’t taught to understand female physiology. And that’s a big deal because our bodies don’t work on the same 24-hour clock that men’s bodies do. Our needs, emotions, energy, and desires fluctuate from week to week of each cycle, and you better believe those hormonal ups and downs have a major effect on sex drive and performance.We’re about to get real here, so listen up: we all know there’s nothing more frustrating than having a mismatch in your sex drives and moods. For example, imagine a time when your partner is all raring to go and wants to have the kind of hot and heavy, fast and furious sex that would be great if you were in your ovulatory phase, but you’re not; you’re in your way more lowkey luteal phase and you’re biologically craving long, drawn-out, sensual sexy time (think: a half-hour make-out session followed by all the heavy petting and clitoral stimulation you can get). This situation is not win-win, your choices are to go along for the ride and risk not enjoying yourself the way you want, or to say no to the advance all together. Told you. #RealTalk.This scenario isn’t fun, and it often leaves you frustrated. But I guarantee if your partner knew which week it was according to your cycle and what exactly her or she had to do in advance of your sex session to help you enjoy the moment, he or she’d get to business! Not only would you both get exactly what you wanted out of the interaction, but there’d be no emotional baggage, no blaming, no passive aggression or overt aggression — basically, you’d both avoid all the bad kind of friction and only get the extra good kind of friction.

Female Sexuality Isn’t Static; It’s Cyclical

This insight isn’t just essential for couples though — understanding your cycle can completely transform your solo play experience (which, by the way, is crucial to good hormonal health). There’s this expectation that we should all feel the same and be turned on the same way and have the same kind of response that we do in our ovulatory phase (when our sex drives are soaring) every day of the month. But that’s just not biologically accurate or sound and it’s a totally unreasonable standard to hold yourself to. All that unrealistic expectation does is disconnect you from your sexuality — again, not cool. Your body has a cyclical pattern and you need to acknowledge that in the way you’re self pleasuring. Each week of your cycle, your hormones change and you need to approach your sex life accordingly. One week, you might just need a few minutes of quick stimulation to get off, and other weeks, you might need to break out the lube and read something that really turns on you. Your specific desire depends entirely on what’s happening with your hormones, and knowing that information will empower you to access the right tools in your arsenal at the right time.

Meeting Your Sexual Needs Matters More Than You Think

If you think these are trivial details, thing again: by omitting the female physiological experience from the sex drive conversation, women are made to constantly feel at fault for failing to rise to the occasion. If you’re not feeling super hot and ready for action, you can’t help but feel like there’s something wrong with you or you’re falling short in some way. This only perpetuates the inner critical voice that further disconnects us from our bodies and denies us the right to get our own needs met. This perspective doesn’t make any sense, and once you become tuned into the very real hormonal fluctuations that affect your drive and desire (and the strategies for working with them, not against them), you won’t believe you ever spent a minute feeling bad about your own biology. Knowing your body and making choices that complement its inherent wisdom will embolden you with profound confidence — a quality that’s infinitely more sexy than any piece of lacy lingerie.

The Solution to the Sex Drive Disparity

So what’s the solution here? It’s simple: Download the MyFlo app now and watch everything fall into place. If you’re trying to set up a more cycle-friendly solo play schedule, the app will get to know your unique cycle and offer suggestions for how to make the most out of everyday activities — including self-pleasuring. And if you’re coupled up, count on the one-of-a-kind Partner Sync feature. It actually sends timely emailed updates on where you're at in your cycle so they always know how you feel and what you need. I've been cycle syncing my marriage since the beginning and can tell's a game changer. Let go of the guilt and get the love you deserve, ladies — it’s time! Love and ovaries,Alisa

Do You Know the Easiest Way to Fix Your Period Symptoms?

You don’t need to keep suffering with annoying symptoms that drain your energy for 1-2 weeks every single month. In fact, you can start having a better period as soon as your next period.MyFLO is the first-ever functional medicine period tracker that ALSO helps you fix your symptoms. MyFLO will help you understand why you have symptoms and what to do to improve them with food. It will also teach you how to Cycle Sync™ the 5 main areas of your life: food, exercise, work, relationships, and sex.Have a Better Period with MyFLOWhen you follow MyFLO’s weekly recommendations, you’ll get rid of frustrating symptoms and learn how to optimize your energy to be more productive and have better relationships.Click here to get MyFLO for iPhoneClick here to get MyFLO for Android

The 5 Supplements You MUST Have To Increase Sex Drive

It can happen to just about any woman at any time...

  • A 20-something career woman busting her butt on the job and seeing her period problems escalate the higher her stress levels rise.
  • A new mom who’s just freakin’ tired and feels like she never quite got back to her old self after baby.
  • A chronic worrier coping with the early effects of perimenopause in her late 30s despite a pretty regular period—everything seems fine with her flow, but she can feel herself aging way too fast and way too soon.
  • A long-time birth control user who’s now noticing some major side effects after quitting the pill.

What do all these ladies have in common? A zero-mile-per-hour sex drive that’s left them feeling flat, frustrated, and completely out of touch with their femininity.Maybe you recognize yourself in one of these women, or you have a friend, family member, or romantic partner struggling to feel sexy. No matter which one of these scenarios you connect to, the bottom line is that they’re all rooted in reality and a missing libido isn’t just a figment of the imagination—it’s a concrete phenomenon that’s unfortunately an all-too-common consequence of endocrine dysfunction.

Why are so many women dealing with low sex drive?

There are so many overlooked factors that can contribute to hormonal chaos and low sex drive, but few medical experts will ever dare broach the topic. And it’s important to spell out what we mean when we’re talking about “low sex drive”: you could either be dealing with a lack of desire for sex or a lack of sexual responsiveness (i.e. mind-blowing orgasms—or any orgasms at all). Both scenarios are a problem, and both qualify as low libido.

Here are a few reasons your sex drive might be stalled:

  • You’re beyond stressed. Don’t discount the profound physical effects psychological factors can have, especially on your libido. Everything from stress, anxiety, and depression to poor body image, low self-esteem, and history of abuse can significantly impact your sex drive.
  • You’ve been on birth control for any length of time. A study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine revealed that women who have taken the birth control pill may find that, as well as having had low sex drive when on the pill, that this side effect persists even when they stop taking it. The researchers discovered that the impact the birth control pill has on women’s testosterone levels can cause them to have a permanently suppressed sex drive when compared to women who have never used the birth control pill.
  • You’re over 35. Perimenopause has a profound effect on your entire endocrine system, and can spin your sex drive out of whack. Before 35, your desire is driven primarily by the biological impetus to reproduce and your libido peaks around ovulation each month. After 35, as your hormone levels start to shift, your body just isn’t not as strongly driven by that natural instinct and it will require external direction in the form of nutritional and physical cues.
  • You have an endocrine issue like PCOS. Women with PCOS typically either experience low libido as a result of low testosterone levels and high sex hormone binding globulin levels (SHBG) or a high libido (along with acne and hair loss/unwanted hair growth). Either imbalance of masculine and femininity can create a disconnect between your emotions and your libido, making sex a struggle, even if the desire is there.

The 5 Supplements You Need to Support Your Sex Drive

When it comes to healing hormonal dysfunction, food is always your best ally. But let’s be real: if your libido is lagging, you’re already tired, stressed, and dealing with one too many things on your plate. Fixing your eating habits will be crucial, but at this moment, you’re in crisis mode. You need tools that will fast track your healing so you feel motivated and empowered to keep making the right self-care choices. The easiest way to do that? Supplements. Here are the five you’ve gotta have on hand in order to kickstart the sexual healing:

1. B Vitamins support your adrenal glands by preventing the breakdown of too much dopamine and serotonin during stressful times, leaving enough for us to remain buoyant and energized.

2. Zinc helps to boost your testosterone production and prevents testosterone being turned into estrogen by blocking the enzyme responsible.

3. Omega-3 fatty acids help balance out your progesterone and estrogen levels, which in turn will increase dopamine, which will, in turn, help you produce more nitric oxide. This is absolutely essential for the dilation of blood vessels and tumescence that leads to bigger and better orgasms.

4. Magnesium makes it harder for your testosterone to bind onto proteins and allows for more of it to remain “free” in your bloodstream – which is exactly how you want it to be for a higher sex drive. Higher levels of free testosterone makes for more desire. Magnesium also combats anxiety and prevents depressive feelings, helping you enjoy yourself more.

5. Probiotics may not directly affect your sex hormones, but they do impact your mental health, which—as you already know—directly affects your sex drive. Studies have linked psychiatric disorders like depression to imbalanced gut bacteria and probiotics have the power to restore microbiome balance.

Love and ovaries,


Major Study Links Birth Control to Breast Cancer: What You Need to Know

If you’ve been following FLO Living for a while, then you already know my feelings on synthetic hormones. Far too often, thepill and all other forms of hormonal birth control (patches, implants, IUDs, etc.) are marketed as the only way to treat period problems along with being fearfully positioned as the only reliable form of pregnancy prevention available to women. Not only is that information untrue; it perpetuates a culture that doesn’t take our unique health needs as women seriously. It’s starting to feel like a bad case of deja vu: yet another study has emerged calling the safety of hormonal birth control into question. Each time this happens, it’s a strong reinforcement of the work we do here at FLO Living to help women become their own best healers of hormonal dysfunction. But this new research is so major and the results are so glaringly clear, perhaps it will be the scientific impetus for women on synthetic forms of birth control to rethink their choices.The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine this month, followed 1.8 million Danish women for over a decade. During that time, 11,517 cases of breast cancer were identified, leading researchers to the conclusion that hormone users overall experienced a 20% increase in their relative risk of breast cancer compared to nonusers. If those numbers seem hard to wrap your brain around, think of it this way: each year, hormonal birth control causes an additional 13 cases of breast cancer in a group made up of 100,000 women. So for every 100,000 women on the pill, there will be 68 annual breast cancer diagnoses compared to 55 for non-birth-control users.If you find this revelation alarming — and I certainly do — then you’ll want to know the details and understand your options so you can make the most informed choice around your fertility, your health, and your life. This issue is far too important to ignore.

The Problem With Conventional Wisdom on Birth Control

This is what’s so frustrating about conventional women’s health. As Dr. Marisa Weiss, an oncologist who founded the website told the New York Times, “Gynecologists just assumed that a lower dose of hormone meant a lower risk of cancer.”   This of course is referring to the first wave of the pill that had a higher dose of hormones that at first was deemed safe for women, and then shown to cause cancer risk.  So the doses were lowered, but as the new study shows, the risk is still there.  Remember also that HRT (synthetic hormone replacement) was the gold standard treatment for menopausal women 20 years ago, until the cancer risk there was surfaced as well.I’m frustrated by the culture of prescribing “treatments” to women based on assumptions where there isn’t enough research being done to support them. And when groundbreaking research like this is done, study findings will often be dismissed in some way because it doesn’t align with the status quo. It’s just become a cultural norm to feed women information that isn’t rooted in fact and as a consequence, women all over the world are making major decisions about their health care without adequate information. In this glorious age of information, this should not be.The good news is that the current generation of women is questioning the status quo of their menstrual health care. Health and wellness has become a trendy lifestyle choice for these young women, and many are now starting to realize that the concept of medicating their cycles (even when that’s the prescription their doctor ordered) feels out of alignment with their values. And if you’re one of these women starting to have doubts about the widely-accepted medical protocols around the female cycle, that’s great. You should follow that intuition and know that beyond this study, there is a long list of mounting evidence that should call your trust in hormonal birth control as a method for “dealing with period problems” into question.

The Rise in Synthetic Birth Control Syndrome

Over the past 16 years of treating tens of thousands of women around the world, most of whom have been on some form of birth control to address their period problems, I’ve seen first hand what researchers have been uncovering for many years - a phenomenon referred to as ‘synthetic birth control syndrome’.  You may recall trying one form of birth control, and feeling not yourself or worse in the first few days.  You are then advised to hop from one form to another until you can find one your body can tolerate.  Regardless of how you feel you’re tolerating the synthetic hormones, they will absolutely do the following 3 things - stop you from ovulating and having an actual period, flush micronutrients from your system, and compromise your immune function by disturbing your microbiome.  Oh, and there’s the potential to permanently lowering your sex drive.  Those initial feelings of discomfort you may have had and were told to tolerate, were too much for men in a trial to test a form of male hormonal birth control and the men would not complete the trial!  Here are just a few of the detrimental things we already know birth control can do that we’ve shared about with you in other articles:

Not to mention, all forms of hormonal birth control used to “treat” problematic issues like PCOS and PMS are simply masking the root cause of those issues. Birth control is simply a Band-Aid, which can be a dangerous non-solution; once you come off the method, the problems will return and potentially have worse symptoms than before, as well as becoming harder to treat and resolve. By continuing to take the pill or use other forms of hormonal birth control, you’re compromising your future fertility and long-term health. It’s important that you know there are side effects as you weigh your options.  

Debunking The Pregnancy Fear

So many of my clients tell me that they simply can’t quit the pill because they’re so scared to become pregnant. This fear is understandable considering how sex, fertility, and reproduction are taught to us in schools. Girls are basically told in grade school that once they get their periods, they’ll always be in danger of getting pregnant. This fear-mongering goes hand-in-hand with the vilification of menstruation that makes it a natural step for women to choose to medicate their cycles; first girls are told that their periods are gross and taboo, and then they’re taught to live with constant anxiety over possible pregnancy. And of course, all of this is done in the absence of proper education around the super specific conditions that have to be in place for conception to occur — like the fact that fertilization is really only possible during a 3-5 day window each month. This perfect storm sets women up to feel that their periods are a mysterious problem best left to medication to try to handle.

Where You Can Go From Here

The fact of the matter is, you now have access to all the information you need to make the most informed, educated decisions for your body and your life. If you’re using birth control because you think it’s the only way to prevent pregnancy, then you’ve simply been misled and it’s time to learn the nuances of female fertility so you can have the freedom to make other choices. And if you’re on birth control to try and remedy your hormonal imbalance, then take this study and all the other mounting evidence to heart and understand that the pill is not the answer. There’s simply no reason to live in confusion and with symptoms around your period!  It’s your birthright to enjoy the biochemical gifts of your whole and healthy cycle.  Relying on synthetic hormones to balance your cycle isn’t necessary once you get in the FLO.  If you’re ready to get off the hormonal birth control roller coaster and remedy your endocrine issues the right way, download my special report: Birth Control Rehab: How to Quit the Pill Without Going Through Hormone Hell and you will discover:

  • 4 ways synthetic birth control makes your underlying hormone issues worse
  • Why synthetic birth control can negatively affect your future fertility
  • How the Pill alters your chemistry to make you choose the wrong partner
  • The exact steps you need to take before considering quitting your synthetic birth control

Take control of your hormones and your reproductive health by getting the facts now.Love,Alisa

Introducing the BALANCE by FLO Living Hormone Supplement Kit

You’ve been asking me for hormone-friendly supplement recommendations, and I finally have created a solution that I am so thrilled to be able to offer to you on your hormonal balancing journey:

Balance by FLO Living Supplements are a complete package that work together to keep your hormone levels healthy. They include a 2 month (2 cycle) supply of the following formulations so you’re never caught short in any phase of your cycle.When you take these 5 supplements daily, you’ll be giving your body excellent micronutrients to support healthier hormone levels. Which means that you’ll start to see your worst period symptoms get better… and even disappear after a while.

Click here to learn more about the brand-new BALANCE Supplement Kit.

5 essential supplements for your hormones

As long as I’ve been working with women and their hormonal issues, I’ve been asked all kinds of questions about supplements. Some clients which brands are effective, others have wondered whether a food-based protocol should include supplements at all. The answer to that is “absolutely!” Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat: food is always first. There’s no budging on that. To truly heal your hormones and recalibrate your endocrine system, you have to feed your body a micronutrient-rich diet of hormonally-supportive foods in a cycle-syncing pattern. There’s no single supplement that will solve all your problems. However, with that said, I do know that bolstering an already-nourishing diet with a select number of specific supplements that, when used properly, can speed up your healing process and help provide lasting support as you bring your body back into balance. After years of exhaustive research, I have identified what micronutrients are absolutely non-negotiable and essential for your endocrine system to have what it needs to do it’s job of balancing your hormones. While I have recommended other products found at health food stores in the past, I always dreamed of formulating my own supplements that met my extremely high standards. To add fuel to this desire of mine, a few years back, the scandal broke out that supplements from big box retailers did not contain what they claimed and if they did, they weren’t absorbable by the body. I really get peeved when women end up wasting money on things that don’t work, because that happened to me at the beginning of my hormonal health journey. It’s almost impossible to know which brands to trust, and once you find a reliable source, then it’s time to decide which of their million products to actually purchase. I finally had enough of all that confusion, and I decided to simplify and streamline the process for everyone! I created Balance by FLO Living - my brand new supplement kit: five formulas, rigorously tested, thoroughly researched, and perfectly suited to meet your needs. After years of research, I’ve determined that these are the five essential micronutrients that every hormonal woman needs in order to stay healthy and these are the only ones that are universally helpful to take.

It took a lot of thoughtful planning and preparation to ensure this kit fits the needs of all women. Because I want you to have the right amount of supplements at every phase of your cycles, the kit arrives in a 60 day, two-cycle shipment so you’re not caught short at any phase of your cycle! Here is my list of the five essential supplements that will elevate your hormonal healing and help you maintain endocrine excellence for the long haul:

  • B-complex. I can’t say enough good things about B-vitamins — they’re absolutely necessary for good health, and many women just don’t get enough. A deficiency in B vitamins can cause low energy and fatigue since they’re so crucial for so many metabolic functions. B6 is a particularly important vitamin that can help boost progesterone production to counteract excess estrogen (a top cause of hormonal dysfunction). B6 supports the development of the corpus luteum, which is where all your progesterone originates, and it also works with your liver enzymes to remove excess estrogen from the body and boosts the immune system.
  • Magnesium. Magnesium controls our pituitary health and without it, we produce less FSH (follicular stimulating) LH (luteinizing) and TSH (thyroid stimulating) the critical hormones that signal other glands in the endocrine system to perform optimally. Low levels of those foundational hormones can cause irregular ovulation and thyroid function issues, which can lead to bigger hormonal issues. Most women are deficient in magnesium and it’s involved in over 300 catalytic reactions in the body. If you get bloated and have headaches, those are just two of many other signs you can use to see if you’re deficient.
  • Liver detoxifier/estrogen metabolizer. Your liver plays a critical role in maintaining hormonal balance and keeping symptoms at bay. In order to do all of the detoxification work it does on your hormonal behalf, it needs a fully stocked supply of many many micronutrients and antioxidants. I wanted to create a formula to feed your liver, these critical micronutrients and antioxidants like Vit C and Alpha Lipoic Acid, as well as turmeric and more. When your liver is well nourished, it can efficiently break down excess estrogen, a central cause behind hormonal imbalance-related health issues. If your body can’t efficiently process toxins like excess hormones, you’ll be more likely to develop menstrual, fertility, and libido problems.
  • Probiotics. A healthy micro-biome is essential for management of every hormonal condition imaginable. There’s a community of gut bacteria and specifically bacterial genes, called the estro-bolome, that produce an enzyme that supports the metabolization of estrogen. Your gut is an important part of the elimination system that is vital in ushering hormones out of the body. When you eat dairy, gluten and eat food that has been produced with pesticides and take antibiotics, you disrupt this hugely important bacterial balance. Turns out we’re more bacterial than human! Most probiotics don’t make it past the stomach acid, I wanted to formulate one that would.

These are the micronutrients every menstruating woman needs to have more balanced hormones. I’m so proud to be able to offer you this product. With it, now the FLO Living Hormone Center is the only place on the planet where women can go virtually to test, track, treat, and talk about their hormones and improve their periods naturally. Whether you’re trying to get rid of pesky PMS, offset the effects of synthetic birth control hormones, improve a diagnosed condition like PCOS, Fibroids, etc, or improve your fertility, Balance Supplements are an excellent addition for healthier hormones.If you’re just learning how your period works with the MyFLO period tracker, Balance by FLO Living Supplement Kit will help you take your health to the next level. If you’ve started making changes to your food and lifestyle with MonthlyFLO, the Balance Supplement Kit will give you nutrient support to put your worst symptoms into remission faster. If you’ve graduated from one of our FLO programs, Balance Supplement Kit will give you the nutrient support to stay on track as you continue to eat for all 4 phases and sync with your cycle. These five supplements represent your personal “insurance policy” against endocrine disruptive things you’re doing (knowingly or unknowingly) that are throwing you off balance.If you’re ready to feel energized, detoxed, replenished, harmonized, and gutsy, order the Balance by FLO Living Supplement Kit now! Love,Alisa

Introducing the BALANCE by FLO Living Hormone Supplement Kit

You’ve been asking me for hormone-friendly supplement recommendations, and I finally have created a solution that I am so thrilled to be able to offer to you on your hormonal balancing journey:

Balance by FLO Living Supplements are a complete package that work together to keep your hormone levels healthy. They include a 2 month (2 cycle) supply of the following formulations so you’re never caught short in any phase of your cycle.When you take these 5 supplements daily, you’ll be giving your body excellent micronutrients to support healthier hormone levels. Which means that you’ll start to see your worst period symptoms get better… and even disappear after a while.

Click here to learn more about the brand-new BALANCE Supplement Kit.

The hormone-free, copper IUD: the pros and cons

With many women waking up to the health issues inherent to synthetic hormone-based contraceptives like the birth control pill, ring, patch, implant etc, more of us are looking for hormone-free alternatives for preventing pregnancy. This is understandable and should, I believe, be a welcomed shift in thinking.

Synthetic hormones cause all kinds of short term and long term side effects. They prevent your body from producing its own natural hormones, suppress ovulation and stop your periods - as a hormone expert and champion of the wisdom of women’s bodies, I know this to be real problem. Many of the women who work with me here at FLO Living are dealing with the fallout from using hormonal contraceptives for years on end.

However, we still need effective contraception and one of the hormone-free options available is the hormone-free copper IUD. In this post I want to look at the pros and cons of the hormone-free, copper IUD and support you in making the decision to switch from hormonal contraceptives to an option that allows your body to make its own hormones and experience its own cycles.

There are hormone-based IUDs available, and their effectiveness is no different to that of the one hormone-free kind. If you want an IUD, it’s better to avoid the synthetic hormones - especially as synthetic progestin (which is not the same as the progesterone your own body produces) can cause as many side effects as the pill. A recent study revealed that the hormonal IUD actually holds a higher risk of depression than the pill.

The benefits of the copper IUD

  • It’s over 99% effective for preventing pregnancy.
  • It lasts 12 years, so if you’re done have kids or don’t want kids you can have effective contraception for over a decade.
  • No synthetic hormones.
  • It doesn’t suppress ovulation and you experience real periods.
  • It is compatible with cycle awareness and the Cycle Synced FLO Living lifestyle - you can track your hormonal phases and monitor your period.
  • You can truly address, treat, and resolve period and cycle problems with diet and lifestyle changes.

The drawbacks of the copper IUD

  • It is not side effect free - side effects including heavier periods, cramping, pain during insertion, discomfort during sex, spotting between periods, ectopic pregnancy, possible migration or expulsion of the IUD, perforation of the uterus, pelvic inflammatory disease, infection, scar tissue buildup complicating later conception.
  • It does not prevent STDs or STIs - you would need condoms for this.
  • It’s possible that the copper IUD, like the birth control pill and other hormone-based contraceptives, can cause zinc deficiency by off-balancing copper and zinc levels in your body. If you choose the copper IUD, I recommend supplementing with zinc and eating zinc-rich foods. Zinc deficiency can be a source of acne, low sex drive and poor immunity. You’ll know if you have zinc deficiency - frequent colds and coughs are a common symptom.
  • For those that have pre-existing health issues like Wilson’s Disease, which prevents proper copper metabolism, the copper IUD would not be a good option. You could develop copper toxicity.

If you’ve looked over this list and decided, for you, that the drawbacks of the copper IUD outweigh its benefits, you do have other hormone-free options.

I personally use a combination of the fertility awareness method and condoms. I track my fertility signs to pinpoint when I am in my fertile window and use condoms to avoid pregnancy. I’m a huge fan of condoms for many reasons - including the ways in which they protect your fertility.

These days there are so many great, chemical-free, sustainable, body-friendly brands too.If you’ve decided to ditch the synthetic hormones, congratulations! You’ve taken an important step towards vital hormonal health and living in your FLO. Let me know in the comments how you feel about the copper IUD - your experiences, the good and the bad.

The 3 best aphrodisiacs for women

Do you feel overworked, over-scheduled, overstretched - but when it comes to sex, you’re over it? Once you start seeing a hot bath and a good book as preferable to sex not just sometimes, but all the time, you know you’re losing your libido. Once your sex drive dips out of sight, lack of practice can make it disappear entirely. Stress is often the common denominator here - stress leads to imbalanced hormones, which prevents ovulation, which stops the natural libido spike, which leads to low libido, which can stress you out and rob you of important relaxation and health-boosting hormone release. Usually if you want to have sex, you’ll make time to have it - if you don’t want to have sex, then everything in your life that could be an obstacle becomes insurmountable. If only there was a simple, quick-fix aphrodisiac to turn you on, right? Although the so-called “female Viagra” was released earlier this year, women have decided not to take it - with prescription numbers staying low. That’s because we know it’s not as simple as taking a pill and that any kind of pill that wants to mess with our libido is going to have a lot of unwanted side effects. Women’s sexuality is complex, but that doesn’t mean a lost libido is gone forever. It just takes a little more time and care to bring back. You need to nourish your body for hormonal balance and juicy ovulation (when your body will be revved to reproduce, or at least go through the motions!). But you also need to nourish your soul so you feel more, not just sexually, but in every way.

The 3 best aphrodisiacs for women

  1. Spicy foods - we usually hear about the benefits of spicy foods to women who are impatiently awaiting the birth of their baby, but spicy foods are also great for the sex drive. That’s because they are vasodilators (they open up the veins and get the circulation going in your body). Anything with chilis in it will give you a natural high due on its capsaicin, which makes your heart beat a little faster. Also, research has shown that spicy foods increase testosterone levels in men and testosterone is just as important for a woman’s sex drive.
  2. Gingko Biloba - this supplement also increases circulation and the more blood that gets to your pelvic area, the more you’ll get aroused and the better orgasms you’ll have. We spend a lot of time sat at desks, in cars, on sofas these days and all that sitting can lead to stagnant sex drive, partly because we lose circulation in the places that most need it. It has been clinically tested on women suffering with low libido and proven to show increase in desire and enjoyment of sex.
  3. Prioritizing pleasure - I know you know that there’s no way you’re going from a super stressful day to wanting an orgasm that evening. Women just aren’t wired that way. If you’ve spent all day driving yourself to complete your to-do list, it’s going to be hard to shift gears to receive pleasure. The best way to prevent this part of your brain switching off completely is to incorporate non-sexual sources of pleasure into your everyday life, so that your pleasure receptors are boosted and primed rather than flagging or non-existent. It doesn’t take much, just a few small lifestyle hacks can make sure that when you want to be in the mood, you will be. Have fresh flowers on your desk; call your friend during your lunchbreak; put on a really great outfit that you love even if you’ll just be home all little actions that put you in a good mood. These small victories for your enjoyment over the demands of the day will help boost your sex drive. For more ideas check out my inspiration Mama Gena and her new book "Pussy: A Reclamation".

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!to your FLO,AlisaGood things come in threes:

I want to hear from you!

First, do you have low libido?Second, do you know if you’re ovulating? Third, everyone you know is hormonal – spread a little good ovary karma and share this article on social ;)

Is Your Period Healthy?

How do you know if your hormones are healthy? The answer is in your 5th vital sign - your period. The color of your flow, frequency of your period, and symptoms you have each month can tell you a lot about your health. There are 5 different V-SIGN TYPES, and knowing which one you have will help you get healthy now and prevent disease in the future. Click here to take The V-SIGN TYPE™ Quiz NOW

How to Use Maca to Treat Infertility

Maca root is an adaptogen, which means it can help your body to “adapt” to stress. Maca can also help balance hormones, as it supports your endocrine system. One of the key benefits of maca is its ability to boost fertility or support infertility problems. Natives of the Andes mountains (where maca is grown) have long used maca as a fertility aid. Now maca is a well-known superfood worldwide. We’re hearing a lot more about how it can help women who are having trouble conceiving. There are a few ways in which maca can boost fertility and there are also particular times in a woman’s life when she will most need maca as a supplement.

How maca treats infertility

  1. Maca increases sex drive and can be used as a natural aphrodisiac for men and women. It does this by boosting testosterone levels and supporting healthy ovulation.
  2. Maca gives you energy - and we all know that any journey to conceive requires a whole lot of energy! Coffee can cause fertility problems, so maca provides an alternative source of long-lasting energy. Maca stabilizes blood sugar levels and supports your adrenals.
  3. Maca is very rich in many of the vitamins and minerals you need to conceive. This nutritional profile contains amino acids, fatty acids, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, iron and phytonutrients. While you also need to eat an overall nutritionally-dense diet, maca is a great way of increasing your intake of essential fuel for ovulation and conception. It’s a one-stop shop for so much that your body needs.
  4. Maca is shown to increase sperm production, motility and volume, as well as prevent erectile dysfunction.

The best time to use maca

The best time to use maca is when your body is not producing the hormone levels it should. Anyone who is experiencing infertility issues can use maca, but these times in a woman’s life are when her body may need the most support.

  • If you've recently come off the birth control pill or other hormonal birth control
  • If you're over 35
  • When you’re planning your second child (maca should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women - but if you have had a baby and are experiencing secondary infertility, maca is a good choice)

Important to note: You should NOT take maca if you have an allergy to iodine, Hashimoto’s, or experience thyroid nodules or growths, as it contains significant amounts of iodine.  You should also be cautious with maca if you are androgen sensitive, in the case of some expressions of PCOS.

Of course, using maca alone without also eating a nutritionally-dense diet and avoiding fertility-harming dairy, gluten, alcohol, coffee and sugar will not have much of an impact on your body. You need to view maca as a great supplement that heightens the impact of a wider fertility-boosting diet.

Here at FLO Living I have a specific protocol for women trying to conceive and I have previously shared some of my fertility-specific advice on the blog. Maca is not a miracle cure (I’m afraid, nothing is!), but it can help you with infertility. It just won’t do this if everything else in your diet and lifestyle is working against your goal.

Just check out FLO grad Diane’s story to experience why you need more than maca to conceive.

The right kind of maca to use

If you’re experiencing infertility issues, try taking maca with your partner! Women should look to take “red” maca and men should be taking “black” maca. You want to select a brand of maca that contains the level of glucosinolates you require to get the beneficial effects on your fertility. Watch out for the many other products that will come on the market as maca becomes more popular, not all of them will be good quality. Quality is key.

One of the key benefits of maca is its ability to boost fertility or treat infertility problems. 🌱💚✅

4 ways to increase your metabolism naturally

The secret to increasing your metabolism is helping your hormones to help you! It’s perfectly possible to naturally boost your own metabolism with the right foods, supplements and lifestyle hacks. There’s no need to turn to pills or potions - in fact, long term, these will only do damage to your ability to lose weight and keep it off. Your need to be in hormonal balance and not have a hormone deficit to allow your metabolism to be speedy - it needs fuel, but the right kind of fuel! Doing the kinds of things we have come to assume will help us to lose weight - like eating very little and exercising a whole lot - actually works against the female fat-burning system. It’s why when you and your partner go on a diet together, doing the same things, your partner always seems to drop the pounds like crazy and you’re left with depressingly little to show for your efforts! You need to stabilize your blood sugar and calm your adrenals to rev your metabolism, and the path to this for women is hormonal harmony.The FLO Living protocol has a built-in appetite control system that prevents you from ever feeling hungry enough to binge or crave unhealthy foods. It provides the nutrients your body needs to have a speedy metabolism. Of course, weight loss here at FLO Living is never our end goal, it’s only one part of how hormonal imbalance can support your health and well-being. Eating and living in a way that increases your metabolism, has the amazing side effects of making you feel great and managing any cycle-related issues you may have - from PCOS to PMS.

4 ways to increase your metabolism naturally

These are my favorite core ways to increase your metabolism that are easy and simple to incorporate into your life today and every day. This combination of food focus, supplements, and lifestyle fixes will increase your metabolism naturally and for the long term.

  • The best metabolism-boosting supplement:  Iodine

Your thyroid is what gives your metabolism its fire. Love and care for your thyroid and it will work wonders for you. Take Gaia Thyroid Support daily. It is a seaweed-based iodine source that supports whole thyroid function (don’t use this if you have an iodine allergy or have Hashimoto’s). Many of us are actually iodine deficient, mainly because we are using additive-free salt and the most common hormonal imbalances (as well as leaky gut issues, SIBO, and pregnancy) can all impair thyroid function. The ovaries contain a lot of iodine in themselves and they need it to function healthily and bring about ovulation. Anovulation can cause many hormonal symptoms, including weight gain. Seaweed is an excellent source of iodine. Underactive thyroid conditions are very common for women and often go undiagnosed, despite really difficult symptoms.

  • The best metabolism-boosting food: Greens

Estrogen dominance can cause your body to store more fat. This is when your estrogen levels are high and your progesterone levels comparatively low - you have, essentially, a hormonal imbalance, and one of the most common kinds. Eating more cruciferous vegetables like kale, collard greens, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts will raise your level of DIM (Di-Indolyl-Methane), which is the perfect estrogen dominance regulator. Try to have a small serving with every meal - I like to saute greens in coconut oil and have as a side to my breakfast, lunch and dinner.

  • The best metabolism-boosting fat: Coconut Oil

Good fats are your friend. Fat sources that contain MCT’s – medium chain triglycerides - are necessary fuel for your metabolism. They heal the underlying hormonal issues that slow your metabolism down and make it sluggish. I call coconut oil my secret weight loss weapon. Just 1 tablespoon a day keeps me slim. It is thyroid supportive, essential for the transportation and processing of your hormones, and heals gut inflammation and leaky gut issues. A 2002 study published in the Journal of Nutrition revealed that coconut oil can increase energy, help with weight control and keep you feeling fuller and more satisfied for longer.

  • The best metabolism-boosting lifestyle hack: Flush Cortisol

De-stress! Stress suppresses your metabolism function. Feeling stressed, and getting little sleep as a result, increases the hunger hormone ghrelin and decreased levels of satiety hormone leptin. Getting up and moving, even if just for a quick dance break between work projects, will lower your cortisol levels (the stress hormone) and help to prevent adrenal burnout. Prioritize a good night’s sleep with a sleep routine of the kind you’d establish for your own child - read a book, turn off all screens, take a calming bath with epsom salts and truly rest. You have to take small actions throughout the day, every day, to flush out excess cortisol - moving, sleeping, and orgasms are the best methods for this. If it gives you pleasure, it’s good for your stress levels. Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!to your FLO,AlisaGood things come in threes:

I want to hear from you!

First, do you have no sex drive? Second, do you have other hormonal symptoms? Third, everyone you know is hormonal – spread a little good ovary karma and share this article on social ;)

Is Your Period Healthy?

How do you know if your hormones are healthy? The answer is in your 5th vital sign - your period. The color of your flow, frequency of your period, and symptoms you have each month can tell you a lot about your health. There are 5 different V-SIGN TYPES, and knowing which one you have will help you get healthy now and prevent disease in the future. Click here to take The V-SIGN TYPE™ Quiz NOW

The benefits of Royal Jelly for your fertility

Royal jelly...if you’ve not heard of it before, the name might sound strange - is a food or a foot cream? Actually, royal jelly is the substance that is fed to the Queen Bee of a beehive to sustain her throughout her life, helping her to give birth to millions of baby bees. Royal Jelly creates the Queen Bee ovaries and sets her up to reach maturation in a rapid 5 days, when she is ready to start laying those millions of future generations, up to 2,000 eggs per day! This is why Royal Jelly has been investigated as a fertility-boosting supplement.

A Queen Bee is double the size and weight of your regular worker bee and lives for 5 to 6 years, rather than just one month like the rest of her hive. So, if you are what you eat - royal jelly is clearly some seriously nutritionally-dense stuff! If it can do that for a Queen Bee, then what might it do for a woman?

Royal jelly as a fertility-booster

A study conducted in 2007 out of Japan discovered the royal jelly is similar to a phyto-estrogen and that it contains properties that might support healthy uterine muscles and uterus lining. There have been multiple studies with royal jelly on fertility in animals that suggest it has the potential to increase rates of pregnancy and support fertility overall.

Royal jelly is rich in amino acids, medium chain fatty acids (like those found in coconut oil), proteins, along with vitamin D, E, all of the vitamin Bs, plus iron and calcium. It also contains a range of probiotics.

Our bodies need nutrients and minerals to have healthy hormones, healthy cycles and regular, healthy ovulation if we are to be fertile and able to get pregnant. Royal jelly packs a hugely powerful nutritional punch, containing nearly all of the vitamins and minerals a woman’s body needs to conceive successfully. Royal jelly as a supplement is incredibly potent - in taking a small amount daily you are getting a good dose of all the necessary nutrients. I have long preached the gospel of feeding your body the right foods for strong fertility, and royal jelly fits right in as containing high levels of many key nutrients.

(It’s important to note here that if you are allergic to bees/bee venom or if you have estrogen-sensitive reproductive cancers in your family history, you should avoid royal jelly.)

The benefits of royal jelly

The benefits of royal jelly make sense to me, from the perspective of someone who has helped many women conceive naturally partly through dietary changes. In order to be fertile and conceive women need:

...and royal jelly contains all of these elements in high doses. That’s not to say that royal jelly is the only place you can find these nutrients, definitely not, but it is a simple and easy way to boost your vitamin and mineral levels, along with your intake of probiotics, fatty acids and protein, when you’re trying to conceive.

Royal jelly vs. honey

Although both royal jelly and honey are strengthening to the immune system, good for your skin, and anti-inflammatory - honey does not have the fertility boosting properties of royal jelly. Honey is an ancient remedy for low libido, because it contains boron, which is certainly handy when it comes to getting pregnant, however if you’re looking for those fertility benefits, royal jelly is for you.

My royal jelly smoothie recipe to boost your fertility

So, how to take royal jelly? I find the best way to incorporate this into your diet is via a weekly smoothie. Alone it can taste kind of bitter. Try my “Queen Bee Smoothie.” Just add these ingredients to a food blender or smoothie maker, whizz, and you’re ready for a fertility boosting, tasty treat. You’ll also be getting a big boost of folic acid from the spinach, a whole host of vitamins and minerals from the fruit, plus zinc from the sesame seeds.

1 cup fresh Spinach

1/3 cup fresh or frozen Mango

1/4 cup fresh or frozen Blueberries

1 Teaspoon Royal Jelly

3 Tablespoons Coconut Yogurt

Pinch of Cardamom and Ginger

¼ cup of Coconut water

1 Teaspoon white or black Sesame seeds (bonus points for grinding them in a spice grinder first!)

½ Teaspoon Honey

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!

To your FLO,


How to turn back the clock on your sex drive after 35

Now I’m in my late 30s, the topic of sex drive post-35 is my lived experience! I know that once we women reach our mid-30s, our careers are often in full swing, we might be juggling one or two young children, we’re maybe renovating our dream home, or trying to tackle an additional passion project outside of work - all in all, we are busy and we are tired! It’s no surprise we’re lacking in energy. The thing is - none of these factors that are making us busy and tired are going anywhere, they’re all here to stay, and will possibly even amplify and grow and intensify in our 30s and 40’s. And we don’t want any of these factors to go away - this is living life to the fullest - it’s just a shame our sex drive seems to slip out of the picture so easily. So, when it comes to your sex drive after 35, what’s a woman to do? How can you turn the clock back to make sure you’re still having a healthy sex life? I’m going to super simplify this right down - I know you’re pressed for time. If you follow my suggestions you should have your juicy sex drive back.

How your sex drive changes after 35

It’s important to note that the nature of your sexual desire, from a biological standpoint, once you’re 35 and up shifts and changes.

  • Before 35 your desire is driven primarily by the biological impetus to reproduce. You should be experiencing libido peaks around ovulation, when your body is tipping you to have sex at the optimal time to get pregnant. The desire should feel physical, and unavoidable. Testosterone and estrogen peaks around ovulation to create the ultimate love potion.
  • After 35, your body is not as strongly driven in this direction. Instead of your body keying you to want sex, you may find you need to key your body to want sex and that kind of desire comes from your relationship with your partner and creating a sexy situation for your desire to grow. Your need to set the scene will take precedent, as will the need for foreplay. If your hormones (estrogen, progesterone and testosterone) are in balance then you will still have that physically-sourced desire, but if those hormones are out of balance, this can lead to a steep drop in your sex drive.

There are two ways you can keep your desire at a healthy level, regardless of how that desire changes. Your sex drive should still be present and accessible to you after 35, and you should feel interested in and open to the possibility. The way to keep that interest alive is to give your body what it needs to boost the hormones that power your libido. It’s also about making sure you have the energy. If you’re just plain tired all of the time and have no energy then it won’t matter to you how much you feel you are interested - you’d rather be in the bath with a good book or asleep than having sex.

How to boost your sex drive after 35

There are two focus points for keeping your energy levels up and maintaining a healthy sex drive after 35. By honing in on these elements each day with the right foods, supplements and routines, you will really help yourself to have a great sex life far beyond 35.

  1. Stabilize your blood sugar - keeping your blood sugar stable throughout the day will keep your energy up into the evening and prevent that 7pm couch crash. Eat every two hours, avoid sugars and most sugar substitutes, and detox from coffee and try a maca root-infused smoothie instead. Imagine your blood sugar level as a calm horizon line - you want to avoid as many waves and spikes in that line as possible. Waves and spikes mean dips and crashes and these pummel your energy levels, leaving you falling asleep 20 minutes into that romantic comedy you really wanted to watch for date night. Stable insulin levels also lead to balanced cortisol and DHEA ratios that increase testosterone production, and make you feel sexier.
  2. Prioritize good sleep - I can’t say it enough, you need good sleep, and especially when you have so much to handle (what’s that old adage? If you have time to meditate - meditate for 10 minutes. If you have no time to meditate - meditate for an hour). The only way you can be at your optimal best, for your family, your friends, and your boss, is if you are well-rested. Follow my tried-and-tested sleep hygiene protocol. As someone who’s mom to a 2 year-old and living in the middle of Manhattan (the city that never sleeps!) - believe me, my advice on this really works! Good sleep improves your insulin response (see my point above re: blood sugar!), keeps your cortisol levels in check, and stimulates your body to produce good levels of testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone. The better your levels of these hormones, the more you will experience your natural libido.

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!to your FLO,AlisaGood things come in threes:

I want to hear from you!

First, do you have low sex drive? Second, do you think you might be in perimenopause? Third, everyone you know is hormonal – spread a little good period karma and share this article on social ;)

Is Your Period Healthy?

How do you know if your hormones are healthy? The answer is in your 5th vital sign - your period. The color of your flow, frequency of your period, and symptoms you have each month can tell you a lot about your health. There are 5 different V-SIGN TYPES, and knowing which one you have will help you get healthy now and prevent disease in the future. Click here to take The V-SIGN TYPE™ Quiz NOW

A recipe for relief from hot flashes

Hot flashes might be more commonly known as a symptom of menopause, but you can actually start experiencing hot flashes during perimenopause. Perimenopause begins at 35 for all women. There is quite a long build up and slow shift in your hormonal patterns before you enter menopause and your period stops entirely. Your body stops making as much of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone and it can be more sensitive to imbalance. How much you feel this shift in terms of symptoms will depend on your diet and lifestyle. Hot flashes are not inevitable or a necessary part of this stage of your life. When my clients are entering their perimenopause years I encourage them to eat and live in a way that supports healthy, optimal hormone production. This is why I’ve developed some special recipes specifically for hot flash relief. Even though perimenopause begins at 35, you can delay the aging process that would otherwise come part and parcel with declining hormone production. You can keep your energy, your sex drive, your youthful skin and figure for many more years, just by eating the right hormone-friendly foods. You can avoid common perimenopause symptoms like hot flashes, weight gain, acne, low energy, low libido, moodiness and missing periods by eating with hormonal consciousness. Once you know what’s happening inside your body, you can know what to do to make yourself feel and look good. Your hormones help to regulate your body temperature, so when you have a hormonal imbalance this can go haywire - causing hot flashes. Low estrogen can cause your hypothalamus (your internal thermostat) to stop working effectively. When estrogen is low, the body produces more FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) - these increase blood circulation by dilating your blood vessels, and so produce the feeling of hot flashes. The best way to prevent hot flashes is to address this root cause - the hormonal imbalance - and support your body in producing higher levels of estrogen and progesterone.

Hot flash relief recipe

I have several special recipes I pass along to my clients who are experiencing hot flashes as a part of perimenopause. If you’re interested in discovering more meal ideas to prevent hot flashes and want further tips on avoiding other potential symptoms of this phase - like weight gain, acne, moodiness - check out my previous articles on the topic for lots more information. The tofu, soy and flax in the hot flash relief recipe I share below will increase your natural levels of plant-based estrogen to help increase your overall levels. The black sesame seeds contain high amounts of calcium (more than a serving of milk) and can also relieve symptoms of hot flashes and insomnia. Flax is a fiber-rich food source and will help your body process and eliminate unneeded hormones - balancing out the added phyto-estrogens from tofu and soy.

Hot Flash Healing Tofu Nibbles recipe

This recipe is perfect for an appetizer, a part of your lunch, a snack or even for a dinner party with your perimenopausal friends! To make these nibbles you’ll need: 1 block organic GMO-free tofu1 T soy sauce1 T unrefined sesame oil or coconut oil1 T coconut nectar or honey2 tsp black sesame seeds2 tsp flax seedsTake a block of Organic GMO Free Tofu. Cut in half inch cubes. Make the “glue” by mixing the soy sauce, sesame oil and blackstrap molasses. Coat the cubes in the sticky dressing. Grind in spice grinder the sesame and flax seeds. Toss the cubes through the seed mixture while still moist and coat thoroughly. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes. They will come out nice and chewy and delicious. Snap a picture of your nibbles for our Twitter or Facebook and we’ll share the best. Tag with #hotflashrelief Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!to your FLO,AlisaGood things come in threes:

I want to hear from you!

First, do you have hot flashes Second, do you think you might be in perimenopause? Third, everyone you know is hormonal – spread a little good ovary karma and share this article on social ;)

Is Your Period Healthy?

How do you know if your hormones are healthy? The answer is in your 5th vital sign - your period. The color of your flow, frequency of your period, and symptoms you have each month can tell you a lot about your health. There are 5 different V-SIGN TYPES, and knowing which one you have will help you get healthy now and prevent disease in the future. Click here to take The V-SIGN TYPE™ Quiz NOW

How to test hormone levels for women - The one hormone test you need

Once you’ve tracked your symptoms - the tiredness, the lack of sex drive, the acne, the weight gain - back to your hormones, you’re already on the right path, headed towards good health. But, what’s next? However you choose to pursue treatment, you will need to get your hormones tested. The results can provide the confirmation you and your healthcare provider need to move forward and make important decisions.

Getting your hormones tested is a perfectly logical next step in this process and it can be eye-opening. There’s just one hormone test all women should get when they start to suspect their hormones are not in balance. This one hormone test will provide you with the overview that you’re looking for and give you the essentials on what’s happening with your hormones.

That said, there are other ways you can get to grips with the root cause of your symptoms and come to understand what your body needs to feel good and healthy. Let’s take a look at the hormone test, and then come back to how you can, at home, figure out the hormonal fix you’re in.

The one hormone test all women need

When you visit your OBGYN you will want to ask for the Female Hormone Panel. This hormone test measures your estrogen, progesterone and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) levels. Make your appointment so that you’ll be getting the test during your follicular phase (in the next few days after your period has ended) - this is the best time to test these hormone levels.

  • Your FSH level indicates your ovulation status - whether you’re ovulating regularly and therefore fertile (this is particularly important if you are trying to get pregnant)
  • Your estrogen and progesterone levels will reveal why you are symptomatic by indicating estrogen dominance or progesterone deficiency

When you get your results you’ll be looking to see if:

If you find yourself in the situation in which your numbers are within the normal ranges, but you still feel that your symptoms are down to a hormonal imbalance you can choose to test yourself instead with a 30 day saliva-based protocol. Hormone levels can range quite widely through a day and a week, so this will give you another level of accuracy and detail. From this point you can start a new tradition of getting your hormones tested every 2 years. This file of data will be really helpful to you throughout your life - and it should aid in you in getting to know your own normal range, unique to you, as well as the numbers that make you feel bad or cause you symptoms.

The hormone test all women can do at home

While lab work like the Female Hormone Panel is super valuable information - especially once you have a personal database of tests that track your body’s progress - there are ways you can check in on your hormones, at home, without the assistance of your OBGYN. If you’re experiencing symptoms - like PMS, acne, low sex drive, mood swings - the next time you get your period, look at what color it is! Like really look. Look at the color of the bleed, the consistency, note how long your period is, how it starts and how it ends...numbers on a page (like your hormone test results) can be hard to connect back to how you feel, but your period is right there in front of you. It’s a part of you and it’s a visual indicator of what’s going on with your hormones. You can tell what kind of hormone imbalance you are dealing with by observing:

  • The color of your period blood (bright red, dark red, brown, pink)
  • The way it starts (with spotting, in the morning, intermittently) and the way it ends
  • The consistency of the period blood (is it thin, watery, clotty and thick, heavy or light)
  • The length of time you have your period
  • How much you bleed (how many tampons or pads are you using each day)

This easily observable, immediately accessible information is right there for your understanding. Notice it, note it, actually write it down if you like in a period diary and it can give you so much important information.

But, how to know what it all means?

Well, you’re in luck, because I recently created the V-Sign Type™ Quiz. It’s a simple questionnaire that asks you the right questions to get the necessary information about your period in order to pinpoint and diagnose your specific hormonal situation. You will receive your results immediately in an email (including whether you’re likely to be estrogen dominant, progesterone deficient, or have problematic FSH levels) and be able to download, again immediately, basic information on how to move forward with treating the hormonal imbalance. Just like a hormone panel, these results can set you on the right path to good health.

3 surprising reasons you have no sex drive

If you are experiencing low sex drive, I know it can be frustrating - perhaps you feel that everything is great in your relationship, you love your partner, you have romantic date nights and adventures, you feel passion in your life, and yet, your body is just not feeling it. In relationships we tend to take a low sex drive personally and blame lack of time, kids, stress, and all of this might be true for you, but fundamentally low sex drive is a hormonal issue. Your body is primed to have a peak of sex drive around ovulation and again before your period. If this sounds really foreign to you, then you are probably dealing with a hormonal imbalance. Poor nutrition is definitely a source of hormonal imbalance, but there are other surprising lifestyle choices that can squash your sex drive that you may have never even considered could have an impact. And these are things you might be doing every week, even every day!

3 reasons for your low sex drive

  • Sitting all day - if you have an office or desk job and find yourself sitting for some 8 hours a day, at least, this can be causing your low sex drive. Sitting compresses your entire pelvic area and prevents proper blood flow. Micronutrients and hormones are prevented from circulating where they’re needed. Your lady parts just aren’t getting what they need to function at an optimal level. Incorporating movement into your daily routine that will open up your pelvic area and that increased blood flow will help you to feel aroused and give you better orgasms. Stretch, stand up, rotate your body, climb the stairs and schedule walking meetings to move as much as you can during the working day.
  • Too much technology - Using technology (laptop, tablet, smartphone) all day and all evening affects your stress hormone levels and your levels of DHEA, both of which are produced by your adrenal glands. We all know bringing our technology to bed is a quick way to remove all romance, but aside from the lack of attention to your partner, the light your technology emits actually messes with your hormones. The stress hormone cortisol increases, you can’t sleep as well, and over time this can cause chronically low sex drive. Keep tech out of the bedroom, try to turn all screens off early in the evening, and use a blue light filter if you just have to check your texts in the middle of the night. The same goes for your partner - he will experience low sex drive as the result of low testosterone if he over-uses technology.
  • Your vibrator - if you turn to your vibrator every time you’re going solo, and even during sex with your partner, then you might be sabotaging your sex drive. Vibrators cause your body to bypass the plateau phase of orgasm. I know this is kind of the point - we use vibrators to get the job done fast! But that plateau phase is super important for all sorts of reasons. The longer the plateau before climax, the more nitric oxide and oxytocin your body produces. This has healing benefits for the whole endocrine system. It also increases blood flow to the whole pelvic area, setting you up for future orgasms and higher sex drive. When solo, go manual. Try out my tips for self-pleasure - you can incorporate these into sex with your partner too.

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!to your FLO,AlisaGood things come in threes:

I want to hear from you!

First, do you have no sex drive? Second, do you have other hormonal symptoms? Third, everyone you know is hormonal – spread a little good ovary karma and share this article on social ;)

Is Your Period Healthy?

How do you know if your hormones are healthy? The answer is in your 5th vital sign - your period. The color of your flow, frequency of your period, and symptoms you have each month can tell you a lot about your health. There are 5 different V-SIGN TYPES, and knowing which one you have will help you get healthy now and prevent disease in the future. Click here to take The V-SIGN TYPE™ Quiz NOW

A seductive salad recipe to jumpstart your sex drive

Did you wake up one day and realize you no longer had a sex drive? Everything else in your life might be on fire - your career ambitions, your fully ticked to-do list, your cash flow, your kids’ school reports, your gym goals - but when it comes to your relationship and your sex drive, there’s no fire, no passion there. Somewhere along the line, having a healthy, fun sex life slipped way down to the bottom of your priorities. You stopped having sex as much, and then you stopped wanting sex as much. Your libido is flat-lining. You need a recipe that will jumpstart your sex drive. At the end of the day you feel worn out, ready for the couch and Netflix (with no chill). In the mornings you’re rushing out the door. On the weekends - well, what weekends, right? They buzz by in a flurry of socializing, kids, cooking, and errands. A lack of sex drive can be a real strain on a relationship and a source of much personal anxiety and worry. Sex is not only fun, it’s also excellent for your hormonal health and hormonal balance. I’m here to tell you that you can boost your sex drive quite simply - just by choosing to eat the right foods that will support your sex drive-supportive hormones and give nutrient-rich fuel to your libido. Use food as your foreplay and you’ll want sex more and enjoy sex more!

A salad recipe to boost your sex drive

I know one of the reasons you have no sex drive is because you’re tired. You have no time and scheduling in sex seems so...unsexy. That’s why I’ve created a super simple, easy salad recipe that is packed full of sex drive-boosting nutrients and minerals. It’s quick to whip up as many nights of the week you like and it will jumpstart both you and your partner’s libido. All good changes start with one small step, and here is that small step. Make this salad part of a romantic evening dinner (swap out the takeout and sofa for nourishing food and candlelight) with your man. Make it for date night. Make it for your work lunches so you get back from the office with a more spring in your step! The FLO Living protocol is full of simple recipes - I’m not one for fancy, time-consuming kitchen moves - and this salad showcases how easy it can be for you to move beyond all your symptoms of hormonal imbalance, not only low sex drive. If you’re interested in more recipe ideas for your sex drive check out my recommended food suggestions. Also - consider Cycle-Syncing ™ your relationship; stop letting your period ruin your romantic plans; and you might want to hear why I think you need to put that vibrator down!The walnuts in this special, seductive salad recipe contain omega-3 fatty acids that increase production of Viagra-like chemicals that promote arousal and blood flow. Watermelon has a Viagra-like effect increasing blood vessels and blood flow. Pumpkin seeds contain Zinc – the ultimate sex mineral for boosting testosterone - the sex hormone both you and your partner need in good amounts to feel the love. Asparagus is rich in folate and that is the chemical released during an orgasm – priming you to be ready for more orgasms. Celery helps your body produce more pheromones - hormones that makes you desirable to your partner. This is a sexy, science-based salad!

My salad recipe to jumpstart your sex drive - the Super Sex Drive Salad

6 slices of watermelon1 bunch asparagus¼ cup raw pumpkin seeds¼ cup raw walnuts2 stalks celery2 T olive oil2 T lemon juiceSea salt or pink saltCut asparagus into two inch pieces and steam lightly so still crunchy. Cut watermelon into match sticks the size of asparagus. Use spice grinder to grind pumpkin seeds and walnuts. Toss into salad. Break out your mandolin and shred some celery paper-thin and top the salad. Drizzle with a little extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of sea salt and lemon juice. So delicious, sexy, and sex drive boosting - definitely one of my FLO-food fav’s. Post a photo of yourself and your partner enjoying your salad on Twitter and Facebook and we’ll share the best ones! Tag with #sexysalad and #FLOfoodAlways remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!to your FLO,AlisaGood things come in threes:

I want to hear from you!

First, do you have a low sex drive?Second, does your partner have a low sex drive? Third, everyone you know is hormonal – spread a little good period karma and share this article on social ;)

Is Your Period Healthy?

How do you know if your hormones are healthy? The answer is in your 5th vital sign - your period. The color of your flow, frequency of your period, and symptoms you have each month can tell you a lot about your health. There are 5 different V-SIGN TYPES, and knowing which one you have will help you get healthy now and prevent disease in the future. Click here to take The V-SIGN TYPE™ Quiz NOW

The benefits of avocado oil for boosting your fertility, your sex drive, and banishing your PMS

If you’ve been reading my blog posts for a while, you’ll know very well that I love avocados. I see them as a perfect food for your hormones. In the past I’ve shared my thoughts on their many benefits - including the fascinating study that shows eating avocados improves the outcome and success rate of IVF treatments. I’ve recommended avocados not only to boost your fertility, but also to boost your own and your partner’s sex drive, as well as to combat the moodiness and fatigue that can come along with PMS. Perfectly packaged, so very versatile, and delicious - avocados really are a superfood, in my book. But what about avocado oil? Google recently marked this vegetable oil out as one of the hottest food trends of 2016. Now, we know that if it comes from avocados, it must be good, but what are some of the benefits of using avocado oil every day, over just eating avocados?As I never recommend many cooking oils like canola, sunflower, safflower, general vegetable oil, because these kinds of oils have far more omega-6 than omega-3 and this produces inflammation in the body, I’m always on the lookout for a new oil to add to my cooking and salad-making repertoire. I already use coconut oil daily for its myriad benefits for hormonal health. But coconut is not always the flavor profile you want. Avocado oil has a similar nutritional makeup to olive oil, with the added benefits of being a source of bioavailable phyto-testosterone, having anti-estrogenic properties to prevent estrogen excess, and containing fats your hormones need to be transported around your bloodstream. Avocado oil is actually a common ingredient in natural progesterone creams - that’s how powerful it is for balancing hormones! In the past I’ve shared recipes for avocado toast and avocado-based smoothies. I also love avocado and fruit salads in the summer (peaches or watermelon work really well), plus a sprig of mint. But avocado oil can be added to almost anything, and used as a cooking oil. It makes getting the benefits of avocado into every meal so much easier - and I’m all for that! Avocado oil has a smoke point of over 400F so it’s perfect for roasting veggies, stir fries, and sauteing greens. And what does it taste like? Well, avocados of course! In a really good way - creamy, nutty, smooth - it’s delicious.

The best kind of avocado oil

These days you can pretty much grab a jar of coconut oil at most grocery stores, but avocado oil is still much harder to come by. Especially the good kind that has no chemical additives. I rarely see it on the shelves of my favorite grocery stores, even natural food markets. That’s why I turn to Thrive Market to get my favorite brand of avocado oil. Non-GMO and full of healthy fats, Primal Kitchen Avocado Oil is also expeller-pressed and lightly refined, leaving the delicate flavor, and all the nutritional goodness, of the avocado intact. Ready to give avocado oil a try? For a limited time, Thrive Market is offering all of my readers and followers a FREE bottle of Primal Kitchen Avocado Oil! Which is a fantastic deal, considering it’s still pretty hard to source, even from your local Wholefoods. All you have to do is click here and ask for your free bottle of avocado oil to be delivered to your doorstep (they’ll also give you 15% off your next order). Let me know how you like it and share your recipes with me! Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!to your FLO,AlisaGood things come in threes:

I want to hear from you!

First, how do you eat your avocados? Second, are you struggling with infertility? Third, everyone you know is hormonal – spread a little good period karma and share this article on social ;)

Are you trying to conceive?

If you want to do everything in your power to improve your chances of becoming a mom, I want to help you optimize your fertility. Whether you are just starting to think about having a baby, or have already tried naturally or have been trying with IVF, my Fertile FLO Program will help improve your chances of conception. Click here to download my FREE guide, The 5 Health Foods to Avoid to Get and Stay Pregnant.

The signs you have this hormonal imbalance and how to fix it

There is one common hormonal imbalance I see again and again in my Flo Living practice. Women come in with the symptoms, signs, and health conditions that are rooted in a specific instability in their hormonal ecosystem. These signs include common symptoms like PMS, hormonal acne, ovarian cysts, fibroids as well as conditions like PCOS and Endometriosis. That hormonal imbalance is estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance is the root cause of so many hormonal health issues. If you’re a longtime reader of this blog you will have heard me use the term “estrogen dominance” many times. I want to dig a little deeper in this post into what estrogen dominance means, how you can know if you have estrogen dominance, and what you can do to address the imbalance and get your hormones working in harmony.

What is estrogen dominance?

Estrogen dominance happens in the body when there is estrogen overload or too much estrogen in relation to progesterone. This happens as the result of the foods we eat, the products we use, stress, poor sleep, and other environmental factors. It can be very hard to completely avoid estrogen excess, because we are surrounded by endocrine disruptors - in everything from our furniture to our nail polish.

When your body’s elimination system is working at a subpar level - the result of a lack of micronutrients, a disrupted microbiome, and inability to deal with an unnatural level of toxins - it cannot process and eliminate this excess estrogen efficiently. A body nourished with nutrient dense and hormonally-supportive foods has a better chance of coping with and managing the synthetic estrogens we’re surrounded by, but many of us are not eating in a way that supports and bolsters our elimination system. This leads to a toxic build up and hormonal soup swimming around your body - throwing your delicate hormonal balance out of whack and triggering symptoms.

The other side of this coin here is progesterone deficiency - if you have too much estrogen in your bloodstream, your progesterone levels will be low in comparison.

What are the signs of estrogen dominance?

Once you discover the symptoms of estrogen dominance it’s hard not to see the signs all around you - in your own cycle experience and the difficult, uncomfortable PMS and period symptoms of your friends. That’s because many, many women are experiencing estrogen dominance, because their bodies are not equipped to cope with the incoming estrogen overload. Here are some of the signs of estrogen dominance:

The long-term health impact of estrogen dominance

As well as the symptoms you will currently be experiencing if you have estrogen dominance, there are long-term health effects for those struggling with this hormonal imbalance. Over the years and decades, a persistent estrogen overload increases the risk of many diseases and health issues including:

Treatments for estrogen dominance

The reason you have not heard about this from your doctor and she has probably never diagnosed you with “estrogen dominance,” despite your symptoms, is that there’s really only one treatment provided by an OB/GYN for all of the health issues I mentioned above and that’s the birth control pill. When you visit an OB/GYN they tend to only be able to tell you what you already know - that you have certain symptoms and you don’t feel good as a result. They don’t often tell you exactly why you’re experiencing these symptoms. And the how to deal with the symptoms is always the birth control pill.

Of course, the path to you getting better begins with understanding why this is happening in your body. Even if you now know (or you’ve long known) that you have estrogen dominance, the most helpful part of naming the problem is knowing that you now need to take immediate action to address the root causes. Addressing the root causes is the key to moving past symptoms and feeling better. And the birth control pill does not address the root causes. It is only a band-aid for those symptoms - it may help to stop some symptoms or manage them some of the time, but when you eventually come off it will leave you even more sensitive to excess estrogen, setting you up to experience the same problems and potentially at worsened levels.

Estrogen dominance: Not just a women’s problem

These days we also see a lot of men dealing with the symptoms of estrogen dominance. They’re exposed to the same environmental factors as us and their bodies are often no better equipped to deal with the excess estrogen and eliminate it efficiently. For men, this brings about low testosterone levels (instead of low progesterone levels). You may have seen ads on TV for “Low-T” treatments for men. Men dealing with high estrogen and low testosterone will also gain weight, experience moodiness and irritability, get bloated...all of those issues we usually associated as only “female” in nature! Men also need to nourish their bodies so that their elimination system works at an optimum level and to increase their testosterone levels (especially as they age).

How to treat estrogen dominance naturally and effectively

The natural treatment for estrogen dominance is also the most effective and the longest lasting. This is because it gets down to the root cause, changes your hormonal ecosystem, and supports your elimination pathways. Following the Flo Living protocol sets your body up to combat all that incoming estrogen and helps it to deal with some of the unavoidable sources that inevitably come your way.

  • Eat more fiber - there are 3 foods that contain a good amount of fiber as well as the other vital vitamins and minerals – such as glutathione, B vitamins, and C vitamins – that you need to help your liver process the excess estrogen so that it can be transported to the large intestine and then eliminated quickly - broccoli, flax seeds and pears.
  • Support your microbiome - a set of good gut bacteria and certain bacterial genes, called the estrobolome, produce an essential enzyme that helps metabolize estrogen. Your microbiome is part of the elimination system that is vital in ushering hormones out of the body. Eat fermented foods daily like kimchi and sauerkraut and take a probiotic.
  • Love your liver - Eggs, Glutathione-heavy vegetables like carrots, spinach and asparagus, plus cilantro are all great liver detoxifiers and boost the whole elimination system’s function. Try my special cilantro-based juice once a week.

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!

To your FLO,


The easiest way to track your ovulation signs

How do you know when you’re ovulating? You were probably taught that ovulation occurs on the 14th day of your cycle - at the presumed mid-point - but for many women it’s not as simple or straight-forward as that. Although commonly we start tracking ovulation signs when we’re hoping to get pregnant, knowing if and when you’re ovulating is also useful for understanding the source of any cycle issues or symptoms you might be experiencing like missing periods, irregular cycles, or pre-menstrual problems like mood swings and depression. A lack of ovulation is a cause of infertility, of course, but it’s also a cause of many common period problems and hormonal imbalance issues. With no ovulation signs, with no ovulation, your body won’t be producing enough progesterone. Low progesterone (and the resulting estrogen dominance) is a root cause of many hormone-based health issues, from PCOS to fibroids to ovarian cysts.

The benefits of ovulation

Ovulation is essential if you want to conceive, but you also want to be ovulating regularly even if you don’t want to get pregnant anytime soon. Consistent ovulation has many benefits including:

  • Regular cycles
  • Lighter periods
  • Less PMS symptoms like mood swings, acne, bloating
  • Boosted libido
  • Less anxiety or depression
  • Long term good health and longevity - avoidance of cancers, heart disease, osteoporosis

The signs your body gives you when you’re ovulating should be obvious and clear. You should know and feel your ovulation signs with every cycle. If you’re currently struggling to figure out when to time sex to conceive or whether you’re ovulating at all, then getting your cycle back on track might be the first step to understanding and getting in touch with your ovulation signs.If you’re trying to get pregnant tracking your ovulation signs should not be stressful or difficult. It shouldn’t require ovulation predictor kits, tester strips, frantic sex scheduling or months of missed opportunities due to lack of ovulation from that same stress and anxiety. Ovulation ought to be something you can really feel as a change in your body, a change in your sex drive, and a change in your energy. Once you learn to listen and observe your Flo and how your hormones move melodiously from phase to phase then trusting in this process will become much easier. If you have menstrual irregularities however, it can be difficult to figure out when you’re ovulating. Until you get back in your FLO, checking your basal body temperature is an excellent way to know when you’re ovulating - whether you want to know so you can get pregnant or so you can ensure you don’t get pregnant - while you’re building an improved relationship to your cycle.If you’re finding it really hard to know if you’re ovulating and discern your ovulation signs, then you might have trouble getting pregnant. If you are not experiencing the signs outlined below, then you’re not at your most vibrant, fertile self - primed for pregnancy.

What are the signs of ovulation?

  1. Cervical fluid - your cervical mucus or cervical fluid changes throughout your cycle. Look in your panties or after you wipe! When you’re fertile cervical fluid is referred to as “egg white” in consistency - stretchy and clear. You need this for fertility - it helps the sperm to travel to meet your egg. You can see and feel cervical fluid around ovulation time. It’s a very clear indicator to me that I am fertile and that my hormones are in balance and working in harmony.
  2. Basal body temperature - your resting temperature or the temperature you have when you wake up first thing in the morning can be tracked and charted so you know when you have ovulated. You can use a regular thermometer and paper charts or an app. Note - if you use anti-histamines or don’t produce much cervical fluid this is a good option.
  3. Sex drive - your testosterone levels peak around ovulation, boosting your sex drive. When you’re fertile you should feel an increased interest in sex and possibly enjoy sex more than other times of the month. You may feel more attracted to your partner or generally more amourous. Your body knows this is the best time to make a baby and it just giving you a gentle reminder of your fertility.
  4. Energy - when I enter my ovulation phase my energy shifts - I feel buoyant, energetic, sociable, communicative, and I have increased stamina for exercise. It’s a really fun week of my cycle for me! I look forward to my ovulation phase and see this energy shift as a sign of my vibrant fertility. I live in my Flo, so I shift how I approach my work, my social life, my workouts, my relationship, and of course my diet with my hormonal changes.
  5. Symptoms - some women experience symptoms around their ovulation which are a lot like period problems, including spotting, bloating, acne, and pain (known as mittelschmerz). These are the kind of ovulation signs you really don’t want! There are ways to fix this naturally though and it’s all to do with making sure you’re producing enough progesterone and estrogen in balance.

When you don’t have the signs of ovulation

It’s possible to experience an anovulatory cycle (a cycle with no ovulation) on occasion as the result of short term illness, chronic stress, medications, traveling - your body can “read” when you probably shouldn’t be getting pregnant, or potentially getting pregnant, and it will delay or prevent ovulation accordingly. It’s pretty cool like that! Although a one-off anovulatory cycle is not ideal as you’ll likely experience the resulting symptoms from low progesterone of PMS, heavier bleeding, and cramps, it does occasionally occur.However, if you’re experiencing multiple cycles without ovulation signs you need to take a really good look at your diet and lifestyle and consider making some changes to support your body. Your body wants to ovulate, it needs to ovulate, and consistent ovulation every cycle is going to ensure you feel at your best and avoid hormonal symptoms.

Why you’re not ovulating

A lack of ovulation signs can indicate a number of root causes that can be addressed naturally and effectively with the Flo Living protocol:

  • Blood sugar irregularity - your endocrine system relies on your blood sugar staying in stable stasis without any crashes or too many peaks. Your body will read mismanaged blood sugar as an internal stressor and the first thing to go when your body is under perceived pressure is ovulation.
  • Sleep deprivation - sleep deprivation over even just a few days blocks the hormone melatonin and increases the production of the stress hormone, cortisol. Of course, a lack of sleep can be linked to stress or anxiety and become something of a loop of ovulation-suppressing issues.
  • Adrenal fatigue - overexerted adrenal glands create cortisol and this can disrupt progesterone (your body starts to use progesterone up as a cortisol substitute when stressed). Low progesterone levels prevents ovulation and makes miscarriage more likely.
  • Thyroid problems - a sluggish thyroid is a root cause of anovulatory cycles.
  • PCOS - the central symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome is lack of ovulation, irregular cycles and missing periods.
  • Low BMI - Having low enough body fat can not only suppress ovulation, but can also stop your period. Maintaining a healthy weight, and eating the right quantity of calories and fats is key to a healthy cycle.

If you’re not experiencing the signs of ovulation, I advise you not to wait until you want to get pregnant to figure out how to get your body to ovulate. I would recommend you start to support your body in ovulating regularly and consistently - every single cycle - from TODAY. You will see and feel immediate benefits if you do this. Ovulation is about so much more than making babies. I want you to FEEL how you shift into your verbal, social, and sexual self during your ovulation phase! Not only that, but consistent ovulation ensures a symptom-free, healthy, happy whole menstrual cycle and a perfect period. Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!to your FLO,AlisaGood things come in threes:

I want to hear from you!

First, do you track your ovulation?Second, are you trying to get pregnant? Third, everyone you know is hormonal – spread a little good ovary karma and share this article on social ;)

Are you trying to conceive?

If you want to do everything in your power to improve your chances of becoming a mom, I want to help you optimize your fertility. Whether you are just starting to think about having a baby, or have already tried naturally or have been trying with IVF, my Fertile FLO Program will help improve your chances of conception. Click here to download my FREE guide, The 5 Health Foods to Avoid to Get and Stay Pregnant.

The best metabolism-boosting foods for your body type

Boost Your Metabolism and Improve Your Period SymptomsIf you’d like to lose weight, then boosting your metabolism is a great way to drop those extra pounds. The best way to boost your metabolism is not by cutting back on food and restricting your diet, but by eating more of the kinds of foods that treat the root cause of your slowed and sluggish metabolism. The key to boosting your metabolism is about balancing your hormones! Just like knowing what your period tells you about your hormone balance, understanding where you gain weight is an important key to boosting your metabolism. Your hormone-body type reveals the reason you’re putting on the pounds (or having difficulty losing weight) and the best way for you to boost your metabolism successfully. Your body type can tell you which hormonal imbalance issue you are experiencing that is driving your weight gain. Addressing the root hormonal cause of your weight issue will have the added benefit of clearing up your period symptoms as well!

How To Use Food to Boost Your Metabolism

Eliminating foods from your diet - especially carbs and fats - will prevent your body from producing the hormones it needs to keep your metabolism humming along and burning effectively. You need to feed your metabolism the right kinds of foods to fuel its functioning. It does not help to punish yourself with a starvation regime or crash dieting or even too much heavy exercise - many of the actions we have come to believe will help us lose weight are actually going against our fat-burning system. Not eating enough and over-exercising plays havoc with your blood sugar levels and stresses out your adrenals. This means the fat doesn’t get converted into useful, functional glucose, and instead goes straight into your cells - padding out your figure.Which Diet Boosts Metabolism Best?Many of the on-trend, current diets you hear a lot about (think Paleo, Ketogenic, Macrobiotic, Vegan…) rob your body and brain of the micronutrients that you need to create balanced appetite control-neurotransmitters and balanced metabolism-boosting hormone levels. In comparison, the Flo Living protocol supports appetite control and boosts your metabolism, because it increases essential micronutrients and balances your hormones.Boosting your metabolism isn't about revving up the body to work harder, it's about balancing hormones to help your body work smarter! AND the effects are not just being slimmer, it's about being your most vital self. When I was obese, I used to think losing weight was the goal, but then as I started to understand how my hormones ruled everything, my goal changed from weight loss, to hormonal optimization.

The 4 Hormone-Body types and How to Boost Your Metabolism

What I mean here by your “body type” is how and where you gain the most pounds and store your fat. This information indicates the root biological cause of your weight gain or inability to lose weight. Knowing where you hold the majority of your weight can help you unlock the secret to losing pounds all over. A combination of the right food and supplements can boost your metabolism and help you to burn fat in the best way that works perfectly for you. Where you hold your weight and how to boost your metabolism:

  • Estrogen Type - Hips & Thighs & Butt - storing your fat in your thighs reveals an estrogen dominance in you body. Your progesterone is low and your estrogen is too high. Period Symptoms: heavy bleeding, irregular periods, moodiness, PMS. What to eat: Focus on adding more cruciferous vegetables into your diet (like kale, collards, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and brussel sprouts) - try to get a serving in at every meal. What to take: The supplement DIM (Di-Indolyl-Methane) extracted from cruciferous vegetables, helps the body to metabolize and process excess estrogen.
  • Cortisol Type - Belly - packing on the pounds in your gut tends to point to stress and the production of too much of the stress hormone cortisol. Period Symptoms: anxiety, insomnia, PMS, skipped periods. What to eat: Bell peppers for the vitamin C - more than in oranges! Vitamin C is very effective at helping the body manage stress. What to take: The adaptogen Ashwagandha will soothe your adrenals to the point that they program your cells to burn fat.
  • Insulin Type - Muffin top - love handles are a sign of a poor efficiency of insulin use in your body. Unstable blood sugar will make your body store more fat. Skipping meals and eating junky diet foods can cause high insulin levels that send the pounds straight to your middle. Period Symptoms: PCOS, skipped periods, fatigue. What to eat: Instead of bingeing on sugary snacks and white bread, rice, and pasta after a day of little-to-no real food, pick good fat-burning carbs like sweet potatoes, quinoa, buckwheat and brown rice. These foods will improve your insulin resistance. What to take: The supplement Cinnamon Force from New Chapter is great for stabilizing blood sugar. At study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics revealed the potential of cinnamon supplementation to help those who are overweight and obese.
  • Testosterone Type - Upper arms - storing fat in your upper arms/shoulder area suggests you have a sensitivity to testosterone or too low testosterone levels. You need testosterone to burn fat and build muscle mass. Period Symptoms: PCOS, irregular cycles, hair issues, irritability, low sex drive. What to eat: Good fats like avocados, which are also a great source of bioidentical testosterone. What to take: Add Maca root powder to your routine, which gently and safely boosts testosterone.

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!to your FLO,AlisaGood things come in threes:

I want to hear from you!

First, do you want to lose weight? Second, have you tried all the trendy diets? Third, everyone you know is hormonal – spread a little good ovary karma and share this article on social ;)

Need more Hormone Help?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a 4 day hormone detox and evaluation to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.Click here to get your FREE detox and evaluation!

Get your Sex Drive Back After Stopping the Pill

The Birth Control & Libido Connection

An important scientific study published in 2006 in The Journal of Sexual Medicine revealed that:

Women who have taken the birth control pill may find that, as well as having had low sex drive when on the pill, that this side effect persists even when they stop taking it.

The researchers discovered that the impact the birth control pill has on women’s testosterone levels can cause them to have a permanently suppressed sex drive when compared to women who have never used the birth control pill.

While many of us are well-aware of the fact that the Pill can have the highly ironic side effect of making you less interested in sex, it’s not as widely known that, despite stopping the Pill, some women will not see their sex drive bounce back to what it was prior to the Pill, or to levels comparative to other women.

Now, this might sound pretty scary at first if you are on the Pill or have decided to come off the Pill, but this study is showing what some women will experience if they just go off the birth control pill (as many do in the hope of losing the side effects) and do nothing aside from this to support and boost their sex drive. Although that situation is completely understandable - we assume the impact of any medication will stop once we no longer take it - there are definitely things you can do to make sure you are not one of these women who never see a return of their pre-Pill sex drive. Perhaps you’ve been off the Pill a while even, and you feel like your sex drive isn’t what it was, or what you know it could be. It’s absolutely not too late to turn that situation around and get back the sex drive you want.

We’ve previously looked at the different ways the Pill can impact you sex life (including decreased orgasms and increased UTIs) and your relationships (including the type of men you’re attracted to), as well as the best way to approach transitioning off the Pill,  but here let's look at how to tackle this common Pill-related problem of low sexual desire.

First, let’s look at why it happens so we can understand fully how to fix it.

How birth control stops your sex drive

The birth control pill suppresses ovulation and replaces your body’s own natural hormone production with a consistent stream of synthetic hormones. As a part of this function, the Pill suppresses your testosterone production. It also increases the production of SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin).

When you go off the Pill, your body can start producing its own (and more) testosterone again, however the research study mentioned above found that women are left with 4 times the amount of SHBG they would normally have. SHBG binds with your “free testosterone” in your bloodstream and lowers the levels of available, free, accessible testosterone overall. Free, unbound testosterone is essential for a healthy sex drive, as well as sexual enjoyment. When you experience your natural cycle, your sex drive will peak around ovulation (and sometimes also pre-menstrually). On the Pill you experience none of these natural hormonal shifts.

How to bring your sex drive back post-Pill

We recommend a three-part approach to regain your sex drive after the Pill, whether you’ve only recently come off, plan to soon, or have been off the Pill for a a few months already.

This strategy has been effective with many women we have supported in coming off the Pill through the Flo Living protocol.

The first part of this strategy focuses on sex drive-boosting foods, the second part centers around sex drive-supportive supplements, and the third looks at adjusting exactly how you approach sex.

3 things you can do to revive your sex drive after stopping the pill:

1. Let food be your foreplay

You can support your endocrine system with the right foods that will help your body produce enough testosterone to give your sex drive the boost it needs. After coming off the Pill, you will be depleted of some key nutrients that will also contribute to connecting issues like low moods and poor sleep. Eating a diet rich in hormonally supportive foods will be key in avoiding all the withdrawal effects of the Pill - including rebound hormonal acne, weight issues, and infertility issues.

Focus on well-researched aphrodisiacs like avocados (full of bio-identical testosterone), honey (packed with hormone regulating boron), strawberries (an ancient remedy), and dark chocolate (for feeling energized and content).

You’ll also need to nourish your tired post-Pill adrenals & stabilize your mood - you can do this by avoiding caffeine, eating regularly, and upping essential fatty acids in your diet. Try mixing up Alisa Vitti's signature sex drive-boosting smoothie a couple of times per week - the Passion Pour.

2. Get sexy with supplements

No supplement will change your sex drive on its own, but as part of a wider hormonally supportive diet, they can work wonders.

Try maca powder in your smoothies - a well-researched root extract that will help increase testosterone levels.

Try adding Zinc, Magnesium, Evening Primrose and Rhodiola to your daily routine to improve your energy and mood, as well as increase your desire for and enjoyment of sex. These supplements will support your adrenals, up testosterone levels, and give you bigger and better orgasms. Zinc and Magnesium are especially important for preventing the binding of free testosterone and keeping free testosterone available - the importance of which is shown in the aforementioned research.

3. Take it slow

The third part of this strategy is to shift your approach to sex. Taking the birth control pill, especially long-term, can change how we think and feel about sex. When you come off the Pill, you will need to work with your new desire level in ways that will let you have the time you need to feel turned on and ready. The effects of the sex drive-boosting foods and supplements won’t be immediate, and while you’re waiting for your testosterone levels to bounce back, you can start with this. It’s all about building a new pathway towards becoming aroused.

Focusing more on actual foreplay (not just food as foreplay!) including long make-out sessions or indulging in some literotica to get in the mood can help. If you’ve gotten used to not having a lot of sex because you just didn’t feel like it, start practicing being sexual regularly in different ways - partnered or solo. Our sex drive is something that can disappear purely through lack of practice!

You might need to start out small and slow with sexual explorations - the more you do, the more you’ll want! Just start exploring! Self-pleasure can certainly be a part of this. Know that as your natural cycle phases return you may also want to practice Cycle Syncing® your sex life to make the most of your shifting sexuality.

Once you are fully living in your FLO, you will notice that how you feel about your partner (if in a relationship) and your interest in sex changes depending what phase you are in at that time.

How-to get your sex drive back after stopping the pill 🔥

The Benefits of Maca Powder for your Hormones

What is Maca?

Maca root powder might seem like just another "trending" superfood, but the benefits of maca root have been long known. This ancient natural remedy happens to be very well researched, and that research has revealed its hormone-balancing, hormonal symptom-soothing properties.

Maca root (most usually found as maca powder) is an adaptogen, which means it supports your whole endocrine system to produce the right amounts of hormones you need. Maca can help your body “adapt” to stressful life situations that might otherwise deplete your body’s hormone production and cause symptoms.

Maca root powder is a wonderful resource to have at hand, especially at certain critical times in your life when its properties can be the most beneficial. That said, maca is not for everyone and anyone, all of the time. Digging deeper and knowing more about this powerful supplement will help you to get the most out of it.

Does Maca “cure” hormone imbalance?

While Maca can certainly be beneficial, we don't recommend seeing it as a miracle cure for all hormonal ills. There is no one product that can or will resolve a woman’s PMS, PCOS, cramps, acne, irrregular cycles or infertility issues on its own. Just adding in a supplement or one food, however “super,” unfortunately rarely works to help a woman overcome hormonal symptoms alone. Resolving hormonal imbalances requires a whole-systems approach - macro and micronutrient support, along with lifestyle changes.

When To Take Maca

There are 3 times in a woman’s life when she could really benefit from using maca root powder on a regular basis as part of a wider hormonally-supportive diet. Those times are:

During these windows, maca root powder could help your body produce more hormones, at a time when your own endocrine system may be flagging due to the effects of perimenopause, hormone suppression from the Pill, or lack of sleep after baby. As an adaptogen, maca root powder helps your endocrine system do its job in sub-optimal conditions. These three life stages can be a stress on your endocrine system.

Remember: maca has some wonderful benefits, but it is not a cure-all. However, using it alongside food can make maca a very effective supplement. After you reach 35, after using the Pill, after baby, you may be experiencing several hormone-based issues that maca can treat, including:

  • Low energy levels
  • Low sex drive
  • Brain fog and poor focus or concentration
  • Mood swings and depression
  • PMS symptoms

Who shouldn’t take Maca?

Maca root powder is a great tool for these critical moments when our bodies need the additional support to get back on track. However, when you’re between 15 and 35, eating a hormonally-supportive diet should be enough to balance your hormones, resolve your period problems and regulate your cycles. You should NOT take maca if you have an allergy to iodine, Hashimoto’s, or experience any kind of thyroid nodules or growths, as it contains significant amounts of iodine. Lastly, any time you are trying out new changes to your wellness regimen, remember to note any side effects you experience and keep in touch with your providers about what you experience.

What’s the best kind of Maca root to take?

The most important thing to know about maca root powder is that there are different kinds you can buy. Keep in mind that it’s the glucosinolate component that you need, to experience maca’s hormone-balancing properties.

Look for brands containing over 1% of glucosinolate  as a standardized extract. Our favorite way to take maca is in a smoothie. Just a spoonful is enough at first, but you can build up to more if you feel it’s working well for you.

There are red, black and yellow maca powders - yellow is the most commonly available and usually the least expensive - it packs a similar nutritional punch of minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and micronutrients as the other two kinds. However, red and black maca powders have some specific researched properties that make them stand out - red has shown to be most helpful for treating acne, infertility and low energy, for example.

Raw maca powder is better than gelatinized or cooked because the enzymes and nutrients remain at their peak levels in the raw state (although if you have a sensitive digestive system, cooked may be easier on your stomach). You may also find maca powders that blend of all 3 kinds of maca, which allow you to get their individual and combined benefits.

My top 5 best anti-aging supplements

A few weeks back I told you about my favorite supplements to boost weight loss and help you shed those pounds. This time I want to tell you about what I take to stay looking and feeling young. I can’t tell you how many times I have been told I look way younger than my actual years. It’s a humble-brag, I know, but it does show that what I’m doing for myself every single day really works. I’m in my late 30s and I get mistaken for someone in their early 30s - and who doesn’t want that?! Vanity aside, why you want to look a decade younger is because you want to be biologically youthful regardless of whatever your chronological age might be, so you have the best chance to live your healthiest and happiest life TODAY, right now. Living in your FLO turns back the biological clock so that your body, your fertility, is actually younger than your chronological years. From my experience, many women experience a body and a fertility that is actually functioning at a point that is older than their chronological years. They feel tired, look older than they should, can’t work out with the stamina and ability they want, and feel slower. We should not expect or assume this will happen to us in our late 30s, 40s or even 50s. We can keep producing buoyant hormones for many more years if we make a conscious effort to live in a hormone-supportive way. I have helped many women reverse this through my Flo Living protocol. And, of course, when your insides are younger, your outsides look younger. Aging occurs chemically when we have too much oxidative stress on our cells, we don’t have enough access to key micronutrients required for all parts of the body to function optimally, and when we start to make smaller concentrations of all of our hormones. This is aging on the inside, and we see it on the outside in the quality of our skin, how funky our periods and hormones feel after 35, our sex drive, our muscle tone, our weight, our mental clarity, diminished fertility, and even our mood! If you want to stay youthful biochemically-speaking - the sooner you get back into your FLO the better. “Anti-aging” (although I hate that term as it’s not scientifically possible) so let’s say - “age defying” is built into the FLO protocol. This is why following this hormone-supportive way of eating and living can help you get pregnant in your 40s and slow the process of perimenopause. Just as there is weight loss supplement industry, there is an anti-aging supplement industry. A quick search this morning showed me there are companies telling women to shell out some $600 for a bottle of pills they say will reverse the aging process! I find this shocking. It does reveal, however, the demand and need for products that help us to look and feel younger. A cursory glance at the ingredients in those $600 supplements tells me this is not the miracle you’re looking for. So I wanted to share what I consider to be the best researched and most effective supplements for their age-defying properties and to save you money too!

My favorite age-defying supplements

  1. Blueberries. Not strictly a supplement I know (although it is available in supplement form as an extract), but just as simple and easy to eat every day. Blueberries are a great source of resveratrol and other anti-oxidants. This phytonutrient fights damage to your DNA, which is a central source of the symptoms of aging, and slows tissue aging. In testing on insects and animals blueberry extract has even been shown to increase longevity. Studies on people have shown that blueberry extract improves the appearance of aging skin.
  2. Collagen. Most women don’t have enough collagen in their diet. You can take this in pill form like: Biocell Collagen with Hyaluronic Acid, or a powder to add to your smoothies or even by being really dedicated to drinking bone broth. What’s great about collagen is how quickly you see and feel results with this one. This actually helps your skin regenerate and as such increases suppleness and fullness. It will also prevent those aches and pains that can come with aging.
  3. CoEnzyme-Q10. This supplement is mitochondria supportive, promoting their regeneration and overall function. Mitochondria are a part of every cell in your body - they’re your cell’s digestive system essentially - which convert glucose into a usable fuel. Again, this supplement prevents DNA damage (a primary source of the symptoms of aging). It fights free radicals which contribute to DNA damage and cell death. This will slow the aging process and, some claim, increase longevity.
  4. Vitamin D. A high intake of vitamin D protects telomeres, which are the “caps” on the chromosomes that make up our DNA. Research from Stanford University shows that the key to reversing the aging process is preventing DNA damage via shortened telomeres or telomere erosion. The condition of our telomeres has a direct impact on the aging of our cells and therefore the aging of our bodies. There are supplements out there that call themselves “telomere lengthening” supplements (this is what can cost upwards of $600!). Most of the claims are bogus. It’s better to use food and supplements that prevent your telomeres from erosion and shortening, rather than trying to do what might be impossible, at least for now.
  5. Vitamin B12. Known as the energy vitamin B12 can give you back that youthful energy, exuberance and vibrance. It’s important to note that if you’ve recently come off the Pill you may find you’re deficient in this vitamin as it’s one that the Pill depletes the most. Your body needs this to convert the food you eat into glucose for fuel.

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!to your FLO,AlisaGood things come in threes:

I want to hear from you!

First, do you feel you’re aging too fast? Second, are you in perimenopause? Third, everyone you know is hormonal – spread a little good ovary karma and share this article on social ;)

Feeling Frazzled, Bloated, and Unsexy?

If you’ve noticed more distance between cycles…or some periods are light and some are super heavy…your sex drive is flat…and you’re more moody in general (anxious, depressed, or both)…and especially if you’re in your mid 30’s and up…Your hormones may be aging faster than they should. But you can start reversing this process by adding one key micronutrient that you’re likely missing.Get your free report: The Magic Missing Micronutrient to Get Your Sexy Back.

How to use honey to prevent PMS, boost your immunity, and feel sexy (including 3 of my favorite recipes)

I’m a strong believer in the healing and hormone balancing properties of honey. Honey is a key ingredient for stabilizing blood sugar, for promoting strong immunity, and for supporting your sex drive. It’s one of those ancient remedies that has helped women for centuries. Honey is also a wonderful addition to your diet when you’re in the midst of scaling back your intake of sugar, like candies, soda, fruit juices, that allows you to satisfy your cravings without doing your hormones any harm.

Honey is so easy to add to your day-to-day - a spoonful in your tea is just wonderful - but it’s also great for healthy juices, smoothies, and baking. It is my number one favorite sweetener and I make the most of it. As I talk you through the health benefits of honey I’m going to share my favorite recipes that highlight and showcase each of the healing properties of honey.

Honey to prevent your PMS

Honey is the perfect substitute for the white stuff (sugar). Poorly-managed blood sugar is the root of all hormonal health issues. I have yet to meet one woman suffering with PMS who had her blood-sugar levels balanced out. That’s because it’s impossible to have well-controlled blood sugar without making a conscious effort. Imagine a chart with a flat horizontal line running across. My goal is to have you, and all women, see only gentle undulations from that ideal blood sugar stasis and not the dramatic peaks and troughs that most of us will experience if we don’t keep an eye on what we eat. Those peaks and troughs are what make us soar and then crash in our moods and they spell disaster for our hormones.

Using a “softer” sweetener like honey in your tea and when baking will go a long way towards keeping your blood sugar stable. It will also satisfy the sweet cravings you may experience prior to your period. Honey is less likely to cause those peaks and troughs, but will give you the glucose that your body needs.

When I’m craving something sweet and satisfying I whip up a batch of these:

Chocolate Sweet Potato Brownies

1 raw medium sweet potato (purple skin/white flesh) – 2 1/2 cups when grated

2 whole eggs

½ cup melted coconut oi

l⅓ cup raw honey

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

½ cup raw cacao powder

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

2½ tablespoon coconut flour

¼ tsp pink himalayan salt


Preheat oven to 375 °F

Combine wet: grated sweet potato, eggs, vanilla, honey and coconut oil oil in a large mixing bowl and stir together until well incorporated.

Mix dry: cacao powder, baking powder, baking soda, salt and coconut flour.

Combine wet into dry and mix well.

Pour the mixture into a 9 inch square baking tin lined with parchment paper.

Cook for 25-30 minutes. Let cool for 10 minutes before carefully removing the brownies from the tin.

Honey to boost your immunity

Raw honey contains an immune system-boosting living probiotic bacteria. This soothes the microbiome and in turn supports strong immunity. Your immunity is created and sourced in your gut. If you are prone to colds, honey can have immediate antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and soothing qualities that will also calm coughs and sneezing. The World Health Organization actually counts honey as a demulcent, which shows it relieves sore throats and coughs. It can also aid in the production of white blood cells, improving the body’s ability to fight infection. Honey helps to draw out the benefits and allow the body to absorb the goodness of citrus and ginger, other immunity-boosting ingredients. In the winter cold-season I like to protect myself from common illnesses by sipping this juice a couple of times a week.

Cold-busting, immune-boosting juice

3 carrots

1 beet

Juice of ½ a lemon

1 T of chopped ginger

½ cup of pineapple

Juice of ½ an orange

1 teaspoon of raw honey

Honey for your libido

Honey is an ancient aphrodisiac dating back to the times of those wise Egyptians. It contains boron, which helps regulate your hormones, plus nitric oxide, which is released naturally during arousal. It’s also a good source of magnesium which is a key micronutrient for everything hormonal balance related!  If you’re looking to feel more sexy, passionate and turned on - try my special smoothie recipe.

The Passion Pour



Raw honey

Almond milk

Pinch of cayenne pepper

The best kind of honey

Now, not all honeys you find in the supermarket are the same. If it comes in a small plastic bear then it’s definitely processed honey, which is no different to refined sugar. Much of this processed honey is actually just high fructose corn syrup, which is fed to and then regurgitated by bees to make a cheap and mass-produced sweetener. It really matters what kind of honey you choose - processed, non-organic can actually harm your health. If you’ve never tasted raw honey, you don’t know how honey is meant to taste. Unstrained, raw honey is the good stuff: full of honeycomb, propolis, and pollen, every spoonful contains natural goodness. Plus, it delivers plenty of sweetness without the immediate blood sugar spike from refined sugar/processed honey.

I use Really Raw honey. The flavor of this honey is worlds above the over-processed mainstream brands and the accompanying nutritional benefits are even better. Really Raw honey is not only organic, but since it’s never processed or heated, it retains all its potential health benefits. As an added bonus: Really Raw sources all of its honey from local beekeeping operations, and every jar is packaged by hand. That means every jar tastes just like the seasonal honey you’ll find at your local farmers market.Ready to try a spoonful for yourself? Well, you’re in luck, because for a limited time, Thrive Market is offering my Flo-sisters a free jar of Really Raw honey. And if you’re an existing Thrive customer you can get in on the fun, too - you’ll also score a free jar with your next purchase over $50 by clicking here!

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!

To your FLO,


The hidden cause of your hormonal imbalance in your home

If you’re reading this post I’m almost certain you are aware of the impact your diet can have on your hormonal imbalance symptoms - from PMS to PCOS, from cramps to endometriosis, from low libido to weight gain. You know that some foods make these health issues worse and some can make them so much better. However, if you’re eating healthily and even following the Flo Living diet protocol, you might still be missing an essential ingredient of creating the kind of hormone-safe lifestyle that will protect you from these symptoms. That missing essential ingredient is in your cleaning supply closet. Because we don’t spend more than perhaps a few hours a week handling these products, we may not think they can possibly have an impact on our health. Yet, cumulatively the hours stack up that we are using, touching, and making skin contact with these chemicals, especially those that can linger on the items we are close to every day - like our clothes. We think picking our cleaning products, especially our laundry detergent, really should be just a matter of what works. And that’s true. We do need products that get our clothes clean and don’t mean spending hours washing and rewashing items to get the desired result. We also need to prioritize our own health. Top selling brand name detergents have been found to contain high levels of petrochemicals which are endocrine disruptors - they disrupt your body’s creation of its own hormones, use of those hormones and elimination of excess hormones. They introduce estrogen-mimicking synthetic hormones into your blood stream through skin contact that can undo all of your best efforts with your diet. These synthetic estrogens create estrogen dominance in the body - a root cause of all of the hormonal imbalance symptoms I mentioned above. An independent research group, Women’s Voices for the Earth, discovered that twenty of the most popular products we use to keep our homes and clothes clean contain reproductive toxins such as toluene and phthalates as well as a hormone disrupting synthetic musk, amongst other toxic chemicals. Many of these substances are not even listed on the product labels, because there is no law requiring that the company do this, keeping even the most informed of us in the dark. Anything that has been shown to cause “pregnancy complications” or “cancer” will also cause hormone disruption. Research shows that many of the chemicals found in everyday house-cleaning products are bio-accumulative and very toxic, which means that once in your system, they actually stay in your system and allow for increased free radical damage, which makes you more vulnerable to autoimmune diseases and cancers.As you can imagine, as a consequence of this research, I am very picky about my cleaning products. Especially my laundry detergent, as the residue of this can stay on clothes that then stay next to my skin, and my daughter’s skin, all day long. Despite the labels claiming that detergent will leave your clothes with a “clean, fresh scent” and “2X cleaner,” the truth is that many conventional detergents contain carcinogens, toxic chemicals, and harsh additives. Don’t sacrifice your family’s health for a clean home any more—instead, opt for natural products that really work, like Molly’s Suds Laundry Powder.Unlike other brands, Molly’s Suds is made from just five all­-natural ingredients that really get your clothes clean. Plus, it’s free from artificial fragrances and dyes, preservatives, toxic chemicals, and genetically modified ingredients, making it gentle enough for even the most sensitive skin, like that of my daughter. Not to mention, this laundry powder received an A rating from the Environmental Working Group—that means it’s just as safe for the environment as it is for your family. There’s another huge upside to this laundry soap: Molly’s Suds is super­concentrated, and just one tablespoon will get each load sparkling clean.Plus, for a limited time, my favorite place to buy all my groceries - Thrive Market - is offering all new customers a FREE package of Molly’s Suds laundry powder. And existing customers won’t miss out on the fun—they can nab a free package with their next order over $50. I’ve been using Thrive Market for months to stock my pantry and my cleaning closet and I love it, it’s so very easy, affordable and convenient.Just go here to claim your free gift!Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!to your FLO,AlisaGood things come in threes:

I want to hear from you!

First, are you chemical sensitive?Second, have you switched to green cleaning products?Third, everyone you know is hormonal – spread a little good ovary karma and share this article on social ;)

Need more Hormone Help?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a 4 day hormone detox and evaluation to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.Click here to get your FREE detox and evaluation!

Don’t Let Your Period Ruin Valentine’s Day

I want to let you in on a secret - the day of my wedding, I was menstruating. That’s right - I was on my period, in my big beautiful white dress, for the whole ceremony. And you know that scene they always have in romantic comedies when the wife-to-be has to get her friends to help her use the bathroom? Well, I had to do that too - on my period. My two best friends had to help me maneuver my dress so I could switch out my organic, cotton tampon! Joking aside - when I’m menstruating I feel like my emotional self fully integrates with my more bookish, cerebral self, which is actually great for events full of deep feeling, like my wedding day, and for connecting with those I love. I was on my period the day that I did my TED talk too, in fact I think it helped me to better communicate my passion with the audience. As I don’t experience a difficult, problematic period anymore - I worked hard to get my body and hormones into a place where I feel good all month in fact - so now I am free to tap into the skills my hormonal alignment at this time can give me. Of course, if I had gotten married or given my TED talk when I was ovulating, or in my follicular or luteal phase, I would have benefited from the other amplified skills and talents I have access to during those times. I just don’t see having my period on important days as detrimental, and I don’t dread it. However I know that, for many women, looking at the calendar to realize that your period coincides with your wedding day, your anniversary, your week’s vacation, or Valentine’s Day can provoke real panic and anxiety. If you experience PMS symptoms, cramps, heavy bleeding, or if your period just likes to surprise you so you never quite know when it will turn up, then feeling like your period will sabotage your most special days is completely understandable. We worry that we’ll be in pain, feeling crabby, exhausted, or even confined to bed, when we most want to be at our best. You don’t have to take the pill to deal with your period.First of all, I want you to know that your period does not have to be like this! You can have the perfect period. The Flo Living protocol has eliminated - crampsheavy bleedingirregular cyclesand even PMS (which by the way is not “normal”)for me, and for literally THOUSANDS of women, the world over.

How to stop your period ruining your Valentine’s Day

I know Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and you might feel you are heading straight for a period-sabotaged day, regardless of what lovely romantic plans you and your partner have cooked up. I want to give you some effective, practical solutions so you can look forward to February 14th, or any other special day on your calendar that happens to coincide with a visit from the PMS fairy or Aunt Flo. If you’re in your luteal phase right now (or premenstrual, as it’s also known) here are 3 things you can do in the days leading up to Valentine’s Day (or any special day) so you feel good and enjoy the opportunity to connect with your partner. Then, for the day itself, I have a couple of suggestions to help you cycle-sync your Valentine’s Day to fit your mood.

What you should do if you’re PMS’ing on Valentine’s Day

  1. Eat PMS-fighting foods. Fill your meals with foods rich in B vitamins, magnesium, calcium and fiber. This will rebalance your hormone levels and make the luteal phase transition smooth and easy. I’m talking about millet, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, squash, apples, dates, chickpeas, walnuts, beef and cod (you can find a whole grocery list of suggestions for this phase in my book “Woman Code”).
  2. Listen to your cravings. Do you desperately want chocolate? Then have some chocolate! Good quality, organic, 70% dark chocolate is a PMS-combating superfood packed full of magnesium to alleviate anxiety, insomnia, and bloating. If you crave pasta, soda or coffee - I’ve got you covered there too with healthy, satisfying alternatives that won’t make your period a problem.
  3. Schedule in some self-care. If you usually love your me-time when you’re on your period, schedule some of this in before it arrives this month so you don’t miss it and can still benefit from that important time out. Having some alone time will make being with your partner on Valentine’s Day so much more enjoyable for you and for him! Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? Create some at-home spa treatments and be your own Valentine for the night! Or celebrate “Galentine’s” Day by having a girls night in with the kind of best friends who leave you feeling refreshed and positive.

What you should do on Valentine’s Day If You have your periodI usually suggest that during the menstrual phase women take their me-time and let their partner get his fill of guys’ nights out, so they can have some space to themselves. However, Valentine’s Day and other special days are all about connecting with others, so this is not always possible or desirable. That said, you can cycle-sync your Valentine’s Day to fit your hormone cycle and align what you choose to do to celebrate with how you will be feeling. Here are a couple of things you can do to make the day a time for real, genuine connection and love.

  1. Shift your thinking about sex. I know some women are uncomfortable with full sex when they’re on their period and that’s a big reason we might see our periods as potentially sabotaging our anniversary, vacation or Valentine’s Day. Of course, it’s absolutely fine to abstain when you’re menstruating and find other ways of connecting with your partner through touch. But you can also certainly do everything but actual intercourse for a sexy evening too - perhaps take a bath together, engage in the 5 C’s of self-pleasure together and just be with each other physically, with the pressure off. You might find you enjoy it even more!
  2. Romantic Evening At Home. I don’t know about you, but I don’t enjoy restaurants when I’m pre-menstrual or on my period - food is so commonly over-salted, it makes me mad and it makes me feel bloated! Get some cycle-synced restful, introverted, us-time by eschewing the rush to make reservations and get dolled up for a big night out and instead just stay home. If you power through the standard romantic evening because you feel you have to when you’re not in the mood, you’ll only feel grouchy and tempted to displace that frustration onto your partner. It’s so much better to create a comfortable, cosy night in, whether that means cooking together, or playing card games, or watching a movie. You don’t need to be in a fancy restaurant to feel romantic.

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!to your FLO,AlisaGood things come in threes:

I want to hear from you!

First, how do you feel about getting your period on special occasions? Second, do you feel like you never know when you’ll get your period? Third, everyone you know is hormonal – spread a little good ovary karma and share this article on social ;)

Feeling Frazzled, Bloated, and Unsexy?

If you’ve noticed more distance between cycles…or some periods are light and some are super heavy…your sex drive is flat…and you’re more moody in general (anxious, depressed, or both)…and especially if you’re in your mid 30’s and up…Your hormones may be aging faster than they should. But you can start reversing this process by adding one key micronutrient that you’re likely missing.Get your free report: The Magic Missing Micronutrient to Get Your Sexy Back

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Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “MyFLO has been a true game changer for me and my cycle. I now have an increased awareness of my body's needs throughout the month.”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “MyFLO has completely transformed my relationship with my cycle. I am sleeping through the night, intuitively managing my stress, and eating with my cycle.”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “I use MyFLO every day to track my cycle and symptoms. I've managed to significantly reduce PMS symptoms like breast tenderness, and my cycle length has gone down from 40 days to 30 days.”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Boost micronutrient levels

  • Manage blood sugar

  • Reduce stress

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • "My period was missing for 3 years after getting off birth control. MonthlyFLO helped me finally get my period back.”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • I feel more empowered to understand my body and heal my hormones. I no longer accept the patriarchal dismissal and confusion about the female cycle”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “I got my period back after 15 years! Thank all of you for your support. I'm just so grateful!”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “FLO Living has seriously changed my life. It gave me the courage and bravery to get off of birth control, and completely changed my outlook on health. I look and feel better than I ever have in my life”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Detox estrogen

  • Reduce inflammatory foods

  • Improve elimination

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Boost progesterone production

  • Support estrogen elimination with dietary changes

  • Replenish micronutrients

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Reduce Androgens

  • Restore ovulation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Detox estrogen

  • Improve bowel movements

  • Reduce inflammation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Manage blood sugar

  • Address micronutrient deficiencies

  • Restore ovulation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Detox chemical stress

  • Micronutrients to boost egg quality

  • Reduce inflammation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Detox chemical stress

  • Targeted micronutrients to support ovulation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Micronutrients to boost egg quality

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Support immune function of uterus

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Implement Cycle Syncing ®

  • Detox chemical stress

  • Boost micronutrient levels

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Manage blood sugar

  • Detox estrogen

  • Boost progesterone production

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Reduce stress

  • Boost energy

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Restore Micronutrients

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Boost progesterone production

  • Support estrogen elimination

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Micronutrients to boost egg quality

  • Reduce inflammation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Boost progesterone production

  • Increase micronutrient levels