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How FLO Living Worked For Me: I got a regular period back!

"I got a regular period back!"Read how Flo Living helped Allie get a regular period back, cure her PMS symptoms, and balance her blood sugar after getting off the pill. Allie is 26 years-old and from Indianapolis, Indiana. She is Head Chef and Kitchen Manager at Ezra’s Enlightened Cafe in her hometown - Indiana’s first organic and vegan cafe!After quitting the Pill, Allie’s periods went MIA. Her busy days at the restaurant were marred by the highs and crashes of imbalanced blood sugar. Even though she was surrounded by healthy food, she wasn’t feeling well and happy.Then a good friend introduced her to WomanCode.Within two months of following the Flo protocol with the support of Flo Living’s expert counselors Allie got her period back and regulated. Plus she got her blood sugar in balance, which meant no PMS symptoms or cramps for her and all the energy she needed.We chatted with Allie to find out more about how Flo Living transformed her life.How was your health when you found Flo Living?There were two health concerns I was experiencing before I found Flo Living.I had been trying to figure out a good routine for my diet, but was not succeeding. I was experiencing blood sugar crashes and working on cutting out foods that created this. I tried to create a routine by eating the same thing for breakfast every day, etc. It was challenging to find one meal that always made me feel great. I finally thought I had found the perfect breakfast meal. But one day, my blood sugar crashed a couple hours after and I experienced shakiness and hunger which was very confusing. I realized I also needed flexibility in my diet to support my changing daily life experiences.After telling a good friend of mine my frustrations, she told me about the ‘WomanCode.’ She let me borrow her book and my eyes were opened to a new possible way of eating where I could have both routine and flexibility. I learned about a way of eating that honored my femininity and was compatible with my body’s hormonal needs. I was so intrigued that I found the online program and enrolled.I have been searching for ways to completely get my period back on a regular cycle since getting off birth control pills the summer of 2012. In 2012, I read the book ‘The Red Tent,’ which changed my life by empowering me to quit taking the pill and get in touch with my own Sacred Feminine and moon cycle connection. After quitting the pill, I didn’t get my period for 7 months, then 4 months, then 7 months again. My periods were very slow to start and there was brown spotting for at least 5-7 days before the red blood actually came.After I started the Flo protocol it took only about one month or two to get my period back to arriving every 28 days. I now experience less days of brown before the red blood, and less cramping and more balanced energy during my menstrual phase. I feel more emotions of love and happiness that I want to express.How else did your health improve as a result of following the Flo Living protocol?

get period back with juice

The biggest accomplish I have made in my health as a result of the protocol is learning how to regulate my blood sugar. Most days, I ate balanced meals, but when I became stressed and busy, I turned to sweets & chocolate for energy. This caused my blood sugar to drop, and I felt hungry, weak and shaky. So I would snack more and often times eat even more chocolate, to give me instant energy.Through the program, I learned that I was causing my blood sugar to spike and drop from the foods I was eating when stressed. I learned my body was experiencing an up and down default pattern with my blood sugar levels, which was affecting my adrenals and making me feel exhausted. Now, when I am stressed, I go to foods with more protein, I sit and breathe while I eat, and I keep a grateful attitude in my mind while I eat, trusting that the meal choices that I made are going to sustain me and nourish me. I have found a new trust in food and I am seeing the results when I follow this practice because I maintain energy longer with little cravings for sweets. This empowers me and makes me feel connected to my body in knowing I can take care and support it. Any time I feel tired and think of chocolate and sweets as a quick fix, I remind myself of the knowledge I received through the program and I remember that the key to having energy is to nourish my body-temple with foods that are supportive of my hormonal cycle and blood sugar. I find strength in that thought and this is enough to prevent me from returning to the chocolate, sugar, caffeine path because it only leads to more exhaustion.When I am eating balanced meals with enough protein, abstaining from chocolate and sugar as a means for energy, and getting enough sleep and water, my luteal phase is much more pleasant. I have less breast tenderness, less bloating, and more emotional happiness. Even the discomfort I feel in my lower abdomen feels more like a buzzing, singing sensation, rather than cramps. Also, the days I experience brown spotting before having red blood are fewer.How do you now feel when you are in each phase of your menstrual cycle?I have been keeping track of my monthly cycle since July, when I discovered the ‘WomanCode.’ I tracked how I felt emotionally, what I ate and foods I craved, how the moisture felt down in my lady parts, what was going on in my sex life, and what activities I felt inclined to participate in. I learned a lot about myself and my menstrual cycle.I know when I have entered follicular phase because suddenly I feel energized to take on new projects and make plans with friends or exercise. I feel lighter and feel like dressing in something cuter, rather than wearing comfy sweats as I do during my menstrual phase. Lighter foods like salads and juices seem to give me long sustained energy.I know when I am getting close to Ovulation because I am juicer down there and moisture is dropping down. The energy that I was feeling in my follicular phase is now a drive to really focus on executing my goals by putting more physical energy into whatever it is I started initiating during follicular such as working out, activities with friends and phone chats, or work goals. Ovulation is the time I feel most in touch with the physical movements of my body and how to operate it well.I continue to feel this way in the beginning half of Luteal and then suddenly, I want to focus my energies more on organizing, taking care of the cleanliness of my house, and sustaining my goals rather than delivering them at a high energy. When my menstrual cycle comes, I feel emotionally happy and grateful with the desire to express this. I find meaning in everything and I feel connected to all beings.What did you find difficult about the Flo Living protocol at first? How did you overcome this obstacle with the help of the counselors?

get period back with broth

The most difficult process was the first process: Stabilizing my blood sugar. It seemed easy while watching the video and taking notes. But then actually incorporating this into my lifestyle was challenging. I have deep rooted patterns of using caffeine, sugar, or chocolate to give me a boost in energy which were very challenging to break.I started off going to bed earlier more routinely so I could have enough rest. I also decided to take a break from eating chocolate and sweets. Any time I felt a craving for chocolate or sweets, I reminded myself of how exhausted I feel when my blood sugar spikes. I mentally affirmed myself: “I am choosing to eat nourishing foods rather than chocolate because those foods add to my energy store box and support my adrenals rather than releasing that energy and crashing my system.” I found power in this thought pattern.My biggest test was when I had to work several long days in a row with little sleep. I didn’t think I would be able to make it through the last day without chocolate, sugar, or caffeine. That morning, I wrote on the Flo Living message Forums my dilemma and I received support and encouragement back from a Flo Living expert and another person going through the program. I felt supported in my choices and I ended up making it through the whole day without chocolate, sugar, or caffeine. I allowed myself more time to eat slowly during my breaks and breathe. I had steady energy the whole day and I was able to stay mentally and physically engaged at work. I was overjoyed with this experience because this was the first time in my life I was empowered enough to follow through with my goal. The Flo Living Expert checked up on me in an email later and it felt great to be supported. I shared my excitement with her.What would you say to a friend suffering with hormonal imbalance symptoms who had read about Flo Living, but felt it might be too difficult for them to follow?I would let them know that it is about one step at a time. I would share my personal experience and explain that this program actually helped make my life easier because it feels simpler to synch my life with my natural circadian rhythm. This new understanding helped me become compassionate with myself knowing how to work with my body to accomplish my goals rather than pushing myself when I needed rest.How have you personalized the protocol to suit your lifestyle?


Cooking is my greatest passion. I have had a delightful time creating new recipes for each phase. I have been taking pictures and posting them on my Instagram with little tidbits of info about the ingredients for women who are looking for foods to help regulate their cycle. I feel empowered by helping others. I believe that food is one aspect of many that Flo Living teaches.I have always felt a closeness with my feminine, goddess divine energy and I am always looking for ways to explore this further. Flo Living was truly a blessing to find because it encompasses both the food aspect and the Divine Feminine. It has been my longtime dream to write a cookbook for women to empower them, and I am highly motivated by everything I have learned through Flo Living to follow this dream.How have you made shopping and cooking simple and easy? Any tips you might like to share with others?Right as I feel like I am transitioning into the next phase (I keep track of my days in my planner as well), I create a list of foods to get from the grocery store with the Food Chart provided by Flo Living. I have been creating recipes each month so I now have a good amount as a base to use each month. I type up the recipes I create and I save them in a folder on my computer called “Eating in the Flo.” There are four folders within that folder: Follicular, Ovulatory, Luteal, and Menstrual. I look through these each month, or create new recipes. Sometimes I will see a couple items on the list that sound good to me and I will Google search these items in recipes.Plan out recipes before you go to the store and plan times to make them. I like to cook recipes in big batches all at once and eat off of them for the next 3-4 days. Sometimes I will make a big serving of soup and freeze it for next month during that phase. Or I will make big batches of energy bars or granola to store.My cabinets have jars with nuts/seeds for each phase and the phase is labeled on the jar. Because everything is categorized, I can look at it during the phase I am in and choose. It makes things simple.When I eat out I choose menu items that have an item on the Flo Living chart for the phase I am in (I have a lot of the chart memorized.) Sometimes I will just choose what sounds nourishing and supportive and I will focus on eating in the Flo at my house for my other meals. My focus (as promoted in Flo) is to operate out of Pleasure! So when I am out and there is nothing to eat in my protocol, I focus more on my environment, my friends, how I am feeling- excited to be out and having fun.


What are some of your favorite ready-to-eat items that you grab on the go? What do you take to work for lunch and a snack?Smoothie with Sunwarrior Protein Powder, greens and berries or fruit (greens & fruit change depending on the phase I am in)Carrot Oat MuffinEnergy Bites made with almonds or walnuts, dates and hemp seed (I make these ahead of time and store in freezer)½ avocadoAlmond butter + celeryFlax crackers & hummusI work at a healthy organic restaurant, so I usually make something at work that has something that will support the phase I am in.What did you eat yesterday for breakfast/lunch/dinner?Breakfast: Carrot Muffin with Oat flourLunch: Salad with greens, sauerkraut, avocado, pinto beans, cashew cheese, sproutsSnack: Juice with carrots and orangesDinner: Lentil Soup with zucchini & carrots and a small salad with balsamic & olive oil


What's your favorite restaurant and what do you order?My favorite restaurant is the one I work at, Ezra’s Enlightened Café! I have two favorite items. The first item is the Buddha Bowl which is a big salad and it has marinated kale, spring mix greens, sauerkraut, shredded beets & carrots, sprouts, avocado, lemon tahini dressing, falafel balls made from almonds and flax. I really like this dish because my body feels full after I eat it and it is fun to eat because it is so colorful.The second item I really like is the Nacho Mama’s Bean Bowl. This is made with slow cooked pinto beans, quinoa, greens, dairy free cashew cheez, avocado and sauerkraut. I like this item because it is heartier that the Buddha Bowl, and the pinto beans regulate my blood sugar.Have you recommend Flo Living to a friend or family member?Yes! I am always talking about it at work with my coworkers (most are female). Many ask me which foods they should choose for lunch to support the phase they are in. We have the book in our employee room. I met a friend in my community who also took the program and we chat regularly about it. My close friends and I gather during the new and full moon and set intentions and hold space for each other to share our life experiences. We often refer to and talk about ‘WomanCode.’ It is such a huge part of my life and is a popular topic in my community.What does your partner think about Flo?My fiancé says: “I am glad you are learning the science behind your Womanhood.” We plan to have children one day and by taking care of my body right now, I will have created a healthy and fertile system.Good things come in threes:

I want to hear from you!

First: Have you shared WomanCode with your friends?Second: Do you have a WomanCode discussion group? Let us know and we could feature you and your friends here!Third: You know every one you know is hormonal – spread a little good ovary karma and share this article on social by clicking the buttons below


Need help getting your period back?

If you are struggling to get your period back on schedule like Allie did, I want to help you! Check out my article on Missing Periods that may shed some light on why you aren't getting your period back. If you've tried everything and still haven't gotten your period back you may want to consider fixing your symptoms with the Flo Protocol.

Need more Hormone Help?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a quiz to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.

Click here to get your quiz!

Your Step-By-Step Guide to Reverse Endometriosis

If you or a loved one suffers from endometriosis, you don’t need me to tell you how painful and debilitating the condition can be.You also probably don’t need me to tell you that conventional medical interventions for endometriosis are limited—and far from ideal. There are some things science knows for sure about endometriosis—for example, that the condition involves inflammation, estrogen excess, and an abnormal immune response—but one of the things science doesn’t know about endometriosis is the best way to treat it. To date, Western medicine’s best tools for dealing with endometriosis are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen or surgery. Both strategies are for pain control; neither one addresses root causes of the condition. But no woman with endometriosis needs to live without hope. Lifestyle strategies for reducing inflammation, strengthening the immune system, supporting the liver, and balancing hormones can make a huge difference in reducing symptoms and improving quality of life.

What is Endometriosis?

It is a painful, sometimes debilitating, condition that affects as many as one in 15 percent of women ages 15 to 44 in the United States. Endometriosis happens when endometrial tissue, which is normally found in the uterus, grows in places outside the uterus—places where it shouldn’t be. Most of the time this misplaced endometrial tissue lands on the ovaries or fallopian tubes or, painfully, on the abdomen. Because endometrial tissue responds to the same hormonal shifts that trigger the menstrual cycle, the pain associated with endometriosis will follow the same 28-day cycle as your period.Astonishingly, and sadly, many women with endometriosis aren’t diagnosed right away. The average delay in diagnosis is almost seven years. Seven years! This means many women suffer with terrible, sometimes crippling, endometriosis-related pain for the better part of a decade, thinking that it is just severe period problems. Endometriosis can happen to any menstruating women. But why the condition strikes some women and not others is not entirely clear. Some women may be genetically predisposed. Two other factors are: (1) a faulty immune system response—in women with endometriosis, the immune system fails to destroy the endometrial tissue that lands outside the uterus—and (2) excess estrogen in the body. Unfortunately, and simply by virtue of the world we live in today, excess estrogen in women (and many men) is more the norm than the exception. Inflammation also plays a role. And inflammation, like estrogen excess, is driven by lifestyle. What we eat and the toxins we are exposed to (and how well our bodies can detox them) drive inflammation and hormone imbalances.

Your 14-Step Guide to Addressing Endometriosis with Lifestyle & Diet

You can work to reduce inflammation, balance hormones, and support your immune system with food and lifestyle. Here’s what I recommend for helping ease endometriosis symptoms.

  1. Start by limiting—and eventually eliminating—exposure to toxic forms of estrogen found in household cleaners, cosmetics, and bathroom products. Go through your house with a fine tooth comb and:
  2. Replace cosmetic and body care products with natural alternatives, this includes, soap, shampoo, hair styling products, deodorant, lotions, cosmetics, and perfumes
  3. Replace standard laundry soap with green alternatives. You can now find many clean alternatives on the shelves of big box stores, sitting side by side with the old (toxic) standbys. Clean alternatives are comparable in price and work just as well. You can opt for unscented products or products that have been scented with natural fragrance.
  4. Replace household cleaning products with clean alternatives. You can buy effective products at almost all big box stores or you can make your own, which is cheaper and healthier. The main ingredients in most DIY cleaning products are vinegar and baking soda.
  5. Take off your shoes at the door (and ask your guests to do the same). A lot of pesticides and other hormone-disrupting chemicals are tracked in on the bottom of shoes. Stopping those chemicals in their tracks is a great way to protect yourself!
  6. Just say no to pesticides and other chemicals in your food. Shop organic exclusively if you can. If you are on a budget, avoid the dirty dozen (or buy them organic) and feel okay about buying the clean 15 even when not organic.
  7. Emphasize dark leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, low-glycemic fruits like berries and other high-fiber foods to support gut health and help your liver carry out important detox functions. The liver is responsible for breaking down and eliminating excess estrogen, and cruciferous vegetables directly support that detox process.
  8. Eat more healthy fats like those found in olive oil, coconut oil, and avocados. Healthy fats help support healthy hormone ratios in the body.
  9. Emphasize lean animal protein over other kinds of meat. They are less inflammatory.
  10. Limit red meat. Studies have linked red meat consumption with increased risk for endometriosis.
  11. Help kick your immune system into high gear with immune-supportive foods like carrots, kale, cabbage, broccoli, beets, artichokes, lemons, onions, garlic, and leeks.
  12. Limit sugar. Sugar fuels inflammation.
  13. Use targeted herbal support to further support liver detox and speed up estrogen metabolism. Think milk thistle, flax seeds, and dandelion root.
  14. Take evening primrose oil to decrease inflammation.
  15. Reduce or eliminate dairy, wheat, alcohol, and caffeine to improve your immune response.
  16. Take a probiotic to rebalance gut flora and support estrogen metabolism.
  17. Use Vitex and a B6 supplement daily to balance out excess estrogen.
  18. If you consult a doctor for your endometriosis, ask some key questions.

If you’re reading this article because your friend, sister, or family member is struggling with this condition, share this article with her!Too many women believe the myth that endometriosis has to ruin your life every month.And always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!to your FLO,Alisa

BALANCE by FLO Living Hormone Supplement Kit

Because you've asked for hormone-friendly supplement recommendations, I created a solution that I am so thrilled to be able to offer to you on your hormonal balancing journey:Balance by FLO Living Supplements are a complete package that work together to keep your hormone levels healthy. They include a 2 month (2 cycle) supply of the following formulations so you’re never caught short in any phase of your cycle.When you take these 5 supplements daily, you’ll be giving your body excellent micronutrients to support healthier hormone levels. Which means that you’ll start to see your worst period symptoms get better… and even disappear after a while.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the BALANCE by FLO Living Supplement Kit

Cycle syncing your workout regime: Easy exercises to do at home for each phase

I talk a lot about cycle syncing your eating habits here at the Flo blog, but what about that other essential part of healthy living - exercise?I have been an avid exerciser for the past 18 years - in fact the longest I’ve gone without daily exercise was during my third trimester when I developed pretty intense sciatica from my pregnancy - had to walk with a cane and everything ;) Other than that long break, I have been walking, running, hiking, biking, dancing, taking group fitness, yoga and pilates for years. Of course, I don’t do the same workout day in and day out. In fact it’s one of my secrets to having lost 60 lbs. so effortlessly - was that not only did I sync up my eating to my hormones, but I also synced up my workouts to my cycle! It works like nothing else you’ve tried because it’s working with the flow of your hormones, not against them which is so often why weight becomes “stubborn".Tweet: “It’s not the fat, it’s the way you’re working out against your hormonal patterns!” @flolivingTo really get the most out of optimizing your hormones and health, you should change up your workout routine to fit your cycle phase in much the same way as you do your diet. Your body is primed for different kinds of activity across your cycle, just as its looking for different kinds of nutrition through the four phases. You’ll lose more weight and feel fitter if you tune to what feels most natural.

Here’s a quick rundown of what’s best for your body in each phase:

Follicular phase: This is a great time to start a new class. You’ll have the energy and the motivation to take on a different style of workout and give it your all.Ovulatory phase: Your body can take on strenuous exercise now like running and weight lifting. You’ll also be yearning to socialize and meet new people, which means group classes for spinning or dancing will be fun and enjoyable.Luteal phase: When you’re heading towards your menstrual phase you might feel like scaling back on intense exercise. Pick up on some walking, vinyasa yoga and pilates to go easier on your body.Menstrual phase: A time for rest and recovery with no guilt! Stretch a little, walk, do some light yoga to keep moving, but let your body take a few days to repair and reset. You’ll have more to give mentally and physically in your next cycle if you allow for this short break.Fitness and yoga instructor and FLO Living fan, Emily Sonnenberg, created some special cycle synched routines just for FLO Living, which we are sharing with you all today.Her four workouts make it easy for you to keep moving and stay in your FLO from the comfort of your own living room. She also is sharing her story of how she got off the pill, found her soul mate, lost 25 lbs, cleared up her cystic acne by changing her diet and workouts according to the FLO protocol .

Emily’s Story


When did you begin living in your FLO?I signed up for the Flo Living program for 2 months from August to October 2014 and registered for the forum portion of the program. I had already come a long way at that point from reading Woman Code and from reading the Flo Living blog. I wanted to take my progress to the next level and I wanted to have access to the forums to see what was working for the other women in the program.What health issues brought you to FLO Living?I had come off of the birth control pill in November 2011, then I broke up with my boyfriend of four years that I lived with (funnily enough I also couldn’t stand the way he smelled or anything about him after coming off of the Pill, just like studies suggest!). Between November and early March 2012 I moved in with a new roommate, started taking on way more at work and started dating a new guy (who is unbelievable and we’re getting married in June!). I was feeling so high on life that I kicked up my workouts and wasn’t eating nearly enough.By early February I had gained 10 lbs (which would later increase to 25lbs) I was swollen (none of my clothes fit) and my previously flawless skin broke out with painful cystic acne. My cycle had also become irregular most of the time, lasting for 45 daysNothing had changed by August and I was depressed, exhausted, and felt horrible and hopeless.I had come across Woman Code and Alisa Vitti online. I bought her book and in September I did the FLO Living 4 Day Detox. I lost 10 lbs and 12 inches off of my body in 4 days!! That month my cycle went back to 29 days. Over the next year my weight stayed down and my skin slowly cleared up. But then I felt like I hit my plateau.I still would get annoying pimples on my cheek and sometimes my cycle would jump back to being 45 days long.So I emailed FLO Living asking a question regarding that and it was recommended that I sign up for the FLO Living MonthlyFLO Program.How did MonthlyFLO & the FLO protocol help you?MonthlyFLO helped me TREMENDOUSLY! Having the support and hearing from all of these different women and what they were going through made me feel like I was no longer alone in my hormonal suffering.I asked about how to shorten my follicular phase - (it would go on forever and I would have false peaks) and it was recommended to me that I change my foods for the phase that I’m supposed to be in. What do you know? It worked again. That month my cycle was a perfectly painless 29 days long.How did you make it work for your lifestyle?My method was juicing. I would buy the vegetables that I was instructed to eat for that phase and juice primarily those to have along with my breakfast in the morning and switch to the next list of vegetables to juice on the first day that my cycle was supposed to shift to the next phase. I became more selective and disciplined with what foods I put in my body and when.Along with changing my diet I scaled back at work, my living situation changed to a less stressful one, I spent more time outside, turned my phone off a lot more and went to bed earlier in a blacked out room. As a result my body quickly slipped back into its pre-hormonal meltdown state.How did you incorporate cycle syncing with your workout regime?I’m a fitness and yoga teacher. I teach about 20 classes a week. So I was always really into fitness. My problem was probably too much so to the point where I would over do it. I would push through period pains and times when I was tired and avoided listening to my stressed out body out of fear that cutting back I would not be able to maintain my current lifestyle.So I was forced to make some changes in the Spring/Summer of 2014.I had learned from Flo Living that if I wanted to keep my cycle regular I would need to honor my body, and workout in a way that would support my cycle, not work against it.It started out by me taking the first day of my menstrual phase off from teaching classes. This day I would do gentle stretching and very restorative poses. Then I started to pay more attention to how I felt while I was moving during my classes and my own workouts. I noticed that my body craved different movement styles, speeds and intensities based on where I was in my cycle.It was a combination of my intuitive wisdom regarding my own body and the amount of trainings I’ve done in a variety of different fields of fitness that I was able to pull together different movements or exercises that would leave me feeling awesome after.I found that when I worked out for my strengths based on my cycle, I became stronger, more body aware, had greater range of motion and felt energized instead of totally deflated after exercising.I’ve come to a place where I feel balanced and like I’ve stepped right into the FLO (great sleep, great skin, strong and toned body, shiny hair, energetic, positive outlook on life). I don’t weigh myself ever because I can feel when I’m out of alignment with my FLO - things just don’t fit right, my skin isn’t as luminous and I feel a bit testier.Movement is medicine. For me it was more about scaling back on my workouts, but I feel that very similar problems can show up for women that are not moving enough. It’s about finding a balance between effort and ease, strength and flexibility, movement and stillness.Follicular Phase WorkoutOvulatory Phase WorkoutLuteal Phase WorkoutMenstrual Phase Workout

Inspired by Emily's Story?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones!I’ve designed a 4 day hormone detox to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.Click here to take the 4 Day Detox for FREE!

Ready to Dive In Deeper and Take Back Your Health?

Monthly FLO is the most widely used digital hormone recovery program worldwide, helping women take back their health and resolve their toughest hormone symptoms stemming from conditions like PCOS, Endometriosis, Fibroids, Infertility and PMS/Period Issues. Learn more about MonthlyFLO here.

Cycle-sync your workouts for better results

FLO Tweetable: I’m a woman - I don’t do the same routine day in and day out - I change with my body’s changes - it’s only logical. @flolivingI wanted to put together for you some of the home workouts I do for each phase of my cycle.If you still believe you should be able to do the same intense workout every day of the month and perform at the same optimal level, you are ignoring your hormonal biochemistry which drives your fitness from within.Do you find yourself exhausted after a spinning session some days when at other times the same sweaty workout gives you a great boost of energy?Do you feel you’re dragging yourself to kickboxing some weeks and skipping there the next?Do you feel impatient with your yoga instructor some mornings but others you revel in this quiet, slow time of the day?

Yes! Why is that?

You do feel differently at different times during your cycle and in ways you may not have noticed. Your body is primed and ready for certain kinds of exercise - like intense cardio versus yoga - depending on where your hormones are at.During the first part of your cycle your energy will naturally be higher and optimized for high intensity exercise. During the second part of your cycle your hormonal ratio of estrogen and progesterone shifts again making more restorative physical activities more ideal. You can still fit everything in, in fact cross training your workouts this way just over the course of the month gives your body more variety and decreases potential for injury.It pays to workout with your hormones!

How to workout with your body

Cycle-synching your exercise plans in accordance with your hormonal blueprint will not only make working out more fun and fulfilling, but will also help you get better resultsWe’ve scoured the web for great (and free!) work outs you can do at home in this phase by phase guide to cycle-synched exercise:Of course you might see some of my favorite fit friends here - big Ovary love to Liz DiAlto, BexLife, Jillian Michaels, Beyonce, Rochelle Schieck, & Danny J of the Sweaty Betties!Follicular (that’s just after your period)CardioDance workoutQoyaToningOvulatory (in the middle of your cycle)Ten minute workoutIntense workoutBody weight workoutLuteal (after you’ve ovulated)Pilates8 minute workoutYoga for stress release & weightlossMenstrual (your period)Walking is my favorite!YogaQigongWhat happens in your day-to-day thoughts and activities has everything to do with how your physical health is working. Balanced hormones require balanced energy all around, and we want to help you get there!

Need more Hormone Help?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a 4 day hormone detox and evaluation to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.Click here to get your FREE detox and evaluation!

Hope for Endo Warriors: How to work with your doctor if you have endometriosis

Endometriosis affects at least one in ten women. Many fight for years to get their debilitating pain acknowledged and for their doctor to provide a diagnosis from which they can get treatment.For the majority the treatment offered is either long-term use of hormonal birth control and painkillers, which hold side effects, or surgery, the success of which is generally short term. Endometriosis is highly recurring and women can struggle for their entire reproductive life with the disease.However, there is hope!


Flo Living offers an alternative means to manage and relieve symptoms by empowering Endo Warriors. The Flo Living protocol embodies the message of endometriosis awareness – “Fight like a girl!” – with a diet and lifestyle pattern that syncs with your cycle.If you feel you have endometriosis be sure to insist that your doctor provide you with a pelvic examination followed by an ultrasound and laparoscopic procedure, including a biopsy of the endometrial material. Ideally you would have the procedure done by a surgeon who specializes in endometriosis.It’s all about advocating for what you want and helping your doctor treat you the way you want to be treated. You can set the tone and pace of treatment, simply share your desires with your physician. The best doctors work with their patients! You can speed up the process of diagnosis and recovery by participating in your own health care.

When you return to receive the results ask your doctor these three questions:

1) What is the severity of the endometriosis?

This will help you determine if you need to go the route of surgery or if you have time to work on your diet.

2) Where is the endometriosis mainly overgrowing?

Important to know especially if you are trying to conceive and again will determine how quickly you might need to take surgical measures.

3) What other blood tests can we do to look more closely at my immune response? How about my level of inflammation and prostaglandins?

In my next blog post this week I’ll be sharing the underlying causes of endometriosis and the natural way to work yourself back to health. Knowing if you have elevated levels of C reactive protein, elevated levels of PgE2, low levels of D3, and changes in your blood chemistry can point to how systemic this issue truly is and how focusing solely on your uterus is not the right solution. You’ve got to feed your immune system to beat endo!As well as the drugs and surgery your doctor will then offer you as treatment, there is a natural approach that addresses the underlying reasons you have the endometriosis in the first place.As you well know by now reading my blog, drugs will only mask the issue for as long as you are willing to take them and your condition will return when you come off. Research has shown that using the birth control pill for a problem like endometriosis can actually exacerbate the condition long term due to the effects it generates on the body from disturbing the gut microbiome, depleting the body of B and other key vitamins crucial to hormonal health and fertility, and compromising the liver's ability to metabolize toxic estrogen efficiently. The surgical procedure offered does not guarantee the endometriosis will not return in time and the impact can be only short-term without further support in healing the body.Women are prescribed these treatments because the majority of gynecologists are not trained in functional medicine. So expect them to suggest either of those two options as a course of treatment.Since optimizing your hormonal function through food is a relatively new option, most doctors have little faith that patients can handle this in their daily lives. Even if they know about this new research, they might not suggest it.But FLO Living knows Endo Warriors fight like girls!The more natural approach I’m describing takes three to six months to address the root causes of your endometriosis with dietary and lifestyle changes. We at FLO know you can handle this.After that time you can return for further blood tests with your doctor and an evaluation of your success. Neither drugs nor surgery will prevent or cure endometriosis, but the empowering FLO protocol offers a long-term solution.

A guide to interpreting your period

Ever since I started the period club in the 6th grade, I have been fascinated with everything that goes on with my body every month. I want to know every nook and cranny of how my hormones work, what my period means, and what to eat, so that I can look and feel my best!


Menstruation is an overlooked, underutilized vital sign and just like blood pressure can tell us much about the state of our health. When your period goes missing, you know that something is amiss, but there are also many other, less obvious indicators we can observe that will give us useful information about our overall health. I’m so passionate about periods, I  made TV - menstrual history by speaking about the importance of our periods on the Dr Oz show last year.

The appearance of your menstrual blood and the duration of your period can reveal a hormonal imbalance that will lead to other health issues. It’s possible to heal all hormonal imbalances and their resulting symptoms by addressing diet and lifestyle.Here we help you decode this important vital sign and start working towards a healthier menstrual cycle.For a visual on each of the below possibilities check out the link to the Dr Oz show and my demonstrations.

What's normal?

The ideal cycle is 5-7 days, starts and ends with a bright happy cranberry color and is the consistency of jello mix that hasn’t set yet (medium viscosity, not too thin, not too thick) and occurs every 28-30 days. There are many dietary and lifestyle reasons why this cycle gets thrown off for us women.  Sometimes is a one or two month situation, and sometimes cycle issues can last years.I want you to observe your cycle every month as a barometer of how well your diet and lifestyle are supporting your hormones.  If your cycle isn’t as I described above then you’ve got to immediately make diet changes to get your cycle back to a healthy flow.Here’s a guide for you to use for interpreting the color of your cycle every month and my favorite FLO fixes for each to bring you quickly back to good.Interpreting Your Period If you have:

Brown, spotty stains to start

Has your period started?  What is that brown stuff exactly?  Should you count this day as day one?That brown stuff is old oxidized blood that didn’t make it out of your uterus last cycle.  This is caused by low levels of progesterone.  Low progesterone is the trigger for many period-related problems.  You may also struggle to ovulate regularly in addition to having the odd coloration and you may also develop irregular cycles, or PCOS.

The FLO fix:

The herb vitex is a great treatment for this issue as it helps the pituitary gland make more Luteinizing hormone indirectly supporting your progesterone production.Eating eggs with the yolk contains progesterone precursors.Taking extra B6 will get those levels up and help your period start the cranberry red color you’re meant to see on day one.

Heavy Bleeding with Clots

Are you changing your pad or tampon once an hour?  Do you have special sheets for that time of the month?  Do you have large clots that are dark purple in color?Specifically, you have elevated estrogen levels.  Estrogen builds the lining of your uterus.  If you’re eating a diet that prevents your liver from breaking down this hormone, it can build up and wreak havoc on your cycle. In addition to the heavy bleeding and clots, you may also struggle with endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, or polyps.

The FLO fix:

Milk thistle is an herb that helps detoxify the liver and helps even out estrogen.Learning uterine massage technique via an experienced practitioner will help uterine congestion and lessen clotting.Increasing the amount of water you drink and eating more leafy greens like collards and kale will assist the estrogen detox process.Take liquid chlorophyll to boost iron in your blood and deal with the anemia that typically develops from chronic heavy bleeding.

Very short periods, very light bleeding, skipped periods

Is it coming?  Spotting for several days?A short period (less than 3 days in length) and only light bleeding can indicate low estrogen levels. Your hormones are made from the food you eat, so your low estrogen is likely due to vitamin and nutrient deficiencies from improper and extreme dieting as well as from adrenal burnout.

The FLO fix:

Eat protein - hormones are made from amino acids - you can’t get your estrogen up if you can’t make enough of it from your food!Eat fat - especially omega 3s - which helps stabilize hormone production in the body.

Super short cycles (if you’re bleeding twice or more within a 28-36 day cycle)

Didn’t you just have your period like last week?  Does it seem like you are constantly starting your period? This can indicate a sluggish thyroid even though you might be within normal range on your blood work.

The FLO fix:

Try supplementing with Gaia Herbals Thyroid Support as a start. Make sure your salt contains iodine to support your thyroid.Eat sea veggies - thyroid happy food!

What about cramps?

Get to the root of your period imbalance and cramps go away. The catch is that the more you take pain relievers for cramps, the more they congest your liver, interfere with estrogen metabolism - well, you see it’s a vicious cycle. Start looking before you flush every month, make the necessary food changes, and try Oona Cramp Relief for a natural alternative to ibuprofen.

What about PMS?

Check out my post on foods to fight PMS here for more ideas and recipes.As always, go have a chat with your OBGYN!  They can provide the physical examination and blood work needed to diagnose you with a specific issue.  Check out my post on interpreting those test results for a step-by-step guide to this process here.

If something does come up, tell your OBGYN you want to take 3 to 6 months to try out an alternative route using food instead of medication like we do at FLO Living and use the guide above to make diet changes first.

Just be prepared to hear that the usual treatment offered will be either painkillers or hormonal birth control methods such as the birth control pill or hormone-based IUD. Hormonal birth control can relieve symptoms short term, but it masks the root causes of your period problems and can make them much worse long term, not to mention the effects on your fertility. The truth is that most period problems and hormonal imbalance symptoms can be healed long term with diet and lifestyle changes. Read more about my thoughts on this here.

Natural cures for cramps

I hear far too often from women that there are several days out of the month when cramps really sideline them from their lives. They are popping the Advil, Midol, or Aleve and they are on the couch until it passes.I myself struggled with cramps and of course I needed to know WHY this was happening. Not just little polite cramps. No, I had cramps that were actual labor-like contractions - that turned me green and sheet white, came in waves and knocked me out. You know me, I have to fix my hormonal imbalances, it’s my way of life I just can’t help myself - I have to understand what is going on EXACTLY with my body, so I can choose the best possible course of action to take care of myself. I, of course, want you to know the science too so you can be properly informed.Tweet: Once you take the mystery out about how your hormones work, then it’s a straight line to feeling optimal!So I learned about the 2 causes of cramps and of course then proceeded to figure out what to do to make the pain stop. I want to share this with you so you can have pain free cycles and so you can pass the goods on to your girlfriends who are likely cramped out in cramptown with you.You don’t have to put up with period pain. Not today and not next month. You can alleviate those cramps right now while at the same time laying the foundation for a future that is free from menstrual discomfort of any kind.As women, we’ve all developed our own quick fixes for those days when you just can’t get off the couch.For many of us, we were prescribed the Pill or another kind of hormonal birth control way back when we were teens. For some this medication has put a stop to the pain, for others it has not. But again, for many of us, the side effects mean we’d rather not have to rely on this common daily medication to manage our monthly woes.The good news is that there are natural alternatives and they work!Here’s what you can do to alleviate your current cramps and what will, over the course of three months, change your period for the better.

Why do you have cramps?

There are 2 causes for cramps - one is chemical and one is functional.A chemical series called Prostaglandins stimulate the uterine muscles to contract. There are 3 types - PgE1,2, and 3. PgE2 is the one that causes uterine contractions and pain. Leave it to the genius design of your body to have only one that does that and two that counteract it - yup - PgE1 and 3 are antispasmodic - natural pain killers!Tweet: Your body makes twice as much natural cramp relief than cramps!The more PgE2 you make, the more crampy you feel. To boot, they also play a part in the vomiting, diarrhea, and headaches that come with your cycle.On the functional side - pain can be caused by any of the following conditions: endometriosis, fibroids, infections, IUD, ovarian cysts, narrow cervix, or a retroverted (tipped) uterus. That tipped uterus, turned out to be what I had along with elevated PgE2 levels!Below are my best strategies for you to leave cramptown for good and become a permanent resident of FLO ;)

Short-term solutions

  • If you’re reaching for the painkillers, know that long term these can worsen the problem by putting strain on your liver and exacerbating hormonal imbalances. If you must, take ibuprofen at the lowest dose and try to take it ahead of when you normally get cramps. So if you normally get pain the first day of your period try to plan to take the dose first thing in the morning. Preventative use of ibuprofen will also stop you needing more and higher doses later on.
  • Consider switching from tampons to pads. The insertion of the tampon can makepain worse for those who are sensitive to cramping. You can always swap back when the pain has subsided for that month. And absolutely make sure they are organic - just say no to pesticides and bleach in your vag!
  • Clary sage essential oil rubbed into the skin above the pubic bone and below the belly button, where your uterus is situated, has been shown in several studies to relieve cramps and even childbirth contractions. You can also diffuse this oil to aid with anxiety and stress or add a few drops to an Epsom salt bath.
  • An old-fashioned hot water bottle on your abdomen will work wonders. You can even wrap it with an oversized scarf around your waist if you can’t sit still or lay down for long.
  • Apply counter-pressure to the sciatic nerves in your lower back with your thumbs pushing inward toward the spine and down toward your feet will help take the intensity of cramps down. You can also apply the hot water bottle to your lower back as well. Trust me this works - I used this technique to get me through 20 hours of natural labor - it’ll totally help your cramps.
  • Instead of Advil - pop some almonds! A few days before your period take a high dose of vitamin E and magnesium and continue this protocol two days into your menstruation. Almonds and hazelnuts are good sources of vitamin E, along with leafy greens like collard greens for the magnesium.
  • Click here to try some yoga poses that alleviate pressure and calm the nervous system.

Long term solutions

  • Boost Omega 3 Fatty Acids -To really clear up cramps for good, you’ve got to lower your PgE2 levels and boost your PgE1 and 3 levels. This of course is connected to what you eat and drink throughout your cycle as well as your general, overall health. The facts show that dairy and saturated animal fats up that gnarly PgE2 series. So start by cutting those out. To increase the PgE1 and 3 series, you have to get your linoleic acid up, so load up on salmon, sardines, flax, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds.
  • Do less running around the day before your period starts - Stress hormones can make menstrual cramps worse. If you can start loosely planning your schedule to accommodate your period, you’ll alleviate some of the stress about what you can’t do when it come around. This doesn’t mean you must be confined to bed for three days every month, only that you may benefit from easing off on unnecessary activities and appointments. Try being super selective with your period day plans for three months and see if you feel better for taking some time out.
  • Massage your uterus! - To address the tipped uterus – Learn the practice of Mayan Abdominal Massage! I loved doing this form of self massage to restore the uterus to it’s right position and even if your uterus is not retroverted, this massage can be helpful for many health issues associated with the reproductive organs since we all tend to lead very sedentary lives which cause general stagnation in this area – just like knots in your back hurt because they lack proper blood flow, your pelvic region suffers with poor circulation as well. You can look for a class in your local area or teach yourself self-massage via the Arvigo book series.

Now, we want to hear from you!

Share with us on Facebook and Twitter (or Pinterest and Instagram!) the ways in which you deal with menstrual cramps at home (#curecramps) – we’d love to hear about them.

Need more Hormone Help?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a 4 day hormone detox and evaluation to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.Click here to get your FREE detox and evaluation!

Fight PMS with Food

PMS seems to be so prevalent that it’s become something of a joke, which has, in turn, made women the butt of that joke, despite the fact that for some of us it can be a source of real suffering, both physical and emotional.Many women have come to accept PMS as just part of life, an inevitability of being a woman, when in fact much can be done to combat the symptoms and relieve you of the burden entirely.PMS stands for pre-menstrual syndrome, but it does not necessarily occur right before your period. Symptoms of PMS can occur anytime between ovulation and menstruation, during the second part of your monthly cycle, and include bloating, irritability, headaches, mood swings, tiredness, and cravings. This time is known as the luteal phase of the cycle.Changing up some of what you eat and drink during this time will ease health issues and make the whole experience much more pleasant. You’re looking to increase your intake of B vitamins, magnesium, calcium and fiber. This will rebalance your hormone levels and make the luteal phase transition smooth and easy.If PMS is making you miserable, try out these changes for the next 3 months and see how much better you feel.You can make incorporating the following PMS-fighting foods into your everyday diet totally simple (like just changing up the ingredients of your morning smoothie or combining two food types to make a quick meal) or you can try your hand at these creative, delicious recipes we’ve sourced from around the web to inspire you.

Eat more PMS-fighting foods:

Roasted vegetables (particularly cauliflower, parsnip, pumpkin, squash and sweet potato)WalnutsNavy and great northern beansMilletMint and chlorellaCodDates and raisins

Recipes we recommend that make the most of these foods:

Pumpkin and millet porridgeRoasted cauliflower and walnut saladSweet potato crusted codDate and mint chutneyParsnip and date saladSquash and white bean soup

I want to hear from you!

Share your own recipes that combine these PMS-fighting foods with us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest by posting pics and tagging #fightpmswthfoodDon’t forget that recipes like these are only one part of an entire system designed to help you eat in sync with your cycle all month long!

Need more Hormone Help?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a 4 day hormone detox and evaluation to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.Click here to get your FREE detox and evaluation!

7 Things My Baby Does that You Should Do in 2015

Today, I’m not going to talk to you about setting intentions and honoring your past year’s accomplishments. By all means, do that - as I will be doing that, as well.

Instead, what I am going to do is share some lessons my daughter has taught me, which you can fuse with your own personal intentions for the new year.

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As you know, I have spent the past 2 ½ months since the birth of my daughter, fully devoted to her care and mine (okay and a few emails here and there for FLO) ;) I’ve noticed some things by observing her state that I want to share.If you’re like me, you’ve been a seeker most of your life, looking for the Truth with a capital T – the truth of who you are and who you are meant to be, the truth about love and life and the sacred. I’ve had mystical experiences, lived and studied with a female zen master in India, I meditate, move my body, keep an altar at home, do rituals on big astrological transitions, and set my intentions monthly according to my cycle. Yet all of the spiritual teachers I’ve encountered are trying to help us get back to a place where we can simply BE ourselves with a lot less doing.Being with my daughter, breastfeeding her every few hours, being fully present with her – I have finally found a meditation practice that works for me – breastfeeding! Totally empties my mind, I focus on my breathing, a sense of love and relaxation fills my body and I gaze hypnotically at my child. I’ve seen for myself how much LESS doing I have to do! Nothing has made me feel as grounded as becoming a mother. I also see just how our American cultural norm of going it alone, doing it yourself, pulling yourself up by your britches, is just not actually the nurturing vibration we are born into!My daughter has this awareness going on in spades and so I want to share her 7 best practices for the good life with you so you can use them yourself! I’m totally taking her genius lead ;)

1 – Smile at everything and everyone when you first encounter it

She just is delighted by everything and everyone who comes across her visual field at first – she may dislike it after a few moments, she may cry to express her displeasure, but at first, she takes in the new experience as an offering of pleasure and smiles big and bright at it.What if you met your day to day experiences with that kind of happy, joyful, open-to-being-delighted stance?We all hear that in order to receive more abundance, we have to celebrate – this always felt confusing/unclear to me, like I had to throw a special party to celebrate what I had in order to make space to receive more. NOW I totally get it – it’s the smiling thing – the joyful heart – open and receptive energy – THAT is celebrating – try it ;)

2 - Cry out passionately for help when you feel alone

If she can’t see me, she doesn’t know that I’m there at this stage in her development. Like her, when we are trying to manifest, cocreate with the divine, even though we believe, we instantly lose faith when we can’t see what we want to create, or we feel like the only one suffering, or we feel scared what we want will never arrive. In addition, we as women often feel like we have to go it alone.Take a cue from my daughter, cry out for help!Love in the form of a person or a situation will come RUSHING in to hold you and reassure you.

3 – Get Your Boob On

I am exclusively breastfeeding my daughter – it is a blessing that I am able to and a privilege to do so. I feed her every 2 hours during the day, and then at night every 3-5 hours depending on her sleep schedule. She does not have to think about this. She opens her eyes, makes the cutest little lip smacking, panting, chirping sounds, and voila – my boob appears to fill her tummy up with what we call – ‘mommy nom noms” ;) It’s totally awesome to watch her do her thing, and to watch my body do it’s miraculous food making thing!Don’t measure, don’t count, don’t compare, don’t look for a different boob, don’t worry – just take in all that which is especially meant and created for you – everything in your life is nourishing you, feeding your soul.You will not be deprived, you will have a seat at the table of the bounty of life always.

4 – Play with the toys in front of you

My baby does not have an agenda for the day. She in no particular order, eats, poops, sleeps, plays and repeats that continuously. If you think about it – we are all always on that same schedule ;)The issue is the play part when we get bigger – we turn that into a pretty convoluted mess. We compartmentalize, we hustle, we extreme sport it, we try try try.What if instead of agonizing over decisions about how we should spend our time, we just throw ourselves whole heartedly in to what unfolds before us?Just as everything is orchestrated for my baby’s benefit - I put the right toys at the right time in front of her to play with - there is a greater force orchestrating on your behalf as well. Let that support just flow to you by planning less, and playing more.5 – Grow And Change Every Day!Every day since her birth, this little one has been growing and changing so rapidly. I just know in a blink of an eye she is going to be a toddler, and then have her driver’s license, and then be my age – whoosh! None of this stresses her out – her mandate to grow and change every day – to learn new things, to do something better than she did it the day before – it’s her own fun personal adventure.She doesn’t cling to the known - she embraces the unknown pretty fearlessly. Perhaps we all are born with a huge tank of trust given to us, and for some reason, we forget how to access it as we get older. She just trusts herself, me, her environment, her life. She is not thinking about what if’s, she is just experiencing things and enjoying.Trust yourself more, and accept the ride your on now, and enjoy the adventure of it!

6 - Be on your Own Schedule

She was born 9 months to the day of her conception – but not at the time preferred by the medical establishment. Our due date never felt right to me because I knew exactly when we created her – hello – FLO queen over here! ;)I was instructed to induce labor, of course, which I declined. I was told my placenta might be deteriorating every week I waited to induce, that she might have less oxygen, that it might be more stressful for her.I just felt like she had her own timeline. Labor started on our own at home just the way our bodies intended. She continues to march to the beat of her own drum.Be on your own timeline. Don’t allow other people’s agendas and accomplishments impede your own journey’s rhythm.

7 - Rest Often

This baby loves to sleep and she needs it to grow and stay healthy - SO DO YOU!I feel like this is enough said, but seriously, find a way to take something off of your plate.We women just push ourselves until we break something with our health and hormones. I get it, now more than ever why we feel like we can do this. We are such powerful creatures capable of so much. I’m amazed at just how much I am capable of doing with the baby, with myself, with cooking, with work – truly inspiring. BUT – I need naps and lots of sleep to keep up with my little girl. So I’m just doing that too.In order to be as active as you want to be, you need to rest like it’s your job too!You’ll enjoy everything and be more present when you’ve given yourself some catnaps, proper night time sleeps, and lounge time with your favorite movie or book. Plus, pajamas are awesome!

Here’s a little mama blessing for you and for your 2015 from the love cocoon here:

All is Well.Everything is conspiring for your highest good.Only good things are coming to you now.You are safe.You are loved.Wishing you so much health, blessings, and FLO in 2015,Alisa

Need more Hormone Help?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a 4 day hormone detox and evaluation to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.Click here to get your FREE detox and evaluation!

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Your healthy holiday gift guide from FLO!

With the holiday shopping madness upon us, I wanted to share some FLO-friendly, creative gift ideas for the special people in your life.Rather than just giving something because you have to or resorting to the sugary treats that line the shelves, what if you got your loved ones something that was fun, thoughtful, and actually healthy?Here’s my go-to list of holiday gifts, all personally tested and approved by me -- plus some special discounts exclusively for our community :)Enjoy!Alisa


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Maxim Hygiene Organic Cosmetic Travel Pack - 20% off code: P117The perfect stocking stuffer for your girlfriend who always travels. This will keep her prepped with cotton products that won’t disrupt her endocrine system, and keep her mascara in tact between meetings and plane rides.Aloe Cadabra Lube - 20% OFF code: FloLiving20For a spicy holiday treat, this is my all-time favorite personal lube -- and the only thing I’llput near my lady parts.


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Playing Big: Find Your Voice, Your Mission, Your Message - by Tara Mohr“A groundbreaking women’s leadership expert and popular conference speaker gives women the practical skills to voice and implement the changes they want to see—in themselves and in the world."Outrageous Openness: Letting the Divine Take the Lead - by Tosha Silver“A collection of spiritual lessons, anecdotes, and thoughts on the Divine’s intervention in our lives, this brilliantly written and wonderfully entertaining book teaches us how to live purposefully and in line with the Force of Love.”[gravityform id="5" name="Want to create the life you want? "]

How to Get Your Hormones Tested and What to do Next

So, you’ve been feeling less than great lately – maybe the first sign was irregular or heavy and painful periods, or maybe it was some weight gain and acne – either way, you know something is wrong and you want to feel better.

You’re thinking it might be hormone-related. What now?

Many women take a trip to their OBGYN and ask for a hormone test. This is a great first step towards treating your health issues. But the results can be confusing and concerning without a little background information and preparation. Knowledge is power! There’s no need to be mystified.

Remember: no result received is static, the diagnosis you get can and will change with the right kind of treatment.

Here are our tips on how to get what you want and need out of hormone testing.

Your visit to the OBGYN:
  • Get the test taken during the first few days of your cycle (when you have your period), if possible.
  • Ask your OBGYN for a hormone panel test that includes estrogen, progesterone, FSH and LH (follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone).
  • Ask additionally for a thyroid test, blood sugar test (using a glucose meter at home preferably) and Vitamin D3 test. These are also important indicators for hormonal health.
  • Ask that they also run a general blood test (the kind you’d get at an annual exam) – you want to be checked for iron saturation, anemia, and C-reactive proteins particularly.
  • Ask for a print out of your results to take home if they are not made available online for you to access.

Assessing the results:
  • Your hormone levels will fall within a range, indicated on your bloodwork panel.
  • If the results come back within the “normal” range, you will want to compare your numbers within the ranges. A number on the higher or lower end of the normal range will be cast as “normal” by your OBGYN, but that number is still the reason you’re experiencing health issues. It means it is not out of range enough to alarm the OBGYN and trigger a medication prescription, but you will be symptomatic regardless. The good news is that you can do something now, before you cross that threshold into “abnormal,” to avoid worsened symptoms and to avoid having to use drugs or devices with side effects.
  • Most hormone-related issues women deal with are the result of too low progesterone, too high estrogen levels and excess androgens. This is what is happening when you have PCOS, endometriosis, PMS, and problematic periods, more generally.

Three questions to ask your doctor in the most common scenarios:

  1. Everything here seems to be normal, but I am experiencing significant symptoms. Where within the range am I falling that might indicate I am moving towards having a hormonal imbalance?
  2. It looks like my calcium, Vitamin D3 (also other vitamins and minerals) are at a low level. What can I change about my diet to help them improve?
  3. I see you have recommended I use birth control pills/a Mirena IUD/implant to control my symptoms. I would really like to try giving myself 3-6 months to improve the situation first. What kind of changes in my blood work would you like to see so that I wouldn’t have to use these options?

What next?

  • You can follow up on your blood test by using a home saliva testing kit from DiagnosTechs or Phamasan. Testing your hormone levels over a 30-day period via saliva provides far more accurate results than a blood test taken on a single day, and it can help better pinpoint the exact problem. A naturopath or acupuncturist can provide you with a test kit and facilitate you receiving the results. Or you can ask to receive the kit directly from the company and return it yourself for the lab testing and results.
  • You can start taking your BBT (basal body temperature) at home to understand if and when you are ovulating. You can learn more about this from Toni Weschler’s, Taking Charge of Your Fertility.  An example for charting your temperature is here. A fertility awareness instructor can help you interpret your chart for a diagnosis of your hormonal health issues.

And then:

Once you finally have your results, it can be so motivating. By following the FLO protocol, many women have addressed their hormonal health issues and returned to their OBGYN to receive vastly improved results, without the use of drugs or devices. Click here to watch their stories!

Food should be your first form of self-medication. Once you know where you stand, give yourself 3-6 months to heal your body at home through dietary and lifestyle changes.

Knowledge is power! There’s no need to be mystified. Take these steps.

How to NOT gain weight over the holidays

Pie. Donuts. Cookies. Stuffing. Egg Nog.Family stress. Traveling. Not enough exercise.

Stressed Desserts

If you’re anticipating any of those factors making an appearance in your life over the next few weeks, chances are you’re also scared of the extra weight that might also make an experience on your body.Have no fear, ladies.Your expert hormone hacker Alisa is here!The biggest mistake women make over the holidays, in my opinion, is that they leave their hormones out of the equation. There’s actually a profound science to weight loss that takes place in your endocrine system.So if you’re just going for the typical less food + more exercise equation, then you’re setting yourself up for failure and missing out on one of your biggest allies!Especially for those of us who are prone to period problems and hormonal imbalances, this science is a must-know! Your hormones have a HUGE impact on your weight, and so if you’re not addressing these key points, you’re making your period problems and your weight struggles much worse than they need to be.

Here's why typical dieting doesn't work:

If you’re living on just green juice or another calorie-restricted diet all day before hitting up the holiday dinner party, you might think that you’re saving yourself a boat load of calories so that you’ll be more free to eat what you want at the event.The reality?You’re putting your body into high-alert stress mode. Your hypothalamus (in your brain) senses the lack of glucose coming into the bloodstream, and so it sends signals via the pituitary gland to have your liver and adrenal glands step in and help out by releasing stored sugar into the bloodstream.What happens is that your body holds onto the fat stores it has, because it’s in starvation mode, and doesn’t know when the next meal is coming.It will also be really difficult to avoid overdoing the sweets and carbs and alcohol - because your brain will be craving them!

Here's how to use science to avoid weight-gain:

Instead of falling into that trap, how about a new approach?


To start, eating a balanced breakfast will help ease your hypothalamus and prevent it from sending out the stress signals! A combination of protein and complex carbohydrates is usually the best way to do this.Try: a veggie egg scramble with sprouted grain toast or steel cut oats with nuts or seeds. Accompany it with a fiber supplement like ground flax seeds for an extra satiating boost!You’ll also want to support your liver throughout the holidays and beyond.The liver is responsible for removing toxins from the body and it does this by turning fat-soluble toxins into water-soluble toxins so they can be excreted through your large intestine, kidneys, and skin. However, when your hormones are out of balance or stuck in stress mode, your liver’s function is compromised and can’t work as efficiently at removing these toxins.


Therefore, your body clings to those fat-soluble toxins for dear life! It holds them in your fat tissue in order to protect your liver from a toxic load it won’t be able to handle. But then, unlucky for you, those fat tissues become really difficult to shed – unless, of course, you do what’s necessary to help out your liver.Try: adding a squeeze of fresh lemon juice to your water in the morning and throughout the day. Incorporate a liver-supportive supplement like Milk Thistle, and follow these tips to avoid the holiday hangover.

Want to keep the weight off for good?

I have a brand new program designed to help you do this! It isn’t opening until January 1st, but…By subscribing here, you’ll get the chance to save hundreds of dollars, access pre-registration before any spots are filled, and you'll receive a few extra bonuses you won't find anywhere else.[gravityform id="5" name="Want to create the life you want? " title="false" description="false"]

2 reasons your period problems are preventing weight loss

If you’re dealing with period problems like PMS, PCOS, fibroids, cysts, heavy bleeding, infertility, low sex drive, and more, you’re actually more susceptible to weight issues.While this can sounds like a bummer, there’s also a big opportunity here for changing the game for yourself!When you understand these 2 key aspects behind why your hormonal imbalances are contributing to your weight issues, you’ll shift your mindset and learn how to shift the pattern!

#1 - The Scientific Reason:

At the root of all period problems, there’s an imbalance with estrogen. Most often, estrogen dominance is in play, meaning that your estrogen levels are way too high in comparison to progesterone. In addition to causing the period problems, high estrogen levels are connected to water retention and weight gain.Bottom line: You need to get your estrogen levels balanced in order to really be able to lose weight.

#2 - The Practical Reason:

Aside from all the hormonal implications occurring behind the scenes, let’s be honest -When your hormones are out of whack and your period is suffering, you are practically not able to implement any kind of weight-loss routine. You might start out with noble efforts in the beginning of your cycle, but once that second half of your cycle starts - the luteal, pre-menstrual phase - you are doomed to failure!If your period is symptomatic, you’re going to crave sweets and salty stuff and all the things you don’t want to be eating for weight loss. You’ll also be way too tired to work out, so any exercise efforts will fail.Bottom line: consistency is a big challenge when your hormones are not balanced. Address your period problems first, and the weight loss will come easily.

Need more Hormone Help?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a 4 day hormone detox and evaluation to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.Click here to get your FREE detox and evaluation!

Why your exercise plan might be your downfall

Launching into a vigorous exercise routine in January might seem like a good idea. The fresh start of the new year and the pricing specials that many gyms and programs offer make it really enticing to whip your booty back into shape.But if you jump into it that way, you’re not taking into account your hormonal reality!The stress and excess sugar intake you will experience over the holidays are both putting your adrenal glands in a compromised position. This will thwart your weight-loss efforts and do more damage to your adrenals and entire endocrine system.I see this all the time at FLO Living, women decide to train for a marathon or triathalon, or to start doing long 90min workouts at the gym or at home. Their intention is to get in shape and lose weight, but because they don’t understand how to work with their hormones, they end up gaining up to 20 lbs!

What gives? Why do your adrenal glands matter?

When you exercise, after you burn through the glucose in your bloodstream - which takes about 30 minutes - you then start tapping into your adrenal reserve. You force the adrenals to pump out cortisol to get your fat cells to convert into sugar for the blood stream.This seems like a good thing, you want the fat to melt right?The problem is, when you have estrogen overload due to unresolved period and fertility issues, the estrogen tells you to store any circulating sugar as fat. So you have this vicious cycle of trying to burn stored fat with cortisol and then estrogen putting it right back on your butt! And this is assuming your adrenals are performing optimally!As if that weren’t bad enough, there is an additional layer of complexity here: your stress levels and diet and how those affect your adrenal health. When we have too much going on (um, hello holidaze!) and when we eat too much sugar and alcohol (again, holiday madness) we are left perfectly vulnerable for our adrenals to start underperforming.So you produce less cortisol throughout the day and during your workouts you can produce none at all! You know you have this adrenal fatigue going on if you find yourself dragging yourself out of bed in the morning and totally drained after your workout and needing a while to recover your energy.In this scenario, you hormones are programming you to be an excellent storer of fat. And any time you workout too hard, too long, you reinforce that messaging.

Where exercise comes in

If you’re feeling drained after the holidays, the antidote is not to pump up the jams and do a zillion jumping jacks - that will actually wear out your adrenal glands even more!In fact, exercising for more than 30 minutes at a time puts undue stress on your adrenal glands by causing cortisol to rise at first, mixing with your estrogen keeping fat on. And if you start this regime already in a state of adrenal fatigue, you’ll gain weight faster than you did from Halloween to New Years!In addition, during the 2nd half of your cycle this all gets worse if you have any of the conditions we treat! At this point - your luteal phase - estrogen is out of balance with progesterone, making you more fatigued and putting further strain on your adrenals.Trust me, having been 200lbs myself, and having tried for years to lose weight before I cracked my WomanCode, I know how frustrating this can be. And of course this is typically when we give up on our new year’s resolutions.

What’s the solution?

Instead of setting yourself up for failure, ease back into a balanced exercise routine!Try 20-minute sessions of cardio or weight training, and longer sessions of more gentle movement like hatha yoga or walking. Definitely do the right exercise for the phase of the cycle you’re in!Tracking your body throughout the month is also really helpful. You’ll get to know how YOUR body functions at different points in your cycle which can help you choose the right kind of exercise for your hormonal phase.

Need more hormone help?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a 4 day hormone detox and evaluation to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.Click here to get your FREE detox and evaluation!

3 Ways to Avoid Thanksgiving Food Panic

Every year around this time, anxiety builds for people everywhere...How can I avoid overeating and gaining weight? What if there are no healthy options available?What if my mother-in-law cooks something I don’t want to eat?If you find yourself asking these questions, you’re not alone!I spent many years showing up to holiday events with limited options for staying in my FLO. It can feel rude and awkward to not eat the food people have prepared for you, and just as rude or awkward to show up with your own tupperware of greens! Right?While it might feel weird, it doesn’t have to be - IF you handle it the right way.Here’s what I learned and here’s what you can do to combat the Thanksgiving food panic:

  1. Find out in advance what the host is cooking. This should come across in a friendly and curious manner. If you don’t hear about options for healthy greens and side dishes, this is where you can offer to help and bring a dish to share!
  2. Be sure to eat breakfast and/or a snack before you arrive. The biggest mistake women make before big holiday meals is starving themselves all day to “save up” calories. This will completely make your blood sugar crazy, and you’ll be left with no option but to stuff your face on the carbiest carb lying around.
  3. Enlist a food buddy. Before or during the event, gain the support of a close friend or family member by sharing your anxiety around food. Tell them about WomanCode and the work you’re doing to balance your hormones and eat in line with your cycle. Be open and honest and crack a joke or two. Ask that person if he or she will help you speak up if needed.

Let us know how it goes in the comments below!And be sure to sign up to get access to our upcoming webinar: Sex, Turkey, & the Extra 5 Pounds. It’s full of valuable content that can save you from excess stress and weight gain this holiday season.

Sex, Turkey, & the Extra 5 Pounds


How you can use the holidays and your hormones to shrink your waistline and charge up your sex driveWhat would it be like if you got through holidays completely healthy, feeling hot and happy, and still able to fit into your jeans by New Years Eve?As I teach in my premium training program, the WomanCode System, if you know how to harness your hormones, this can all be possible.Join me for this extra special holiday teleclass, where you will learn:

  • which holiday foods to eat and which to avoid
  • how to overcome common hormone mistakes
  • the secret supplements you MUST use during the holiday season and….
  • my favorite holiday detox game plan

Sign up here!Callers from outside the US will be able to join for FREE through SKYPE or from a list of international local numbers!

Stress & Your Fertility

Fertility and Stress

Is stress effecting your fertility? You might know by now that stress raises cortisol levels, increases inflammatory markers in the body, and disrupts adrenal-thyroid performance - all of which push your body to act more infertile. Stress actually makes us age prematurely from a hormonal standpoint.With infertility on the rise, it’s important for you to take your stress seriously in your


20s and 30s and do all that you can from a functional nutrition standpoint to protect your fertility from the real effects of stress.If you’re trying to get pregnant or thinking about it for the future, it’s probably not surprising to hear that stress can affect your fertility. But what about how your relationship to your fertility is affecting your stress levels?Anxiety around getting pregnant - or trying not to get pregnant - can be a big factor in upping your stress response and corresponding cortisol levels, which only will further diminish your fertility and overall reproductive health.In other words, if you’re on high alert trying to get everything perfect in order to boost your fertility, that added stress and pressure could be compromising it!To help you stay balanced, here’s what you need to know about both sides of this relationship:

  1. How stress affects your fertility: Experiencing stress and its accompanying insomnia, anxiety, low energy, and sugar addiction are all signs that your adrenal glands are suffering. This unfortunately not only makes you feel lousy, but it indicates a high cortisol and low DHEA ratio that compromises ovulation regularity and diminishes egg quality, both essential factors in your fertility.
  2. What to do about it: Eating a diet with the proper micronutrient content, as outlined in the WomanCode System, is essential for supporting your adrenals and reproductive system. Certain supplements may also be required to boost adrenal function and lower stress.
  3. How your fertility affects your stress: Constantly worrying about your fertile capacity, monitoring your cycle-tracking like a hawk, and feeling fearful every time you go to the doctor are all examples of how your relationship to your fertility could be causing more stress in your life. When this happens, the added stress has the effects noted above, and continues to compromise your fertility.
  4. What to do about it: Feeling confident in what your body needs to be most fertile can be a huge relief. Imagine if you could take deep breaths each day, knowing that you are on track to healthy ovulation and conception! When you’re taking these steps through our program, you’ll breathe easier knowing that you are actually preventing premature hormonal aging.

Ready to balance your stress levels and your fertility?

Join me as I cover how to really deal with stress from a functional medicine standpoint, how to heal and support your adrenal glands, the foods and supplements that help with stress, and exercising with your cyclical patterns to balance stress in my popular audio class, Address Your Stress the WomanCode Way!We will be covering lots of material essential for healthy fertility and I'll be sharing my favorite stress management practices as well ;)

Are You Trying to Conceive?

If you want to do everything in your power to improve your chances of becoming a mom—then we want to help you optimize your fertility.Whether you are just starting to think about having a baby, or have already tried naturally or have been trying with IVF, our Fertile FLO Program will help improve your chances of conception.Click here to download my FREE guide, The 5 Health Foods to Avoid to Get and Stay Pregnant.

One thing every woman 35+ should know about her moods

I have a quick personal story today, that I think can help you.

Once I hit age 35, I started to feel noticeably more anxious every month during the second half of my cycle (i.e. the Luteal Phase, as it’s technically called.) Things that weren’t a big deal in the past, all of a sudden got blown out of proportion as I noticed my mood sensitivity was way more sensitive.

Knowing what I know about hormones, I chalked it up to my naturally declining estrogen levels, and took the necessary steps to help rebalance. This theory was proved true once I got pregnant, when my estrogen naturally increased I started feeling so mellow. No more anxiety.


Why am I sharing this with you? Because I don’t think aging and hormones is talked about  enough prior to menopause. There’s an unspoken belief that we should just function the same decade after decade until we hit the big M (menopause), which simply isn’t true.

The fact is, your hormones shift as you age, and so do your moods.

If you’re noticing your body acting differently as you enter into your mid-to-late 30s, what I want you to know is that it’s totally normal. I also want you to know that you actually have more control than you think over how your symptoms show up. It doesn’t have to be a struggle.In my premium training program, the WomanCode System, I take women through the exact steps I took with food and lifestyle to get my hormonal balance in check across my life cycle.Today, I want to give you a bit of a sneak preview of that formula so that you can start taking the right steps, no matter how old you are.

Here are a few key questions to ask yourself if you’re dealing with mood changes at any age:

Are you eating quality fats? Did you know that quality fats are the building blocks of many of your hormones and can also help with mood stabilization? Healthy fats include avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, seeds, fish oil, and animal protein. Beware of fats like canola oil and other hydrogenated vegetable oils that increase your Omega-6’s and decrease your Omega-3 balance.

Are you caring for your adrenals? Your adrenal glands which manage your stress response tend to get worn out as you get older, which means they need even more love and attention. One of my favorite supplements for adrenal health is vitamin B5.

Are you putting too much pressure on yourself? Keeping up with a killer pace of life is not actually going to get you anywhere faster. It will only burn you out. Where in your life can you set healthy boundaries that allow for more time in your self-care? How can you be more gentle with yourself - i.e. in your exercise routine, work schedule, or social life?!

The truth about natural cures for depression

You’ve probably seen natural supplements like Sam-E and St. John’s Wort that claim to treat depression. Maybe you’ve even tried them yourself.While there can be some benefits if they are taken the right way, here’s what you need to know:You can’t spot-treat your mood.Even when the treatments are “natural,” just taking one supplement and expecting a change is a lot to ask your body. There are complex and connected systems involved with your mood and hormones that require a more holistic and well-rounded approach to be fully effective.I’m going to be bold and say that if you don’t have a clinically diagnosed mental illness, the issue is not in your brain, it’s in your endocrine system. (And if you’re uncertain about whether or not you do, be sure to read this.) What it boils down to are:

3 specific underlying causes to your depression and mood issues

1. Micronutrient Deficiency: Your mood is determined by your gut. 90% of the serotonin your body makes is actually produced in your gut! From Vitamin D, to Vitamin B to Iron to Essential Fatty Acids...if you’re not eating for maximum exposure to these nutrients, you can’t make enough mood-stabilizing neurotransmitters. Also if your gut flora is out of balance, you aren’t absorbing nutrients, which causes inflammation, which increases your risk for dementia and mood issues.

2. Hormonal Imbalance: In the right balance, estrogen makes you feel good and social, while progesterone makes you feel motivated to get things done. When these are imbalanced, however, it can lead to feeling foggy, lethargic, anxious, moody, or tearful. If you’re having PMS and experiencing these symptoms, the likelihood that you’re having a significant mood issue is high. You don’t need Prozac for this - you need to get your period sorted out!3. Not Living Cyclically: If you’re constantly out of sync with your natural flow, you’re going to be more stressed and anxious. You have to learn how to play to your neurochemical strength to minimize the stress that can lead to mood issues.The Cycle Syncing Method® is the only diet and fitness program based on the women's hormonal cycles, or our infradian rhythm. We're not the same throughout the 4 phases of our menstrual cycle - there are changes in our metabolism, brain, stress and other systems. We have different calorie, fitness and nutrient needs depending on which phase we are in. The Cycle Syncing Method® guides you to eat, work, and live in alignment with your infradian rhythm across the different hormonal phases of your cycle. It changes the game when it comes to productivity, success, and making most of life in a female body. Just recently, an article in Vogue said every woman should know about this method!Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!to your FLO,Alisa

Need more Hormone Help?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a 4 day hormone detox and evaluation to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.Click here to get your FREE detox and evaluation!

If You're Also struggling with Anxiety, Check out My Recent Live Video:

How to Fix Hormone Driven Anxiety


Stress & Your Emotions

Do you ever struggle with your emotions? I spent many years holding my emotions in -- to the point where I was no longer able to even identify how I was feeling.If you had asked me from the age of 14 to 24 how I was feeling, the only answer I could give was “I’m fine”. I had no modeling to show me how to safely express my emotions. Because I was so afraid of my emotions, I didn’t trust myself or my feelings, and though I didn’t realize what I was doing, I started to rely on my masculine energy. I checked out of my body and lived in the realm of my mind, excelling in academics and problem-solving as much as I could.Meanwhile, my physical body was suffering. I was overweight, covered in acne, and got my period once a year. I was exhausted, anxious, and stressed.While food played a huge part in my healing journey, it was also the relationship between my feminine and masculine energy that had major implications. You see, the fact that I was divorced from my feminine nature was creating all kinds of stress internally. The activation of my masculine energy had my adrenal glands going into high stress mode, plus it had my reproductive organs turned off - hence, no regular period.This is why, in my hormonal health training programs, I not only cover a breadth of information on food and lifestyle shifts, but there is also quite a bit of work we do on your feminine energy.Today, I want get you focused in that direction so that you can start to release stress from deep places and allow your body to do the magic it’s meant to.From a feminine standpoint, reducing stress is NOT about fighting it or cutting it out of your life completely. That, in fact, is a very masculine way of approaching it.Instead, it’s about leaning into the neurochemistry of your cycle and shifting your priorities and the way you engage with the world.As women, our bodies are constantly shifting throughout the month based on our hormonal patterns. So, too, are our emotional needs and ability to handle stress.The next time you’re getting frustrated at yourself for missing an appointment or not accomplishing everything on your to-do list, take a moment to check in with your body.Ask yourself: Where am I in my cycle?Especially if you’re in your luteal (pre-menstrual) or menstrual phases, see if you can cut yourself some slack. Those are the times in your cycle to be gentler with yourself and take things off of your to-do list.I’m curious about your response to stress ...Please share your questions and insights in the comments below, which will help me and my team better know how to help you manage your stress.I know you might feel alone in these struggles, but I can assure you, you’re not!With love to your lady parts - inside and out,Alisap.s. I delving into all this and more when it comes to stress and your female body in my popular webinar, Address Your Stress The WomanCode Way. Click here for more details if you’re digging this conversation!

Need more Hormone Help?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a 4 day hormone detox and evaluation to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.Click here to get your FREE detox and evaluation!

Where stress really comes from

Where Stress REALLY Comes from

Where does stress really come from? A few weeks before giving birth, I was in the middle of a meeting with my team members, which ran overtime by an hour. Usually the smoothie I have in the morning is enough to last me until right after the meeting, but as the time continued to pass I noticed my blood sugar dropping and my anxiety levels rising. I could palpably feel the cortisol surging through my system during the end of that meeting - I was stressed and anxious and couldn’t think straight. But once I ate, the cortisol flushed out and I felt a sigh of relief.

The moral of the story? So much of our stress is triggered by not eating correctly.

The reality of modern-day life is that you get busy and you get stressed. A lot of that can’t be avoided because you’re trying to achieve as much as you can in your career, social life, family, relationships, and more. And you pride yourself on keeping up with all of it. I get it.

But if you were to stop for a second in the midst of all of this, you’d feel how amped-up you really are! You’d feel the cortisol surging through your bloodstream, keeping you on alert.

When it comes to stress, the problem is not your busy schedule, it’s what happens to your body when you skip self-nourishment in the midst of that busy schedule.

That’s what stress really is.

Your brain can adapt to a big to-do list, but the body - when it’s not given the food foundation it needs to help you with those tasks - becomes really stressed out.

And the good news is, you can prevent this.

I’m excited to introduce the WomanCode way of handling stress in your life. If you’ve taken part in my online premium training program or if you’ve read my book, you’re probably already a bit familiar with this approach, and if you haven’t yet, this is your chance to get in the know.

Start by sharing your biggest question when it comes to handling stress with me below.

Plus, you can join me and start changing the way you think when it comes to stress right NOW in one of my most popular webinars, Address Your Stress the WomanCode Way. We'll cover how to really deal with stress from a functional medicine standpoint, how to heal and support your adrenal glands, the foods and supplements that help with stress, exercising with your cyclical patterns to balance stress, and I'll reveal my favorite stress management practices.

Sending nourishment to your lady parts,Alisa

Need more Hormone Help?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a 4 day hormone detox and evaluation to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.Click here to get your FREE detox and evaluation!

What you need to know to optimize your hormones in your 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s

Many women dismiss their periods as annoying and disruptive. They just want them to go away, no matter their age. But your period is an important indicator of your overall health. The menstrual cycle is considered a vital sign, just like your blood pressure and your pulse, and to ignore it or wish it gone is to do your whole body a disservice.

Whether you’re in your 20s, 30s, 40s, or 50s, the real issue isn’t having a period. The issue is having period problems and, despite what you’ve been told, period problems aren’t normal. When your hormones are balanced, your periods will be symptom-free. When you’re living in sync with your cycle, you won’t dread your period every month because you won’t experience acne, bloating, fatigue, irritability, PMS, heavy or irregular periods, or severe cramps.

Instead, you will feel great AND you will be able to tap into the unique strengths of each phase of your 28-day cycle. A healthy hormone cycle means that some weeks you’re predisposed to being creative and generative, some weeks you’re set up to be focused and productive, some weeks you’re primed to be a tip-top communicator. When you tap into this rhythm, not only will you not want your period to disappear… you will welcome it as a superpower.

But how to keep your hormones healthy changes as you move through different phases of your life. What worked for you at age 23 may not work as well at age 33 or 43.

Today, I’m going to explain how to optimize your hormonal health during each decade of your menstrual years so you can feel, look, and perform your best at every age.

The 7 Different Life Phases of Female Reproductive Hormones

Here are the seven different hormone phases women move through during adulthood. You will know where you are by your age or your life experiences (or both), but I also recommend taking my Period Type quiz to assess your hormone health and cycle status. I recommend re-taking the quiz time every time you enter a new phase. This will help you get in touch with what your cycle is telling and how to best take care of yourself during each new phase of your life.

1. Puberty (9-21 years old)

This is a time where you might notice irregularity with the menstrual cycle. It takes time for the body to build up enough of a hormonal concentration for you to ovulate and menstruate regularly. This is worth reiterating: some irregularities with your menstrual cycle during this time are normal. As a culture, however, we’re quick to assume that these normal fluctuations need to be regulated with medication, i.e. the birth control pill. This means that so many young women are—needlessly and often harmfully—put on the hormonal birth control.

The better route to managing the normal ups and downs of this hormonal phase is to support adolescent girls and young women with food and lifestyle choices. You can work with your daughter or niece (or your own body) during this phase by limiting exposure to endocrine disruptors (everything from chemical-based shampoo to pesticides in her food) and making sure food is working in her (or your) favor.

The birth control pill only masks reproductive health issues and delays proper treatment and care. A great book to help start a teen on this journey is Cycle Savvy by Toni Weschler (who wrote the comprehensive cycle knowledge bible Taking Charge of Your Fertility).

2. Adult Menstrual Years (21 – 35 years old)

This phase of life brings with a lot of stressors—some of the bad, but many of them good, don’t get me wrong! There’s moving to a new place, going to graduate school and/or finding your first job, having caffeine and alcohol for the first time, and more. Whether the life change you’re experiencing during this phase is exciting or just straight-up stressful, it will affect your hormones. This is when you are likely to notice new period problems or a continuation of the symptoms you experienced in puberty.

Addressing hormonal imbalances in this phase requires the same attention to diet and toxin exposure as the puberty phase. But you will likely need even more focused support during this phase, when regular caffeine consumption may be depleting key micronutrients and a sedentary lifestyle (thanks to the demands of internships or entry-level jobs) may be making hormone problems worse.

During this phase, you will want to pay attention to replenishing key micronutrients and syncing your exercise with your cycle.

3. Pregnancy (age varies)

The degree to which you're hormonally sensitive in this phase indicates the degree to which you did or didn’t address your hormonal symptoms in the adult menstrual phase. You should and can feel great during pregnancy, but it usually needs some preparation. I suggest women prep their bodies with diet and lifestyle changes at least 3 months prior to trying to conceive, but preferably a year prior. If you’re a hormonally-sensitive person like me, then it’s even more important to prep for pregnancy as the surge of pregnancy hormones is more likely to lead to health issues.

4. Post-Partum  (age varies)

What you’ve been eating for the decade leading up to having your baby will leave you vulnerable to developing postpartum issues. This is something you want to prevent, but if it’s happening there’s still a lot you can do by engaging in phase-based self care. I’ve shared my postpartum food choices after giving birth to my baby girl—a daily diet that helped me to breastfeed for the next two years, lose the extra baby weight quickly, avoid the mood swings that can arise from my hormone sensitivity, and get my period back at the right time.

5. Perimenopause Phase One (35-45 years old)

This hormonal shift starts at 35 no matter what! You shouldn’t have to feel symptoms during this phase if you’re healthy. You should be ovulating and menstruating regularly and have good muscle tone, skin quality, energy, and sex drive, i.e. still making enough hormones to feel vital and youthful.

It’s key to really pay attention to what your body is telling you in this phase so you can adjust your diet and lifestyle accordingly. It’s very likely that because your hormones are changing, your body will be giving you insight into the underlying problems that need addressing. If you’re not healthy, your body will let you know. Difficulty with fertility, vaginal dryness, wrinkles in skin, and drying of hair are not to be solved at a spa or a salon. These are messages that your hormones need attention—especially before you get into the next phase of perimenopause. You can avoid the effects of premature hormonal aging with the right foods and supplements.

6. Perimenopause Phase Two (45- 55 years old)

This should be a relatively smooth process where FSH levels rise to the point where you no longer ovulate. But for women who have hormone imbalances in phase one of perimenopause, stage two can be unnecessarily rocky—with symptoms and problems starting as early as one’s early 30s!

When hormones are in balance during this stage, the body will manufacture slightly less, though still a balanced amount, of estrogen and progesterone and testosterone. If you’re having hot flashes, night sweats, no libido, etc., you can adjust your diet and lifestyle to ease symptoms and feel better.

Perimenopause is an amazing opportunity to check in with your body, make sure you are doing everything you can to keep your hormones happy and healthy, and to set yourself up for healthy aging.

7. Post-menopause (55 +)

In this phase, FSH levels are now at their new, permanent elevated levels (between 20 and 30) and your estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone should be at stable concentrations, which will be lower than they were in your menstruating years, but still in balanced ratios. If you’ve been eating and taking care of yourself during the previous hormone phases, you should have enough micronutrient building blocks to make this phase symptom-free. Continuing to focus on diet and lifestyle in this phase is key. It’s also a good time to support your digestion and ability to absorb nutrients, which can be compromised with age.

When you care for your hormones with diet, lifestyle, and micronutrient support at every stage of life, you will feel better now—and all down the road.

When is it time for Prozac?

Back in my early 20s, I was scheduled for a doctor’s check-up. As is usually the case I spent a few hours waiting to be called in. During that time my blood sugar dropped majorly - snack-packing failure! - and so by the time I got to see the doctor, I was in hysterics. Without blinking an eye, the doctor whipped out her prescription pad and asked me if I’d like to get on Prozac.You can imagine my reaction - jaw-drop…. “Absolutely not, thank you!” - because I know enough about blood sugar management and hormones to know that it wasn’t clinical depression that was causing my breakdown - it was food.I tell you this story today to introduce the extremely important topic of mood management and hormonal balance.Way too many women are being prescribed medications for symptoms that are actually not depression, but rather are hormonally-induced mood changes.If you’re wondering whether or not your symptoms call for medication or the more natural route of food therapy support, continue reading!

How Prozac and other SSRIs work

Plain and simply, SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), of which Prozac is one, help your brain take in more serotonin. Serotonin is one of the main neurotransmitters that makes you feel happy. So it seems like if your brain can take in more of it, you’ll be happier - right? Not exactly...Here’s the catch -If your body is not making enough serotonin in the first place, it doesn’t matter how much Prozac you’re taking because you’ll still have the same underlying problem.And guess what? 95% of the serotonin you have is produced in your GUT! This means that the food you’re eating has a MAJOR impact on how much you can make in the first place.If you don’t have a clinically diagnosed mental illness - which we’ll explain more about shortly - you don’t want to be on SSRIs. The side effects of these medications are so powerful that you’ll kill your sex drive, put on weight, and experience a range of other unpleasant side effects.For more on this topic and a timeline of medications and women, check out this article.

Signs you don’t need medication:

Here’s a list of signs from your body that indicate food and lifestyle therapies, like our WomanCode System, would be extremely beneficial and that you therefore most likely DO NOT need medication:

  • Hypoglycemia - If your blood sugar is on a rollercoaster, much like my example from the doctor’s office above, it means you’re majorly messing with your brain chemistry which will lead to feeling blue or anxious.
  • Cyclical fluctuations - It’s actually normal to feel differently throughout different times in your cycle. Women tend to be more social, outgoing, and positive in the 1st half of their cycle (i.e. the follicular and ovulatory phases) and more inwardly focused, sensitive, and easier to fatigue in the second half (the luteal/pre-menstrual and menstrual phase). You may have judgements about these mood shifts that can also compound the feeling that something is wrong with you. (It’s not. This is a normal brain chemistry change.)
  • Moments of anxiety or high stress - If you experience what feels like a panic attack while executing normal daily functions, or if you function on high levels of stress or anxiety, you may or may not need medication. You definitely need to work on supporting your adrenal glands through your diet and lifestyle, either way! It’s likely you’re in stage 2 of adrenal fatigue here, which needs to be addressed naturally in order to heal.
Signs medication can help:

Here’s a list of signs and symptoms from your body and mind that indicate you most likely DO need medication:

  • OCD-like behavior - Obsessive-Compulsive activities and thoughts that interfere with your quality of life.
  • Clinical depression - When you can’t get out of bed in the morning, have no appetite, and it feels hard to do anything.
  • Severe anxiety or panic attacks - Where you feel like you’re dying or having a heart attack. When it gets to the cardiovascular levels, it’s an indication you’ve reached the point where medical help is important. But as stated above, a lot can be done naturally to reverse the effects of stress and heal your adrenal glands.
  • Other psychological diagnoses: Bipolar, Manic-depression, Borderline Personality Disorder

Please note that I’m not trying to diagnose or treat you here, but rather giving you points of reference to help assess your own symptoms. It’s important to see a doctor to help you determine what’s best for you, and if you go into your doctor’s office already well-informed, you’ll be so much better off :)

Medication is NOT the only option

Want to know what’s really going on with your hormones and learn how to take a drug-free approach?We’ve designed a quiz to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance NOW.[gravityform id="1" name="Sign up here to get your quiz!" description="false"]

Conquering PCOS: What Type Do You Have?

If you’ve been diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) or know someone who has, you might question why you don’t fit into every single one of the symptoms listed on Google.This is because PCOS is a condition that isn’t black or white, but rather it contains a spectrum of symptoms that you might experience at various levels of intensity. Which also indicates that conquering PCOS does not always occur with a one size fits all approach.In general there are 2 extreme types:

  1. The classic kind shows up as obesity, hirsutism, amenorrhea, acne, and of course multiple tiny cysts on the ovaries from the lack of ovulation.
  2. The thin kind shows up with no extreme weight issues or skin issues, but still amenorrhea and cysts on the ovaries.

Within those 2 extremes are various combinations and levels of severity with each symptom, as every woman��s body and hormones are unique.

What’s the real difference here?

The thin type of PCOS has better efficiency of insulin and glucose in the cells, which is why there are no extreme weight issues that show up, but there is still a miscommunication happening between the pituitary and the ovaries that blocks or delays ovulation. The classic type usually has little or no ability to get glucose into cells and can become insulin resistant. Since the act of ovulation is very sensitive to insulin levels and glucose levels, this can pose a problem for menstruation and fertility.

So does the same treatment work for both kinds?

In terms of classic medical treatment, the answer is no. We’ll talk more about the birth control pill and metformin in next week’s article.In terms of the natural nutritional and lifestyle protocol we use here at FLO, the answer is yes, but with some modifications for each type.What’s true across the board is that extreme diets like paleo or raw do not have a great effect on conquering PCOS, either kind. While women report some results, they don’t get the full remission that is possible with the right kind of diet.What is the right kind of diet? A hormonal and cyclical one! In both cases, you need to eat to support endocrine function - like blood sugar stability, adrenal performance, estrogen metabolism - all the things we take you through in the FLO protocol while simultaneously improving your exposure to the right micronutrients that create hormones, stabilize them, and keep them moving in the blood stream.To help you understand what does work for each extreme type, we’re going to illustrate with two examples: our very own Alisa and our FLO counselor Jessica.

Classic example: Alisa

Alisa pink cropped

As we mentioned earlier, Alisa experienced much of the classic symptoms of PCOS: extreme weight gain, acne all over, hirsutism, and very infrequent periods.Her body was having a difficult time managing insulin and glucose levels. Think of it like someone who keeps walking into a glass door but keeps hitting her head. This is what’s happening to glucose when it’s trying to get into the cell. The body releases more insulin to try and help, and those high levels of insulin prevent ovulation.Women with classic PCOS are often put on metformin for this reason, which can sometimes be a bridge until her diet and lifestyle are under control.If you’re on this extreme, here are 2 things you can start doing today:1. Eat cinnamon for blood sugar stability. Sprinkle it everywhere or take a supplement! Cinnamon has been proven to improve insulin and glucose management.2. Try walking for 5 minutes after every meal. Gentle movement after eating helps to mobilize the glucose you’ve just consumed and get it into your cells more efficiently. These short bouts of movement peppered throughout your day and after eating and be even more effective than only doing one chunk of exercise once per day!

Thin example: Jessica


When Jessica first came to FLO Living over 7 years ago, she had been on the birth control since age 18 and never got a natural period. During her teenage years she was a ballerina and was highly active as well as underweight at times, and definitely not eating a diet that was hormonally supportive. This lifestyle combined with genetic factors, caused ovulation to stop and a “string of pearls” of cysts to develop on her ovaries. Her doctor told her she would have to come back for IVF when she wanted to get pregnant since there was a big chance that she would be infertile.Before Jessica knew there was another option, she took the birth control pill to induce a period each month. Meanwhile she was feeling depressed, creatively blocked, and in the dark about her body. She had blood sugar issues, but not to the extreme of insulin resistance.What’s happening with this kind of PCOS is that the pituitary gland and the ovaries are not communicating well due to micronutrient deficiencies that support hormone creation and transport. Think of it like a phone call: The pituitary gland in the brain is trying to call the ovaries (via hormones in the bloodstream) but all the ovaries hear are static on the line because they are not getting the right signals.Women with this kind of PCOS are often put on the pill to induce a period each month, but really it’s just a band-aid solution to a much deeper problem that needs to be addressed.If you’re on this extreme, here are 2 things you can start doing today:1. Lay off extreme exercise. Excessive cardio is only going to zap your adrenal glands and put your whole system in stress mode which is counterintuitive for ovulation and restoring your pituitary gland’s proper function. Explore gentle forms of movement like yoga that can help balance your hormones and stress levels.2. Follow the moon. That might sound strange, but if you start observing the moon and it’s changing patterns throughout the month it can help your body relearn how to get into that cyclical mode. Sleep in complete dark all month long, except for the 3 days before, during, and after the full moon - the light you let in will simulate the moonlight. If you’re already following our protocol, you can also map out the cyclical eating plan to match the moon phases if you’re not menstruating regularly. (New Moon is equivalent to menstruation, Full Moon is equivalent to ovulation.)

Need more Hormone Help?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a 4 day hormone detox and evaluation to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.Click here to get your FREE detox and evaluation!

Heavy Periods: The One Supplement You Need

Heavy period bleeding can be one of the most debilitating symptoms you can experience. The pain, the inconvenience, and the boxes of pads and tampons to go through each month - ahh! Some women suffer from heavy periods all their lives, others get it more intensely after pregnancy or develop it during perimenopause.

There are a few ways it might show up for you:

1. A normal (5-7 day) length bleed with a super heavy flow that causes you to bleed through everything

2. Extended bleeding for 2-3 weeks out of the month or more

3. Frequent bleeding - 4 or more days at a time, twice per month

4. Heavy clotting

Often times these are associated with anemia and fatigue, which can make it feel like a drag to get through the day.

What’s the underlying cause?

There are 3 main reasons heavy bleeding can develop:
  1. Estrogen overload. When your estrogen levels are high, the lining of your uterus can become thicker. Estrogen can also be much higher relative to progesterone, which is the hormone that will keep your uterine lining intact for a longer period of time. Excess estrogen occurs when diet contains estrogen-rich foods, and when your liver is not able to keep up with detoxification.
  1. Lack of uterine tone. Both a sedentary lifestyle and pregnancy can cause the uterus to lose its tone. While this is a physical issue, it is also influenced by the quality of nutrients you are getting through your diet.
  1. Hypothyroidism. One of the signs that your thyroid might be slow is excess bleeding. If you also notice you have a lack of appetite, are gaining weight, feel cold most of the time, and are fatigued easily, there’s a good chance your thyroid function is below the normal range.

With any of these causes, there is an essential, proactive approach you must take if you want a lasting solution.

What you can do:

To eliminate heavy bleeding for good, you must look at the larger picture of balancing hormones. Your diet and lifestyle are the most essential factors in this picture, since how you eat and how you live have a direct effect on your hormonal balance. In each of the 3 underlying causes listed above, you can see how there is a direct influence from food and daily practices.

Our 5-step protocol is designed to help you create a solid foundation with your diet and lifestyle, so that you can eliminate excess estrogen, restore proper thyroid function, and rebuild uterine health, thereby banishing frustrating symptoms like heavy bleeding.

Where do supplements come in?

Taking supplements means exactly what the word implies: a supplemental addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

If you’re experiencing heavy periods, here are supplements you can start taking that will help heal the issue alongside other dietary changes:

  • Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids - 2,000-4,000 mg/day - has an anti-estrogenic effect on the uterus.  A study showed that vitamin C was able to reduce heavy bleeding in 87% of women who participated. Bioflavonoids were also shown to strengthen the vessel walls of the capillaries, further reducing the bleeding. *
  • Sulforaphane - detoxifies and clears out excess estrogen from the body. It also provides protection against fibroid growth, as well as supporting a healthy inflammatory response.
  • NAC - supports detoxification in the liver, and provides antioxidant support against inflammation.
  • DIM - assists the body in removing excess estrogen. DIM also helps balance hormones and weight, and may reduce long periods.
  • Calcium-D-Glucarate - detoxifies excess hormones and supports the liver in breaking down and removing xenoestrogens.

Our RELEASE Fibroids and Heavy Bleeding Supplement Kit contains all of the essential nutrients needed to help get to the root cause of heavy bleeding to get rid of it for good.

Of course any supplement is only a part of the bigger picture of diet and lifestyle. To create sustained healing and a balanced period, you need to address several factors including estrogen overload, progesterone levels, cortisol levels, elimination and blood sugar stability.

In our webinar, Troubleshoot Your Period Problems, we'll break it all down for you into easy-to-apply action steps that will get you from feeling weighed down by your period to flo-ing freely all month long! This webinar covers:

  • The most common period problems and how to self-diagnose: PMS, heavy bleeding, irregular or missing periods, etc.
  • Exactly what signs and symptoms to be aware of – and which ones indicate something more serious
  • The steps to take to address them all from the underlying causes

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We can help you address your underlying issues and understand your hormones like never before

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “MyFLO has been a true game changer for me and my cycle. I now have an increased awareness of my body's needs throughout the month.”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “MyFLO has completely transformed my relationship with my cycle. I am sleeping through the night, intuitively managing my stress, and eating with my cycle.”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “I use MyFLO every day to track my cycle and symptoms. I've managed to significantly reduce PMS symptoms like breast tenderness, and my cycle length has gone down from 40 days to 30 days.”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Boost micronutrient levels

  • Manage blood sugar

  • Reduce stress

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • "My period was missing for 3 years after getting off birth control. MonthlyFLO helped me finally get my period back.”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • I feel more empowered to understand my body and heal my hormones. I no longer accept the patriarchal dismissal and confusion about the female cycle”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “I got my period back after 15 years! Thank all of you for your support. I'm just so grateful!”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “FLO Living has seriously changed my life. It gave me the courage and bravery to get off of birth control, and completely changed my outlook on health. I look and feel better than I ever have in my life”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Detox estrogen

  • Reduce inflammatory foods

  • Improve elimination

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Reduce Androgens

  • Restore ovulation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Boost progesterone production

  • Support estrogen elimination with dietary changes

  • Replenish micronutrients

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Detox estrogen

  • Improve bowel movements

  • Reduce inflammation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Manage blood sugar

  • Address micronutrient deficiencies

  • Restore ovulation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Detox chemical stress

  • Micronutrients to boost egg quality

  • Reduce inflammation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Detox chemical stress

  • Targeted micronutrients to support ovulation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Micronutrients to boost egg quality

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Support immune function of uterus

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Implement Cycle Syncing ®

  • Detox chemical stress

  • Boost micronutrient levels

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Manage blood sugar

  • Detox estrogen

  • Boost progesterone production

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Reduce stress

  • Boost energy

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Restore Micronutrients

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Boost progesterone production

  • Support estrogen elimination

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Micronutrients to boost egg quality

  • Reduce inflammation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Boost progesterone production

  • Increase micronutrient levels

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